New Trading System IN MARCH 2014?!
" That bolded is true - they will be replaced with more efficient sniper bots. Thank god, there will never be an AH in PoE. "better to simply go balls deep full retard if you gonna go retard." -Boem-
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Just like the bots they use to whisp you 5s after you post an underpriced item?
GGG chooses too fuck with 90% of the players because they fear the 0,1% pro flippers while the other 9,9% are satisfied in using 10 third party programs to trade efficiently. | |
" ^ this guy gets it I dont see any any key!
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I don't get what people have against flippers. People want a quick sale so they underprice their item. They get a quick sale. The flipper is performing a service.
People want to buy an item. The flipper has one for sale. Another service. The flipper makes a profit for providing the service. What's wrong with that? |
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"But, but, but they profit without playing the game! Damn capitalists"
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still no new trading system ?
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"nope, getting the game in brasilian was more important ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
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" Automatic trade will never happen! GGG said it a 1000 times and even did confirm it in the last question round again. Really glad about this |
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Just thinking out loud : IF I am a RMT, how would I utilize the buyout field in
Step 1) Post expensive items with low buyouts (no worries, there's NO automatic buyouts ;) Step 2) Don't respond to PMs in-game Step 3) Wait for someone to post similar items at your stipulated price Step 4) Buy said items from players at low buyouts (if challenged direct them to Step 5) Cancel your listings Step 6) Resell items at higher buyouts Step 7) Profits! Step 8) Go back to Step 1 |
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" There wouldn't be any sniper bots because there wouldn't be any under priced items to snipe (excepting items that were priced by players that were desperate to liquidate their assets quickly at a loss). An auction house provides clear and transparent prices of other identical and similar items on one shared platform. Here I'll bold the part you had trouble understanding: You are actually 100% wrong. The opposite is true. The current system is what allows flippers to thrive. An AH would reduce their numbers and their ability to control the market by a large degree. Look up efficient market hypothesis and keep reading it until it sinks in, so you don't post your ignorant 100% backwards views again. Wait a second, that doesn't quite cover it. Here is every part you didn't understand: You are actually 100% wrong. The opposite is true. The current system is what allows flippers to thrive. An AH would reduce their numbers and their ability to control the market by a large degree. Look up efficient market hypothesis and keep reading it until it sinks in, so you don't post your ignorant 100% backwards views again. I'm glad I could help =) Keep PoE2 Difficult. Last edited by Fluffy_Puppies#3904 on Jan 25, 2016, 11:20:54 AM
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