March Mini-Expansion Announcement Timeline
[Removed by Support] I am not saying there is an animation bug. I am saying there is an AI bug. It is a real bug and as such needs to be fixed. Simple. In New Zealand there is this thing called the Consumers guarantee Act. If you sell something in this country it has to be "Fit For Purpose". Now if I buy a pet from GGG and the pet is sold to me on the basis that it follows me around while I adventure and stuff.. then it has to do that. It was not sold on the condition that it would dissapear at random times, so therefore it is not "fit For Purpose". GGG, please just make it work? Last edited by Bex_GGG#0000 on Feb 7, 2014, 3:02:22 PM
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" Come on guys... don't do it again ! |
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" Indeed cant wait to see if this will make the game playable again, act 3 release just packed a bunch of lag for me. no other game i play lags no mater the setting used except maybe old games that work fine when i go on windows xp. I would love to hear what there excuse was i read tons of post of people with AMD leaving due to being unable to party anymore, i say that as it mostly affects them but some other users report the same fps drops. I for 1 have been able to play full party even use my cosmetics, after act 3 got released i could barely play my friend who has very similar graphic card would DC every 5mins in ANY act 3 area and never got helped. EVER. I am FORCED to solo play and i must say...the more i play solo the more i realize all the flaws in this game... i in no way enjoy trading so i try to keep it at a minimum only selling the good things i find as spending 1 full day to try sell for hand full of chaos orbs is NOT fun and how could it be. Biggest's isshues that are being completely ignored and said to be "fine" ( if there not being ignore you should say so it will save you some players who will 100% one day just leave due to losing too much ) Dsync: Never heard of a game were THIS MUCH people quit because of how bad rubber banding(and its not even that its an even more unique case...) is, usually the game gets better as it evolves. this game's dsync has not gotten better people just know to build max block and ignore death. also almost every stream I see everyone I play with is just spamming /oos NON stop. this goes to say how broken it is if you need to hotkey a skill to ur keyboard JUST to know if you will die somewhere random in 5minutes due to all the damn clutter on the floor the pillars, trees, chests ,stairs the doors the god damn everything in the game makes your character resync completely wrong. Completely Un Optimized engine overall: The engine being stable for more players, maybe not all because lets face it too many possible problems but right now there's an OBVIOUS issue that i haven't seen talked about in long why? because GGG never gives any feedback what so ever to those people so they play alone, or quit.( alot.....ALOT of players i talked with play solo or 2man everything due to there completely average gaming computer being UNABLE to run poe on lowest with more then 3-4 people using skills dropping them to 3-10fps and lets be serious the bonuses of being party is ridiculously huge especially when it comes to drops. solo does not even compare unless you have maybe a dedicated MF build and then , someone who plays alone just wont be able to afford good solo mf/tanky/dps gear that type of gear is probably THE most expensive and usually only the solo farmers who half the time are trading ( trading being the best way to getting more wealth) And just my personal opinion but. Endgame maps. are... boring. i got sick of them even when the drop rates were insane on them due to IIQ affecting map drops. i just want to farm maelstrom of chaos and make that shit harder please? i have no time to spend using the very few alchemy i find/craft using recipe to dump on more maps. most of the areas even in maps are not even hard there just. boring easy actually. I want to feel like endgame is hard. not tedious im not here to talk to people in chats i want to kill mobs and advance in the game. god dammit how many times have i felt discourages by RMT being so damn easy and cheap. but i cant afford it. i spend my money SUPPORTING PATH OF EXILE i have 2 posters bunch of shirts stickers cost me hundreds of dollars and i cant even play, because the games just in the same state it was in closed beta but now there's more Cosmetics and a few new fun things that I CANNOT even enjoy because half the time Im at half or even 1/4th of my usual fps.... arggggg I am just, sad. Am i Really the only one who feels this way? I feel so...lied too...i donated trusting it would go towards helping the game evolve and optimizing the game. not knowing it would mostly be all about cosmetics. Wayyyyyy tooo mannnny of them. i cant even party because cosmetics are a huge part of the "particles=lag" ishue. That said! i can't wait to see what this patch it all about ^_^. hit me up @sarrow lets have fun :D Last edited by Sawm#7368 on Feb 7, 2014, 3:13:06 PM
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I feel the same about engine and desync. Imo fixing that should have the highest priorety before releasing new content. I dont regret spending some money for this game, its awsome! But the extrem lag + bad fps (i have a good pc...) sometimes wants to make me quit :/
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" Impressive to see someone w/ only a level 65 and level 30 hardcore/nemesis char brag about ease of end game content. Please do share video of you face-rolling 74-76 maps in an HC mode. Don't? Can't? Won't? Perhaps one should not complain about game difficulty in softcore then. @BeerPact
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No fishing = me no play. Bait = exalts at a 1.1% chance to catch a fish.
Hello darkness my old friend..
IGN: Anita_Dick |
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" HaH, want to know how many were nemesis and onslaught and how many died to dc's when i have 0 packet loss? Your cute. this is the type of shit you CANT know. also how many chars i ALREADY deleted. you are silly to even think that means ANYTHING. Also, whats 74-76 maps have to do with my whole post that's talking about how i can barely play on a GG fucking computer ?Why would my main focus in this game be hardcore leagues? i play hc exclusively usually on other games. poe is the only one i dont so please leave that poop talk home young man, Do you perhaps have issues? that need fixing? that have nothing to do with path of exile? get your life back together before posting nonsense internet wont fix your anger problems. ^^ just saying man gota learn to read first then think about how it makes you feel if its inappropriate express yourself don't just make it seem like you are a stupid person. im sure you ment more then just looking stupid, and i would of loved to read about it. hit me up @sarrow lets have fun :D Last edited by Sawm#7368 on Feb 7, 2014, 6:37:43 PM
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sweet new background! can't wait!
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Now my curiosity tries to eat me from inside. You're horrible people.
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