[0.10.4b] Bow Marauder (The Shocker (tm)) [**TO BE UPDATED SOON 1.0.0**]

Damn I can't decide whether to use frenzy or elemental hit, can't finish act 2 without dealing with bandits (skill point vs frenzy charge)
IGN: Kebehsenuf
Damn I can't decide whether to use frenzy or elemental hit, can't finish act 2 without dealing with bandits (skill point vs frenzy charge)

I was in the same position. I was using frenzy and was going to get 2 frenzy nodes + frenzy from bandit quest to give me 6 frenzy charges.

then ggg changed the tree. the middle part of the duelist tree now looks better than the ranger tree.
i chose EH even tho my bow does 173 phsyical dmg. (the +phys dmg part of 6 frenzy charges would have really ramped that up.)
Has anyone used frenzy to charge up to 5 frenzy charges and then use elemental hit? I have been using only frenzy for 30 levels (haven't found elemental hit yet). It takes a second or less to charge up to 5. Wouldn't I do significantly more damage using elemental hit as well?
From my experience, using Frenzy only to charge up and keep the charges up can be a little bit annoying at times. Simplifying it by using Frenzy as the main single target skill was a welcome "change" to that, because I didn't have to look at the FCharge timer anymore - the charges are almost constantly up, because I kill any white stragglers or yellows with it.

To "fix" the "lack" of EH, I put it on a totem. Works like a charm for me.
Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
VenatorPoE wrote:
From my experience, using Frenzy only to charge up and keep the charges up can be a little bit annoying at times. Simplifying it by using Frenzy as the main single target skill was a welcome "change" to that, because I didn't have to look at the FCharge timer anymore - the charges are almost constantly up, because I kill any white stragglers or yellows with it.

To "fix" the "lack" of EH, I put it on a totem. Works like a charm for me.

when you have frenzy charges, your totem fires faster as well?
Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
VenatorPoE wrote:

hm.. so i basically double dip with Frenzy. +phys dmg/+att speed for both my attack *AND* my totem's attack.
and since my bow does 173 phys dmg, that +phys dmg multiplier would really ramp up how much overall firepower i'm dishing out.

oh well.. i killed all the bandits and got the skill point.
Last edited by Pi314 on Mar 25, 2013, 9:56:48 PM
on my next toon, i might try a build to maximize synergies between bow and totem:

- use Death Harp unique bow till Merciless Act1. no need for LMP plus no dmg penalty like LMP. use added fire/cold/or lightning support gem in LMP's place.
- Use Frenzy and max it out to 7 Frenzy charges

Any other useful synergies?
Last edited by Pi314 on Mar 25, 2013, 11:26:19 PM
I am lvl 66 atm, can farm merc docks easily but I get raped in maps. Which pieces of my gear should I change first?

Current build

I have 3.6k hp, 1.3k LA, 45/75/75 res and 35% reduction
IGN: Kebehsenuf
Last edited by ShadowWalker07 on Mar 26, 2013, 7:37:00 AM
Update: I randomly uploaded a new video in which I clear a lvl67 map, Cemetery. I'm going to replace the old link in the OP with the new one, even though the new video ended up not being true HD. Annoying as it is, I am not going to bother spending another whole day uploading, but instead I'm keeping it as it is. Do read the description below the video for further information!

I am lvl 66 atm, can farm merc docks easily but I get raped in maps. Which pieces of my gear should I change first?
I have 3.6k hp, 1.3k LA, 45/75/75 res and 35% reduction

I would say this is merely the problem of being underleveled. Farm Lunaris Temple level 3 for the fastest XP gain (that's what I did anyway), and start mapping at lvl70. Work on 66 maps until level 75, that will ensure you get more stats through levels, and you will probably get gear upgrades in the meantime.
Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.

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