[1.1.x] Party-Friendly, Multi-Purpose, Bow Crit (Physical CoC/Puncture/Lightning Arrow) Guide

Just wanted to say that I really enjoy playing this kind of character.

Thanks for posting!
Thanks for taking the time to say so! :)

Okay, one final update for those who asked for a current skill tree.

Traded spell specific nodes for more physical damage due to the leech changes.

Good luck, have fun, and Thank You so much for the support, all! :)

Last edited by feyith#0081 on Mar 18, 2014, 12:26:21 AM
Is GMP really necessary for Barrage?

Do the extra arrows really help that much?
Nope, not necessary at all. It's only if you want to spam Elemental damage.

I've actually started playing without any Projectile supports at all and much prefer it that way for the mana costs and extra gem slot.

Ethereal Knives, Arc and Cold Snap don't benefit much from Multiple Projectiles, so if you enjoy any of those spell combos, you're better off without it.

Ethereal Knives and Arc work really well with Chain, but Chain works better with Split Arrow vs. Barrage.

Also, if you like Ethereal Knives, helping Cruel Oak is a great way to boost damage.
Last edited by feyith#0081 on Mar 15, 2014, 12:01:59 AM
Well, I'd like to freeze as many people as possible so I'm guessing that GMP will be needed in conjunction with Freezing Pulse and Ice Spear.
It really depends.

GMP + Freezing Pulse + Ice Spear or
LMP + Chain + Ice Spear

...will hit things all over the screen, while Cold Snap (with Power Charges) will cast around your Barrage targets.

Another option is Hatred Aura.

I would play around with what fits your play style the best.
Seems like Freezing Pulse + Ice Spear would result in more freezing because there are two spells being cast.

Also, when CoC is linked to two spells do both of the linked spells get cast on proc or is it a separate probability for each?
I think they each get rolled separately.
Dude! Someone linked Windripper today. I am chancing Imperial Bows from now on!

(Just drop Chain and/or GMP to LMP as needed for sustaining mana.)

Can confirm, that it's awesome. 90% crit chance with random gear I just threw on to test it. Destroying low maps with lvl 10 gems ;) I hate the crappy Voll's so I plan on having pcoc in my 5l bow to generate charges with Barrage to have 6l armor for split arrow

Will update...
Last edited by biomuesli#5784 on Mar 16, 2014, 3:22:02 PM

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