Getting cheap points with multiple characters
I was under the impression that only the highest level character per account per race was able to receive points.
It seems not. There are a ton of people at the moment that are cheesing the system by running multiple characters to repeatedly obtain low level threshold rewards. For example in the 100 minute fixed seed signature, people will run 4 characters, leveling them to 10, 11, 12 and 13, obtaining an easy 12 points per race while barely having to go much farther than Brutus. This seems pretty retarded to me & needs to be fixed. |
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Doesn't work that way. Only one character per tier. 10,11,12,13 are all same tier. Do do what you are talking about a person would need to get characters to 6, 10,14, 18. If they are able to do that they would have still gotten that many points from one character as they would have easily been top 10 in their class if not top 10 overall.
Anarchy/Onslaught T shirt
Domination/Nemesis T shirt Tempest/War Bands T shirt |
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Apparently it does, and there are plenty of people abusing it.
Check out for example: As far as I'm concerned, you should only be able to receive points from your highest level character in any event, and I'm pretty sure GGG has the same stance. Something's broken. |
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Wow, you are right. It's not supposed to work that way.
Anarchy/Onslaught T shirt
Domination/Nemesis T shirt Tempest/War Bands T shirt |
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Found out about this here because I believed it was only the best character counts and I am sure it was like that till some point. I guess once I got enough room I will exploit that bug too. If somebody wants to powerexploit this flaw in partyraces->PM, so GGG finally fixes all crappy exploits such as 1 player HP exploit. Brutus RP-->Move it to the Golden Hand like it was suggested in CB. Brutus will ALWAYS be won by a scion and the RP exploit. This is just stupid anyway. Some racers use several accounts in Signatures(Remember NOT_FRAGGY for example?) In Party races the top group is always exploiting 1 player HP exploits. And the way RP are rewarded now only motivating exploiting points anyway. And I double dare GGG to create a "higher level needed/per tier fix" I am good enough to reach 5,4 1 RP in one race(without quest RP) That's still more than I get when I play as Scion which are 8-11. |
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What is "RP exploit?"
Anarchy/Onslaught T shirt
Domination/Nemesis T shirt Tempest/War Bands T shirt |
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You receive more RP than you normally would.
I died after 10 min in Climb to the superb stun+ knockback mechanics aka desync. So I made a test in S06S085. As you can see with 10 min loss I got 10 points. If I had rerolled normally I would have gotten 6-7 pts(as scion unlikely to be in Top 20 of class after reroll only possible as witch/templar) I could get another 6 character and without the 10 min loss. Level 18 with much luck. I lost other minutes due forgetting to mule gems. In s 90 min race it would be 11 points. A good racer could easily receive 12 pts without getting First X rewards. Now if somebody would aim for the first x rewards a good racer might get up to 16 points. The Top Racer receives 23 RP and they usually don't do first x quests. So basically you would receive the same amount of points as a #6-10 with 10 RP if you are good. But usually it's more like 7 RP so if the 3rd of class is in the 7 RP tier and not in the 10 RP tier exploiting low rewards several times is more profitable for most good racers. And I haven't seen any party test yet but I strongly believe its 16+ PTS in a party race The RP exploit is the biggest exploit aside from the 1 player HP exploit. While the RP exploit couldn't be abused earlier(I am pretty sure because I didn't receive points for the level 2 ranger in blamt when I had a higher shadow) GGG really should fix this RP exploit and finally add HP to monsters if somebody joins the party(partysize matters on mob HP not players in instance) RP exploit manipulates the ladder directly. 1P HP exploit reduces the chance of dying at bosses. Especially in Turbo results are tainted, because all bosses are tagged. |
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just get class firsts and you dont have to waste time doing this boring exploit
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Tell GGG to Nerf ST :(
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"Fixing reward points so you only get RP for the higher level character would already be a good step, imo! IGN:
Jiaozy - Jiaozy[something] |
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