[0.10.4b] Bow Marauder (The Shocker (tm)) [**TO BE UPDATED SOON 1.0.0**]
Endgame passive builds updated to split into two variants; HC and SC. No more questions asked such as "can you change this around to suit HC for me, please", hopefully.
A change was made on auras as well, for purely mathematical reasons. A few percent higher efficiency this way. Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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im pretty sure split arrow > ls
reason: 1. la makes your computer lag, at least in my case 2. with a 5l, chain+faster attack+weaele+loh is so good, for la you need lmp and chain, which has a huge percent of damage reduction 3. split arrow has a max of 5 arrow WITHOUT lmp, with chain you can get 1000+ health from loh per hit 4. for diablo3 players, doesnt split arrow make you rmb something? the sound effect |
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" Hi, with latest changes to SC build u dropped +mana and mana reserve nods. still running 6 auras? (how u solve mana issue?) ign: ithrowitcomesback
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btw when will you switch to respec bm?
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" Well RIP, i hit 70, and died on a map because i desyncd into a random room when it looked like i was just running safely. =(. thanks for the build though, it was OP =) |
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Just so you know, for your Hardcore build there's two 12% nodes down the bottom left of the tree which you could be taking instead of some of the 8%'s you've gone for.
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" Yeah I was wondering on the same thing. I would like an answer on this too. |
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He's using Blood Magic gems for all his attack skills. Therefore, he only needs like 300 mana, total, to use all the auras he's planning on running. That's easily attainable through levels, +int nodes, and a little bit of mana from equipment (if needed).
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hi guys,
I just want to say that while this build is great it does not have to followed to a key to work. What VenatorPoE has provided us with is a great template to help create a elemental bow marauder. I can't thank VenatorPoE enough for that fact cause I have made fail build after fail build. Now I have something to work off of which has so far been not only my most fun character, but most successful. Also I can't thank those who have offered insight into the build as well cause it truely has been a fun ride. Keep up the good work guys and the addition of ideas to this thread, as I feel this will be one of the go to builds for not only the vets out there but new players as well. |
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" If you actually try it ingame, you will notice LA has a huge advantage over Split Arrow. And no, you do not want to use Chain with LA. Chain with SA though becomes mandatory for a build like this (SA is good for rather specific builds, but not this one). The gem setup difference is that with LA you have to use LMP, and with SA you have to use either Fork or Chain, both of which screw it up in their own way. Stick to LA, trust me. " Read the OP again; as I stated a few posts back, I also made a change to the auras. Endgame you run three auras, Purity, Wrath, Anger. The rest have been dropped to maximize efficiency. With this setup you do not need a single mana/mana reservation node. You pretty much get the three auras for free. (not completely free, for hair splitters among you) " When I acquire two 5L items. I still use only 4L at most. It would also be nice to be a bit higher level. Around 75 would be awesome. " Aaaaand this is why I do not play HC. If you watched my video; you noticed how much crazy lag I get. The character I am playing has died (I am ashamed to admit) 14 times already, out of that 1 was my mistake (I let Vaal hit me with lightning on Merciless, then constructs slapped me just as I got shocked - I should've been smarter) and the rest were due to unexplicable lag. I tried everything; from freeing up more RAM and turning off shadows, to completely minimizing every graphical setting and closing every unnecessary process on the PC, using cable connection instead of wireless, and I bought a new graphics card... to no avail. " The cost of those 2 HP nodes is 3 points, because you have to take a 10 STR node to get to them. 12 + 12 = 24. 24 / 3 = 8. So I get 8% HP per node. I rather keep it clean and simple and take more readily available nodes. Those are available if you just want more HP and took every other available node, though... Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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