[0.10.4b] Bow Marauder (The Shocker (tm)) [**TO BE UPDATED SOON 1.0.0**]
" ok thanks for the input, i changed it so now i have 103 points.... i basically took out the marauder health nodes for exchange of DPS and increased effects of shadow tree. do you think this build lacks the survivability of later games, and i should sacrifice going into shadow area for dps in exchange for the health in marauder? build: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgQABLMFLQX5DH0OPA6tEH8UTRRxFfAXHRjbGYoZtBo4GtsdFB4aIWAotSmlKlss6S2DMgkyiTWSOlJAoEGqQ5xKfU7IUzVWBFb6V-JZ81uvYIhhUmOnZp5noGe9bWxyqXTxd-V463zZhmCHdo1-j0aQVZcGmy2boZu1nrmfy6IApwinhKyqtDi1SLe2uJO-p8AaxKLGnsbnytPNmNDQ0hnTftbR3ILdDd1G3sbfv-UZ5wrqYuw47g7ub-9O8B_3Mvjr-WP6sfrS-_X8TvzF_5M= |
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I'd actually say that 95-96 is really all the points you should count on, getting to low 80s is definitely doable, but I really start to feel the slow down after 75/76. But even that is just temporary, as I would imagine after they finish A3/ release A4 (which granted, will probably be a while) we will have some more higher level options to help get to say, mid 80s.
As for his build, I wouldn't say it needs that much tearing down, pretty much everything is standard aside from the branch up to the ranger/shadow area. Without having the offline skill planner handy atm, the main things I would look into would be 1) getting the innerfocus cluster (on my last version of this build, it added about 11% to my LA DPS, and if you have less elemental damage on equipment than I do it would be an even bigger % increase) 2) If you want to stay very DPS focused (your build might have been a little low on HP, not going to total it up by hand lol), I think you can get better returns on your nodes by cutting up to the middle from the duelist area (just before fury bolts). You can get 15% IAS within 7 nodes total, and there is a decent paths from there to shadow and ranger area (passing by more IAS and an 8/8/12 health cluster), and there are some other goodies in the middle as well (IG, while not great, is from my experience about equivalent to a +12% projectile node even with a low phys bow, and there is a WED cluster and a few 8/8/12 health clusters) I still need to decide if its worth leveling a third time to get the new cruel IAS reward even though I have a 76 and a 77 with full respecs available lol. I think I might because I seem to have much better currency drops when leveling characters than I do once I hit the farming stage (even sticking to high level zones.maps to avoid the penalty). Just leveling yesterday to get the new fire skill I got 3 alchs, a chaos, and 2 Freezing pulse drops (though sadly they were both 0% quality so they were worthless). Also found a couple new pieces of twink gear to add to future leveling builds lol. [edit] revised build you posted looks a little low on health to me without sitting down and totaling it (especailly since you pass by some really nice ones on way to SB without getting them). It also looks like even if you put the ranger/shadow stuff off until a higher level, and made a B line over to templar area, you would basicaly just have the one divine toughness cluster as your only health nodes until like late 40s or something? Early game would probably be pretty tough. [edit2] Also, the 5% elemental damage nodes in the Shadow start are quite possibly the least valuable of all +damage nodes there are and I can't think of any situation where I would get them on this build. They deff lose in utility value to any of the health clusters you pass, and even if you wanted damage you could drop 2 of them from int+elementalist for the same +ele damage and +20 int. Heck, why are you even getting those 3x+5% when you left 2x+8% projectile and +4% bow IAS adjacent to your current path in the ranger area. Same number of nodes, for 1% more damage and 4% ias, not even close :p Last edited by ShadowyDream#4629 on Mar 8, 2013, 11:31:17 AM
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Hi guys! First of all thanks for your useful advices. Now, my question.
