The Exiled Clan <TEC> - Still Recruiting - Apply Now!

purepower wrote:
Today's event was great fun!
Thanks to all those invovled.
A writeup will be up on the clansite soon!

I find it sad that we fixed that common multiplayer crash an hour or so after you guys finished your event :P
Lead Developer. Follow us on: Twitter | YouTube | Facebook | Contact Support if you need help!
I'm sure there'll be plenty of time in beta once more players are in. This was organised at quite short notice anyway.
IGN: SpudOfDoom | The Exiled - Path Of Exile's oldest clan
Yeah hopefully the whole clan will be in. Then we can really test the game out well.
Nothing is true. All is permitted.
Resist. Unlearn. Defy.
Chris wrote:
purepower wrote:
Today's event was great fun!
Thanks to all those invovled.
A writeup will be up on the clansite soon!

I find it sad that we fixed that common multiplayer crash an hour or so after you guys finished your event :P

NP Chris!
It was still alot of fun dispite the crashes and a good first large group experience.
With the patch our next event will run alot smoother im sure.

We had alot of difficulty actually getting enough of our members with Alpha access to be on at the same time.

We really had hopes of making a full 6 man member only gorup but unfortunately we may have to wait til beta to achieve this..

In the end there were only 3 members and another alpha tester who was interested in grouping - making a 4 man group.

The gameplay was fast and furious with 2 rangers, a staff welding templar and a dagger welding dex/int witch.

Over about 5 hours we had leveled through to about 23 and had made it through to the next difficulty.

Hard Core was substantially safer and easier in a group.
A group of 3 was the minimum for safe/easy play especially in the second difficulty.
Although a group of 2 / solo is possible you constantly remind yourself not to die, which was not the case in a bigger group.

It will be interesting to see how a full 6 man group runs...and we will definately organise this as soon as more members have game accesss..

--Purepower signing off
The Exiled Clan

Recruiting all new players now!
Last edited by purepower#3158 on Aug 7, 2011, 6:00:38 PM
I'm most interested in seeing how a wide range of classes can work well together.
IGN: SpudOfDoom | The Exiled - Path Of Exile's oldest clan
Last edited by SpudOfDoom#5115 on Aug 7, 2011, 6:39:58 PM
Clan Update - 8th August 2011

Event Summary
A somewhat full post-Event Writeup can be read here:

New Members
Welcome to our newest members, Antistar and Madav!
Great to have you both onboard and we look forward to seeing you ingame soon!

New Member Applications
All new member application can be made by posting under our "Applications" thread on our Clan-site's forum @

Please register and post a little about yourself and we will get back to you asap.

--Purepower signing off
The Exiled Clan

Recruiting all new players now!
Last edited by purepower#3158 on Aug 8, 2011, 6:10:05 AM
Do you know anyone named Carlin Bingham purepower? or Carl Bin? Or is he you?
He who fights with monsters
might take care lest he thereby
become a monster.
permaximum wrote:
Do you know anyone named Carlin Bingham purepower? or Carl Bin? Or is he you?

Not me and have never heard that name before...

Sorry mate.
The Exiled Clan

Recruiting all new players now!
Thats a very interesting question to ask. Man I had a look at the alpha on Monday night at Covert's place. Seems pretty good as it is. Found some leet gloves pretty early on. Loot roulette can be very satisfying.
IGN: SpudOfDoom | The Exiled - Path Of Exile's oldest clan
Japan wrote:
A Guild for a Game thats not Out?


I was getting worried that I hadn't seen a troll yet coming from EVE I was getting worried

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