[1.1.x] Party-Friendly, Multi-Purpose, Bow Crit (Physical CoC/Puncture/Lightning Arrow) Guide
Added a party video, since that's where this build really shines! :)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQlQy7Ao96I |
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Hey Feyith!
As a fan of CoC builds, I decided to give that one a go, especially that I havent played many bow builds so far(only LA ranger looong time ago as my first char). Have one question, on your Puncture toolpit I see "9% of life leech from phys attacks". Where does it come from? I cant seem to find any phys life leech on your gear. Also if you had a moment could you post screens of your offensive and defensive stats but only self buffed, not in a party. Im playing mostly solo or with 1 friend, just wanna see what I can expect endgame wise. And cheers for a guide and this build, only lvl 35 so far, but have a lot of fun :) |
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Hi, i'm sort of a phat newb and I was wondering if you could help me on knowledge of what nodes I should take first while leveling, since i'm using your build? :D I see the passive nodes go all over the place and it's kind of confusing on what to take first :X
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Hi nefczi,
" My leech comes from Blood Rage because I've gotten lazy about reflects, and sometimes in a huge party it's hard to see them, so I like having the extra buffer. I would not recommend that method for soloing, as you need good Chaos resist and life regen for it, and it's better to max elemental resistances if you have to pick. 2-4% on gear should be sufficient for soloing or duoing. " It's not going to be accurate because I would have specced and geared much differently. I'll get something up so you can have just a ballpark idea. In general, what I tell soloers is to take the Acrobatics/Phase Acrobatics cluster and gear for more life instead of stacking uniques. (Pick Maligaro's or Rat's Nest but not both. You can do Maligaro's with Starkonja's Head, or Rat's Nest with life/res/attack speed gloves, etc.) So you would expect about half the base bow damage of what I can get offensively by going full glass cannon and relying on others for defense; but your proc rate and spell damage should be about the same. Hope that helps. " I'm glad you're having fun. Thanks for taking the time to say so! :) @trentdiggity: There's a baby tree and a mid-game tree on the first page. Are you looking more for what to prioritize in between? I would go first for Soul Siphon, then Assassination and Coordination, then work your way toward Lethality, come back for Bloodthirst and Influence. By then, you should have a good enough feel for what you need and fill out the rest of the tree based on that. Good luck, guys. And holler if you have any questions or need newbie gear. Edit: Here you go, nefczi... Sorry for the huge image size. (Scroll to the right for empty party radar.)
![]() Base DPS = 5344.4 per arrow x 4 = 21.4K DPS plus 4 (number of arrows fired per attack) x 3.44 (attacks per second) x 0.95 (chance to crit) x 0.87 (chance to hit) x 0.86 (chance to proc) = 10 casts per second of linked spells. Divide your DPS by 2 and multiply by 3 if you're using Chain. ![]() Example: 10 casts per second x 10 projectiles per cast = a LOT of Ethereal Knives. :) Again, divide the DPS by 2 and multiply by 3 if you're using Chain. Defensive Stats: ![]() If you don't want to run with perma-flasking, take the Phase Acrobatics cluster instead. I forgot to do Puncture but your bleed, which is based on physical damage, is going to be the same whether solo or party buffed. The thing you would lose is the added buffer of elemental damage for when a boss is being stubborn and won't run. Update: Here's Puncture if I really push it, self-buffed...
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Thx for posting those pics!
one thing tho. I dont think your calculations are correct in case of Barrage. Im pretty sure that Damage Per Second number in tooltip already takes into calculations things like number of arrows, attack speed or reduced damage from chain(remove chain from your links and the DPS number in tooltip will double) :) So the 5570 you have there, it is already overall damage per second of barrage with all things calculated( like APS, crit chance and multiplyer). And yeah, im gonna take your advice and go for Acrobatics, already took the first node and the survuvalability increase is very noticable. As for gear I have Rats Nest, from my previous CoC chars, waiting for me in stash(im only lvl 40 atm). I never liked Maligoro's. I actually use Aurseize gloves, alays try to squize them into every build I play, as i like to have at least 50%+ IIR ;D. I may drop them later if I will have troubles with maxing resists, or low life. But anyway, the build is slowly cooming together. My crit chance with 4 power chargs is at 48%. Its not perfect, especially that due to low level of my Cast on Crit game which has ony like 60% chance to proc spells. SO i soometimes ancounter a few seconds without a cast on crit, but its ok considering low level. And its getting better and better, cant wait to finish all the dificulties and start mapping and farming for Windripper. Its sooo expensive, heh ^^ But I want one! :) Thx again for taking time to respond and postng those pics! Cheers! |
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Whoops! You're partially correct; I was getting damage per second mixed up with damage per use, which is what you use to calculate spell procs. The displayed DPS indeed calculates to-hit and crit chance/multiplier, etc. - but does not take into account the number of projectiles or chains. You can test by putting in LMP. Your tooltip DPS will go down, even though your clear speed is faster.
Fixed my maths. Thank you for catching that! :) |
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" For some reason I was certain that DPS toolpit already takes number of projectiles into consideration, in case of Barrage, but after testing it it seems you may be right. It seems that the damage listed is indeed "per arrow". Thx for pointing that out! :) EDIT: Just hit lvl 50, currently in Cruel Docks. Have to say that I have been struggling for last few lvls. With 51% crit chance(with power charges), and still rather low chance on my CoC gem, a few seconds without triggering spells happened quite often, getting me into trouble. I also felt very squishy, especially that due to low phys damage(considering lvl) on Doomfletch I was leeching verly little life. I was forced to use a life on hit/life leech gem as a 6th link, instead of chain. As a result my clear speed dropped significantly. So decided to check out poe.xyz and this is what i got, for 1 chaos: THis bow chas slightly lower crit chance(6.25% vs 6.8 on my doomfletch). WIth this bow my current crit chance with charges drops by 3%, but the damage of my barrage and puncture is almost 5 times higher! Pretty good tradeoff I belive :) So now even when my gems dont trigger for couple of seconds, the raw damage from barrage kills white/blue stuff resonably fast, and what's most immportand, im leeching life and mana at much higher rate. I could even drop life leech gem and put chain back again :) The damage on Puncure is also great with this bow, can 2-3 shot yellow mobs. This is the rest of my current gear: My boots, helmet, amulet, belt and quiver need upgrade. I have those waiting for me in stash: Im gonna have to get better quiver tho, with some life leech so i can drop the Wurms belt. Last edited by nefczi#0407 on May 12, 2014, 5:01:01 PM
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Wow, nice find!
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Silly question, do Harbringer bows drop only in 68+ lvl maps?
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They can drop off of rares mobs in level 66 areas. The highest crit affixes are level 73 though, so if you know anyone who can bring one out of their map for you to craft with, that would be even better.
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