1.1.0 Patch Notes - Sacrifice of the Vaal

We want NEW SUPPORTER PACKS for the expansion!!!
Completed 8/8 Challenges Ons/Ana
8/8 Challenges Nem/Dom #1 Templar Nem/Dom
6/8 Challenges Invasion/Ambush #1 Templar 2 Week Race
8/8 Challenges Beyond/Rampage & Bloodlines/Torment #1 Templar BL (lvl100)
IGN: BeerBeastTheBurninator | 8/8 Temp/Warb | 32/32 TalismanHC | 40/40 PerandusHC
I don't understand this patch ...

You wanna make mass legacy to destroy standard, like that all player go new leagues ... ok .., do that if you want, but seriously, 3 version of rainbow?

Chris wrote:

Vaal Pact no longer suppresses life recovery from flasks

Mmmm ... ok, you wanna only life build with vaal pact, we understand ...

Chris wrote:

and now also reduces your leech by 60%.

Ok, so now vaal pact kill you vs reflect map ... nice idea ...

Chris wrote:

The way leech applies to the player has changed. If you leech additional life while currently leeching, it no longer queues after the current leech.

Ok, so if we have a desync we don't leech? So cyclone will become more letal for us? Nice idea again ...

Chris wrote:

Technically, where multiple leeches are stacked, the largest one is used.

I'm not sure understand that ... If i've 10% life leech on blood rage and 4% on crown of eyes, i'll have 10% life leech, the crown will be ignored? If it's that, nice idea again, really, make an item mod completly useless, nice.
If it's not that, can you explain please?

Chris wrote:

Desecrate: the maximum level of a created corpse has been changed to being higher than the required level of the skill. This scales up to a monster level cap of 100 by level 20 of the gem.

Seriously? Donalf's build is not enough op? You really need triple his dps?

It's not a troll message, I really wanna understand why you did that.
Last edited by Evelyus#3421 on Mar 4, 2014, 6:29:38 AM
Most of the balance changes are probably decent-good ... I like the change to LL dymanic and Vaal Pact, skill gem changes (rather minor). Some are dumb (totems). Legacy crap, who cares about that tbh, you should know by now how it works, is a lame way to decide how to balance the game but it is how it is.

But my complaint is that nothing is being done to address core problems, from technical issues to 'economy-game experience balance'. Is more of the same, with rehashed content, some one-shoot fest bosses, etc. Why not changing (at least try, like you tried with IIQ)/removing IIR? Why not removing eternals & mirrors? Why not implementing real craft (and trade) systems? Why not fix the 'pay currency for content access' bad currency sink? Why not make changes to be more barter oriented (this hurts rmt/botting more than any other change) instead of monetized (currency exchange) game (GGG given up on barter economy)? Why not address risk-reward (the lack thereof) problems? Not to get started with technical issues, or even obvious crap like zones layout (are level designers even aware of desync? Please force them to play on live servers!).

You know, some of us have been playing the game long enough to realize this crap getting old. Most of the real long-term problems of the game have not do with petty balance changes (to these you can adapt and add some sort of meta, even if sometimes GGG approach is kind of amateur) and more with how the core game design of the game is.

And some additions are already bad in design, again, like the vaal orb mechanics; is just stupid, more rng is what we need...
Chris wrote:
Item Balance:
  • Two-Stone Rings can now drop in all leagues.
  • Prismatic Rings will no longer drop, but can still be crafted. The Taming can also be crafted.
  • Unique items that were exclusive to Domination and Nemesis can no longer drop.

ok i can craft taming in standard but i cant get the ingredients?
Choilicious wrote:
RIP BoR builds

Also where are the searing bond nerfs? do you even follow your own game meta?

Seriously? It's one of the most OP items in the game. It got a slap on the wrist. And if I ever find one myself, it will STILL allow me to make the most powerful melee character I have ever made.
Glad I bought an Aegis last month... -_-

Not like it matters, though. I'll be playing the new leagues.

Changes look pretty good. I am psyched for new leagues tomorrow. :D
Last edited by vindictive#1103 on Mar 4, 2014, 6:32:59 AM
Will lucky me....OR NOT.

So yesterday i was talking to a friend of mine who wanted to pr order the new diablo 3 expansion and trying to convince me to get it also so we can play together.
Long story short i connived him to download POE and play with me....left it along time ago cuz of nerfs.

Today i log into the forums and find this patch.....They decrease IIQ? lol lol lol :D

Will i'm not gonna play D3 but i think i'll pass also POE this time....i don't have all the time in the world to double my farming to get the same results.
Last edited by Fargali#6965 on Mar 4, 2014, 6:32:55 AM
Fargali wrote:
Will lucky me....OR NOT.

So yesterday i was talking to a friend of mine who wanted to pr order the new diablo 3 expansion and trying to convince me to get it also so we can play together.
Long story short i connived him to download POE and play with me....left it along time ago cuz of nerfs.

Today i log into the forums and find this patch.....They decrease IIQ? lol lol lol :D

Will i'm not gonna play D3 but i think i'll pass also POE this time....i don't have all the time in the world to double my farming to get the same results.

If you played the game, you'd see that IIQ isn't really needed anymore.

Honestly, if you haven't played in a while, you should give it a go. The game has changed a lot, mostly for the better in my opinion.

Fruz wrote:
casval776 wrote:

Your statements are irrelevant.
-Summoners are in an increasingly bad place right now. Completely disregarding when they were considered "OP", every change to summoner has been an increasing nerf towards the playstyle alone, much less the build that they were defined upon.
-Auras were buffed but their price was far higher than the benefit they offered. Considering Summoners already had to traverse half the tree to pick up summoner nodes and another hefty investment for survivability alone, now summoners are forced to invest even more point into reservation nodes. Given the vast majority of the leveling process is survivability and direct summon utility, at what point does this build take off? 70? 80? That's already far into end game. Any build that takes that long to develop isn't worth the effort to even attempt to pull it off.

It's more than efficient enough atm.
So that basically means that it used to be OP if now is a bad place for summoners to you, right ? Well good thing it's not anymore ( I'm not actually quite sure about that, snapshotting can make summoners very very powerful, that should be fixed though ).

When the efficiency of a build is based on abuse of bugged mechanics, the build isn't good to begin with.
Summoners haven't been OP in years, not since their first onslaught of official nerfs. Summoners only exceled in one aspect: soloing. Even then, there were other builds that rivaled their speed and efficiency. Right now, summoners don't really rival the speed and efficiency of other popular options.

It's a dying build. It has been for years now. Nerf after nerf for years is bringing it to its knees. I'll respect the fact that you started 2 weeks ago and finally made it to Cruel, however, some of us have been playing the build for years and know a lot more than you do. If I wanted unrivaled speed and efficiency, summoner wouldn't be my choice. If I wanted a cheap build to solo with, summoner still wouldn't be my choice.
If you're reading this, I'm probably on another year-long ban.
Thanks GGG.

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