1.1.0 Patch Notes - Sacrifice of the Vaal

nikals wrote:

Why are you concerned about disadvantages and even playing fields if you don't want to compete?

I believe GGG wants to phase out MF and eventually buff boss loot tables substantially, if they already won't in Sacrifice of the Vaal.

You seem to be misunderstanding "competing" and "Being able to afford anything".

The way I see it, the game revolves around a player A, a good player, making builds that work based on their knowledge of how the game works and player B, a scrub like me, seeing it and going monkey see monkey do.

Now player A might have farmed the items to make it work, but player B has never done it.

Now that in mind, explains to me why they are nerfing the portion of MF that affects curency rather than the one that affects finding these items yourself? Surelly both portions of MF are as big of a deal but the latter puts the player B in less-affected position as its not an option for me to farm the gear to begin with, seeing how any working version of them is legacy.

Do you now understand what Im on about? :P

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnd orgasm...
[removed by Support]

Love the patch notes! :)
Last edited by Kieren_GGG#0000 on Mar 4, 2014, 6:59:25 AM
Afura wrote:
BoondockSaint wrote:

So with every patch build diversity is less and less cause people take skills that suck less, and not how it should be, to pick skill that is more fun.

I agree with you. An other problem is that a lot of people will not use anymore the nerfed skills, so they will take other ones. And then in 4 months GGG see that too much people are using those other skills and nerf them too. And this will happen until every damn skill is nerfed to dead. But the problem is that people use the better skill gems, because the other skill gems suck too much. There are so many weak skill gems for the endgame which need strongly a buff. If they would buff those weak skills, so maybe not everyone would take only the strongest skill gems.

a lot of what i see is people complaining when they cant figure out how to make a (seemingly-weak) skill work effectively because its not a part of some already-established build they can find and copy.

Last edited by awave#0377 on Mar 4, 2014, 6:26:00 AM
Doomsdxy wrote:
WTF are you guys doing? Nobody uses Totems anymore.

So, instead rolling dual totem SRS witch, I should just snapshot spectres, as almost every other summoner? Long live build diversity!

And with VP changes, my CIs are going to be recreated as EB/MoM characters. Because why ppls should have proper choices?
Anticipation slowly dissipates...
Nice patch! Keep up the awesome work GGG :D

And as usual people are whining and whining... Maybe the patches should not apply to standard league after all, so people can keep playing it till they got bored to death of the same builds and items.

I really love the new changes and thank god for nerfing aegis!
I would like to have same magic ball where i can read future like most of the crybabies here.

Love the patch notes. The vaal pact change is brilliant it was barely being used now I think it will change alot
tmaciak wrote:
Doomsdxy wrote:
WTF are you guys doing? Nobody uses Totems anymore.

So, instead rolling dual totem SRS witch, I should just snapshot spectres, as almost every other summoner? Long live build diversity!

And with VP changes, my CIs are going to be recreated as EB/MoM characters. Because why ppls should have proper choices?

Hehe gotta agree with the VP change. One less reason to play CI. I wonder if anyone gonna be making CI builds after a few more patches.
Overall awesome stuff! Can't wait for tomoz!
IGN @ TestRound
IGN @ allincall

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