[HC/Nemesis] GreatOne's Mega Crit Witch Trapper [Rank 4 in Nemesis 1 Week Race]
Thank you! I guess i will save my currency now to buy a nice rare spirit shield :).
Another thing: You say that no and half regen maps are a problem. You should try this: I saw it while searching my stash and immediately thought about no/half regen maps :). Last edited by CptQaoz#6689 on Jan 22, 2014, 2:47:11 PM
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heyho, nice build. what u think about romiras banquet?
edit: does not work, because traps are not "on hit" Last edited by Hyron#2986 on Feb 2, 2014, 6:56:23 AM
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Hey thanks for the awesome guide. Some quick questions about the build. I have been comparing yours and Pohx's trapper builds and was wondering how much life and armor you finished this build with? I haven't played hardcore but I am kind of surprised by the seeming lack of life nodes picked up with your build.
I like the idea of starting as a witch though. Did you play in a group most of the time? Or is this a build that would level well solo? Thanks for your time and the writeup on your build. |
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Looks like a very nice build, definitely trying this one out!!
One question though, if you are not playing in a party, is it worth it to run clarity+Discipline for mana?? Or is having EV/ES gear enough for a decent mana-pool? |
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" I had 4250 Life and 3000 unreserved mana which made my effective life ~6000hp with MoM(not bad for a week race scenario I might add). I believe my armor was somewhere around 12,000 with grace and determination around me at all times. Yes the lack of life nodes is made up for by stacking lots of mana to boost your unreserved mana, ultimately buffing your effective life pool. I played this build in the first Nemesis Week Race so I was around teammates with auras at all times. This build can work perfectly fine solo, just keep in mind what I wrote down in the gear section. Once upon a time this game was my life. Last edited by GreatOnePoE#5701 on Mar 5, 2014, 3:25:49 AM
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" I don't run discipline with the build. If you are solo you definitely need clarity. I suggest running both clarity and grace at all times since grace + arctic armor makes you pretty much invulnerable to any small physical/fire hits. You definitely need the eva/es gear AND the auras to make it work properly. Once upon a time this game was my life. Last edited by GreatOnePoE#5701 on Mar 5, 2014, 3:33:55 AM
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Hey there. I am planning to start a Trapper in and join my friends in the Invasion league and want to share some thoughts, experience and discussion fodder. Sory, i just now realized i wrote quite alot since i tend to share my thoughts as detailed as possible, so i marked some actual questions in italic.
I haven't played hardcore before and not much poe at all recently, that's why I was looking for a very defensive build that is relatively gear independent and kinda noob-friendly. Also i wanted to bring group utility, especially freeze. That's why I stumbled uppon the trapper. 2 Weeks ago I tested the Phox-inspired build hc-selfound to get used to the "new league situation" I started as scion and lvled until 40-50 just with spectral throw getting all the defensive stuff first. I felt this was a very convenient way to lvl up quite safely as a not so experienced player. As i switched to trapping, it was quite a hassle at first. For the new league i was sure to keep on Spectral throwing a bit further since you can go very fine with it in just a 3-4 Link. But with trapps you need several 4 Links which I felt is too much currency investment in early lvl's. Or you have shitty but linked items. But once i had a 5L at around 60+ and the gems where 17 it started to work out rely well. I started to build as non-crit trapper but planned to transition into crit as i should get the gear to support that. I will lvl up mostly solo or in a 2 man group and will do maps later in groups of 2-4, so i felt that reliable consistent dmg is more important first then crit-bursts. Is this something you would agree on ? As gem-setup I just used the Phox-build, Firetrap + Firepen + Mulitrap + Conc Effect + Inc. Area. Ek + added fire + trap + muli trap and the usal beear-trap coldsnap-setup I see you do not advice multiple traps and i remember my friends telling me also to try without. Well, I did, and even though the damage of Firetrap sucked at first in the 4 Link with multi-trap (did not have con effect then) i felt it was quite ok with the 2 Area gems then. The main reason for me to stick to it was the ability to create a screen-filling ground-fire quite easily and that it is easier to hit packs with the trap. When i took it out, even though i recognized the the more dmg it does, i felt that i kill less effectively (in a solo-scenario) because i have to throw more traps to hit the mobs aka get punished more for not placing the trap carefully. This also led to running out of Firetraps. So summing up, with the big area you hit, and the fact that it happened quite often that mobs who run towards you will trigger several traps i found multi-trap quite effective. So there i would be especially interested of further thoughts of yours. Especially since you use conc-effect without increased area nor multi. I imagine that this would lead to rely high but rely "concentrated" focused dmg. Also conc-effect without increased area and no multi-traps, I can't rely imagine how proliferation should go "over entire screen" as you mentioned. Also, with multitraps each trap would have an individual critchance, thus making the burn less strong but more reliable to happen. Another question around multitraps is using it with shocknova. I thought it would be totally bonkers since again you have individual critchances and even without crit hit more mobs that can be shocked and thus proliferate. Ans the best of all should more then 1 shocknova happen to add a shock (quite likely i guess) you can shock-stack with only one throw of a trap. SO i thought the configuration might me Quality nova + trap + Lightning Pen + Prolif. But i am quite sure you made your own thoughts on your setup so i would be interested in why that would be better. The Ethereal Knives trap works quite well in finishing of mobs not killed by firetrap and generall bonusdmg, but sometimes it just feels rly complicated to use and i quite often think to myself that there must be something better, aka more reliable in hitting. I don't like Lighntningtrap though since its kinda random and i am pretty sure my mates would hate on me for cluttering the screen with lightning effects. Any thoughts on that one ? So lets get to character choice: Now that Scion (and spectral throw) got nerfed and the whitch/shadow got buffed I feel its quite sure that i woun't start as scion now. As which you get some more mana, as shadow some more dmg. More mana sounds definitely like the safe way and I am strongly leaning towards that, but maybe in a long term league where you can gather stuff for more than a week and can play at a slower pace. But still I wanted to ask if you have considered starting as shadow and what did hold you back from it. Lastly there is the topic o how to lvl. As mention earlier I feel before atleast the late 50's or even 60's trapping is not so comfortable, and with the Spectral throw and Scion nerf that option probably got out of hand too. I considered going Freeze Pulse as the early lvl dmg got buffed and I remember it beeing quite effective with lmp and faster projectiles against weak mobs (which you encounter until merciless) But i do fear the close range a bit. That's also why i rather don't want to play Ice-nova. As a noob I rather like to be able to move and be at a good distance to the mob ;). If starting as shadow Elemental-Spectral throw could be an option i think and the main reason i would consider shadow over whitch. Any thoughts on that ? ign: UpForJava Last edited by Upforsale#7464 on Mar 5, 2014, 8:03:27 AM
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1.1 update patch tree?
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Updated with new tree for SoTV Patch.
Once upon a time this game was my life.
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I have a few questions about the latest 1.1 version of the build.
1. Did you mean to leave out Doom cast? 2. Why not pick up Elemental Dominion (along with the 1x10 spell damage) from the Witch area and get the 2x16 spell damage and 25% spell crit from her area instead of getting the 2x16 spell damage and 3x10 elemental damage nodes from the shadow area? Does spell damage not affect the dot or something else from traps? 3. Is Growth and Decay worth getting now that health regen is more important? 4. No trap builds seem to get master sapper. Is there a reason why it's avoided? |
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