Does this build works as in the previous versions? I really love it, and need the advice about the SC tree - Grace and more damage, less HP, Blood Magic keystone (is it works as earlier, or is it needs some corrections). Sorry for my English... Thank you! |
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" This is REALLY great i appreciate your advice on this i changed it up a bit based on your suggestions. i basically took out the shadower area like you suggested and went up the middle road + got innerfocus i think this might work better, but I still lack the health.... not sure what i can do to make up for it except grabbing a few more health nodes on the way i will probably end up doing ranger and the middle path above duellist last, and grab IRON RELEX along the way. Or should i grab IR first before the health nodes on the way to templar let me know what you think and please let me know if my build is any better or worse than the standard ones posting, because i want to optimize DPS. FEW THOUGHTS: i was thinking if it should drop grabbing R/T and Blood magic keystones, and thus i can continue my way straight to templar from the 30wed and 15 ias middle path, and saving me a lot of points. I can then just rely on crit to boost my dps? but then i would have to go for crit nodes... im really lost on this build right now i just started playing a bit and experimenting.... any further suggestions would be nice! thanks so much for the help so far, forums been great =) revised #2 build (i have 109 points >.>): http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgQAA5YEswUtBfkMfQ48Dq0QfxRNFHEVIBXwFm8XHRjbGbQaOBrbHRQhYCi1KaUqTSzpMgkyiTWSNuk6UjsoPydAoEGqQ5xFCkp9TshVxlYEVvpX4lnzW69fqmBDYEtgiGFSY6dmnmegZ71uPW6qcql07XTxd-V673zZhmCHdo1-j0aQVZcGmy2boZ65n8uiAKJApwinhKfUrKq3triTvqe-vMAaxKLGnsrTzZjPZdDQ037dDd1G3sbfv-Nq6mLsOO4O7m_vTvAf9Mb0-Pcy94j46_lj-rH60vxO_MU= |
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Can't really do a full review atm (busy and at some point I need to finish tweaking my own build lol), but couple of quick thoughts from glancing at it.
1) in the ranger area (should you get there), the 4% IAS node below pefrect aim is probably better than the 4%phys/2%IAS node you took. Does depend a little on equip, but generally the pure IAS node should be better. 2) As far as dropping R/T goes, someone else will really need to answer that. This has been my only non-caster build, and I have always had RT by the mid 50s on all my variants, so I have absolutely no clue about building accuracy at higher levels lol. 3) Dropping BM to use gems is generally an endgame decision, and really depends on your equipment. you have to remember there is more to it than just saying "I'm dropping the passive and using the support," you really need to think about the slots you are giving up for that support. If you only have a 4L available for your LA, dropping the node probably isn't the best idea. You would probably end up with LMP+LA+LoH/LL+BM support, and that is losing a lot by not having WED support. At 5 Link you are probably adding WED back in, but now have to decide if giving up Chain/FA is worth the nodes/aura or two you will gain. From a strictly DPS standpoint I doubt the nodes/auras will make up for 40% IAS from FA, but I admit to not having played around with it. Its deff a more survivability based build without the BM node. at 6L you will probably be deciding between chain and BM, which is where it really starts to be an either way kind of thing, but seriously, unless it is already in your stash, DO NOT count on getting a 6L, ever. Then keep in mind you have to give up a few other slots to get BM on the flat auras, and go through the same whole deal deciding what to give up on your single target (Frenzy or EH). 4) if you do come up to the middle, don't waste 3 nodes cutting through the melee damage set like that. You spent 3 completely worthless nodes to get 2x10% WED. so 5 nodes for 20%, thats 4% a node and is even worse than those shadow nodes we just ditched :p. You'd be better off using those 5 nodes to get the 9% IAS across from Divine toughness and 2 health nodes somewhere. Gennearlly the only "acceptable" way to get to those WED nodes (melee builds aside) is through the resist side, which is a little easier to justify even if it is a longer path, as the resists give you some freedom with your equipment, and the strength/might nodes at least give some HP. 5) not totaling up the HP bonus by hand, but it deff looks better than before. If you plan on soloing I would try to at least get to around 2.1k-2.3k around the low 70s. Thats what I had on my DPS focused build before the respec, and it was manageable for sure but not great. Your build has IR (which my old DPS build didn't) so that will help vs trash mobs. If you plan on teaming up at higher levels (which really is the way to go with maps, as if you have a fixed group it is easier to sustain constant maps with a group), I would actually recommend more HP. I know that is counter intuitive (normally having a party means you can be more fragile), but its based on personal experience. Solo even if a boss broke away form my totem to attack me, I could DPS it down before it got to me. In a team, if that boss broke lose, hard to DPS him down when he has +300% HP. Once you get a on a bigger party (4+) you also will just take some damage because it will be very hard to tell whats going on and stuff will start to desync more often. In a full party there is just so much crap flying around, you won't be able to keep track of everything trying to kill you, and you will get hit. |
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The new acceleration node in the Duelist area looks mighty tempting. Gotta go through three armor/evasion nodes though, but one of them does remove armor penalty which is nice I suppose.
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An update of how my character looks right now. I tried to give HC another shot during the past few days, but the amount of lag I am put up against just doesn't make it viable.
