Getting cheap points with multiple characters
So undeserving people getting the 1k point reward as a random raffle in 1 week races is fine, but other undeserving people farming low level point rewards winning the 1k point reward is a huge problem that needs to be fixed.
The way I see it it's just different means to the same end. If you are against one you also have to be against the other. It doesn't make sense (and makes this community look really hypocritical) to make up silly arguments like "rewards are only a function of time-invested and not representative of skill" to justify GGG handing out the 1k point reward to random people in week races, but be opposed to basically the same thing happening in actual races and ignore the above argument. In the recent thread where this was discussed it was also argued that it was only one person winning the 1k point reward so it really doesn't matter, but same thing applies here, it's 1 or 2 people who actually "abuse" this to a notable degree that would get them into the top 20/1k point range, but if reward and ladder (as people argued) should really just be a function of time-invested, then what's to complain about? The way I see it, people didn't actually disagree with the arguments that were made in the 1 week thread because they disagreed with the logic or argument itself, but out of personal reasons. So what I would suggest to you people is to make up your minds, you can't have it both ways. On the one hand you argue that everything in this game is and should be a function of time and not represenative of skill (such as rewards and ladder) but then get all wound up about people investing alot of time to get to a higher reward tier/high placement on the season ladder. Sort it out, stop with the hypocrisy. Last edited by Lonestar420#2439 on Feb 7, 2014, 1:52:29 AM
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" It's not quite the same. With the raffle no one loses out on something. With this, someone gets kicked out of the top 20 and loses out on the alt art demi, so one could be viewed as victimless and the other questionably not so. I don't really have a problem with either. The practice is not encouraged but not expressly forbidden, and it's not like GGG hasn't been made away of it at this point. Also neither one really effects me, so there is that. Anarchy/Onslaught T shirt
Domination/Nemesis T shirt Tempest/War Bands T shirt |
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" That's not the point. One of the two main counter-arguments was that everything in this game (rewards, rankings on the overall ladder) is just a function of time. And people took no issue with that argument and were on-board with that idea, for the most part. But the same basic principle applies here, people are investing time (ignoring how they invest their time), but all of a sudden that's not right here and we are saying the 1k point reward/placement on the ladder shouldn't just be the result of a time-investment but somewhat representative of skill. But that's just hypocritical. If it doesn't apply there, it can't apply here. I think it should be representative of skill, but GGG have made it painfully obvious that they don't think 1k point rewards or the season ladder itself should be representative of skill, but when you put it in those terms people are shifting gears and are all of a sudden on-board with the idea. It's like whatever GGG does or says overrides your common sense. |
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The only problem i see with this points-grinding exploit is that GGG considers it forbidden yet its still possible to do. The answer is to fix the points-allocation system so this isnt possible in the first place.
As for the possibility that a couple players are using this to make top 20, shrug. There are almost certainly map/zoom hackers in the top 20 as well (and probably has been in every season)- a much more serious issue than running multiple characters to ledge each race- and its unlikely anything will be done about them either. IGN: KoTao
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Obvious semistreamers who do worse when they stream or players having the same times on Fixed/Non Fixed.
Always check the runner or the leading party. The Autohotkeyscriptrip clearly shows that high tier players are indeed using illegal scripts. (Guess where they downloaded that from? And how come the guy in voicechat knew about it instantly-->He used it himself) GGG just has no balls to ban RMT board users and obvious exploiters because it would affect the playerbase and MTX. There were blatant Maphack users on stream and even those never got banned. |
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