For all those players who claim they quit playing

godflow wrote:
I've seen a lot of posts lately of people claiming to have quit the game lately. Alot of these posts are in 'POE is Dying' type of threads and I've seen a lot of posts of players who quit and is unhappy with the state of the game.

So why are you here posting in the forums? If you no longer play the game, why are you guys still around? It doesn't make sense to me. If you no longer enjoy the game isn't there a better thing to do with your time?

a lot of us come here just to post (like using reddit just more fun because everything goes to front page immediately lol) ... I haven;t logged in in weeks... game just got boring and dull, especially with higher ping and I don;t feel like turning everything in my house off to play this game... other games work fine so that is my reason at least
Waves_blade wrote:
I log in to do a trade every now and then, but otherwise I haven't played played in a few weeks. Don't post that much either.

Games just. . . gone sour for me. I see that carrot all the way across the ravine. I have no incentive to go chase it.

Playing as intended, then?

I mean, it's not as if you would log in and kill beasties for hours every day, only restricted (not gated) by your ability, build and gear, find something that prompts you to make another build and repeat, is it?

That isn't fun, y'know!!!
Casually casual.

Raycheetah wrote:
They clearly have nowhere better to be. =^[.]^=

This, promise turned to hope and that hope turned to despair.

Now we are waiting for the despair to at least turn back into hope.
Well, now I understand.


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