Passive Tree - as you can see, it is still taking shape; but the skeleton is there. My shocker is level 70 now (yep, I'm playing slow; ain't got enough time to play as I wish). (Bandit rewards taken were 40 HP, 6% iAS, +1 Frenzy Charge) Items:
Nothing special to say about my items except that they are not all that great. However the good thing is you can see which gem combinations I use. The current setup I got is probably the best of everything I've tested. The little things that might require a bit of elaboration are: LA setup - I put in Added Fire Damage because the armour refuses to roll 3G 2R. I spent over 200 chromatics, and it is still at best 3R 2G. So I'm just keeping it like that for now. Now, why do I use Added Fire Damage as the last one? Because it adds more DPS than Iron Grip gem (not quite surprising). When I do get 3G 2R (waiting to get a good amount of Chromatics again - if anyone wants to sell, I'm buying haha), Added Fire will be replaced by Faster Attacks. (yes, I hate Chain - I have 3 Chain gems and do not use any!) Frenzy - my preferred single target skill. It is really nice because ED scales really well with attack speed; and with it I get +50% attack speed with all 5 charges stacked, on top of the 25% from Charges themselves. And the charges remain for LA. Keeping my charges constantly up takes a mere fraction of a second to hit one frenzy shot in a pack of mobs. Ranged Attack Totem EH - well I tried using Bear Traps, I tried using Ice Shot GMP totem, and after all that hassle the EH totem proves superior. Bear Traps are an annoying hassle, Ice Shot GMP lags me so much that I die all the time, and the EH totem just sits there, shoots that big brown boss, and doesn't give two craps. In the meantime I can just run around and pop frenzy shots into the boss myself. Generally the biggest issue with this character seems to be killing lone bosses, it can get annoying, but this RaT EH fixes that for me. Screw you, Bear Traps. Blackgleam - adds a Ton of DPS. My old ED quiver was not even close to Blackgleam. Until further upgrade; BG it is. Flasks:
In my opinion nearly perfect flasks setup. I say nearly because I do not have Immunity to Curses effect on any of the flasks. Other than that... Lovely. EDIT: forgot to add in my DPS numbers; a lot of people like those. 4644 Frenzy, 2220 Lightning Arrow, 1765 Elemental Hit Totem. EDIT 2: correct DPS values on first post, next page. Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid. Last edited by VenatorPoE#1855 on Mar 8, 2013, 2:09:47 PM
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" Thanks for the tip. you really help me efficiently distribute my skillpoints. I feel like i can clean it up a bit more tho, and tweaked around with it i did what you said about the ias and taking the long path to wed + i kept r/t + bloodmagic i did a build calculator and compared my build to the sc bloodmagic more dps build so health wise i have 20% less + 20 less max life compared to that build damage wise i have 30% more ele damage, 31% more projectile damage, and 14% more ias resistence, the marauder build has +5% to max , whereas i have +33% to fire n cold, and 15% to light so i am definitely a more squishy build, but dps wise im up there 1 PROBLEM IS, i am using 111 skill points ...... i am stumped on where to drop points and not lose out dps.... for health and res i can rely on equips as i progress i suppose. its slowly coming together but just don't know how to cut down on the excess points haha xD thanks for your tips, it really helps me out with this build current build (111 points :()
here is the build calculated: http://poe.sitedyno.com/skill_tree/computed/4a8be66a97b3504f60f8699e9e67999d555786db here is the marauder build by op: http://poe.sitedyno.com/skill_tree/computed/43435636f35f6d102e968832462e1e728eac8b88 |
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First, as you mentioned, those armor/evasion nodes aren't bad (I plan on getting one of the small and the big at some point), but second, you don't need to go through them if you dont want, you can come from above through the fury bolts cluster and end up grabbing 6% bow IAS/20% projectile damage/8% physical bow damage/Accelerate.
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Lot of stuff got posted while I was typing lol.
Just curious, what was your old quiver before BG? I have been wanting to try one, but I haven't gotten my hands on one yet. My bow is actually very similar to yours, so if your previous quiver was similar to my current quiver it would be an upgrade for me as well :p Bow/Quiver
I also agree with your flask setup. Mine are pretty much identical, but my sapping flask is also warding :p Pretty much the only one I ever really end up using is that one. I also often use a bubbling over a panicked, because sometimes when something takes me to half I want the instant healing. Normally whenever I use the panicked I just pound it to chug the whole thing and fill it back up next pack lol. Also, do you mind if I ask what the DPS on your Frenzy is? I have tried to use it instead of EH, but I just get way lower DPS out of it even though it seems like it shouldnt be that big a drop. I still tend to either keep frenzy on some other unlinked spot for the charges or use blood rage on my build with higher regen. [edit] also, how much is a Blackgleam with a good % worth? I feel like I have seen them go for 1 or 2 chaos, but whenever I search here they are always sitting unsold with no offers. I just dont want to insult random people with a total lowball lol. Last edited by ShadowyDream#4629 on Mar 8, 2013, 1:41:44 PM
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