Zorro's DANMAKU-Discharge - Absolutely INSANE DPS (Updated 4/22/14)
Added a small bit about using a Carcass Jack in MY CURRENT GEAR Section.
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" Over a month ago you posted this Guide and you have added about 30 reply's yourself and had maybe 10 reply's by others. A guide should be written to demonstrate your build and the mechanics behind it and why others should use it. You had people correct your understanding of mechanics and it appears that nobody is really interested in using this build as there are others that make more sense. It seems to me that you should not be asking how to improve this guide but rather, how can you improve your build. In fact, this probably never should been published as a guide but instead "looking for advice to improve my build". You should really stop bumping this as it really seems that nobody is really interested. This may seem harsh and for that I apologize. I browse and read lots of guides and your format is fine but the content is really not guide worthy IMO. |
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" This build is actually quite incredible compared to most other builds I have looked at, people in game continuously ask about my build in game and this is how I show them what I have done, most of the replies are updates. Most replies I see on builds are people just asking "how good is their gear" or what can they do different. If something is wrong, it's in the forum because in-game my build is stand-alone one of the best in any party I go in to. Most successful builds have a ton of videos and that is one thing I know I lack. |
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I have been following the original danmaku build until recently when i found that discharge works quite nicely with pcoc and coc. I didnt know about your guide then. I think OP's guide is excellent and worth a read.
My question for you is - how do you feel about 4 pc compared to 3? Is there a significant dps boost? An even crazier idea is to use blood rage. In this case you have even more dps from discharge and in theory should be able to persist with the help of surgeon's potion. Btw OP i think your post got some formatting error - the gears and gems sections. |
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Another poont is that you dont need mana regen or clarrity at all - just grab a surgeon's mana flask and you will never run dry on mana. Then your mana can be used to run more needed auras such as purity or grace.
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" I run 4 PC and as it is so hard to measure actual DPS with COC Build I can't tell you exactly how much more but when I switched I noticed it helped Crit more and do more damage. Thank You for pointing out the error I will get on that...I have no idea what happened. |
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" I run 4 Auras at the moment, 3 Puritys...and I run clarity on BM. That takes up virtually no life even with all 3 gems at lvl 20. Also I'm using a 5-Link Carcass Jack and I had to take out Mana Leech and rely more on my Surgeon's Fask. The Ridiculous DPS and AoE increase is worth it. Last edited by FstnFurius07#7472 on Feb 17, 2014, 12:45:07 PM
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FIXED The weird glitch with GEAR and GEMS Section. Everything is up to date, sorry it somehow crashed...That was odd.
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gonna post my gear from danmaku coc ek coldsnap. this is basically same thing here. its extremely cheap and farm the shit out of cata and piety. 74% cyclone crit. the basics of the build are:
1. 1 dagger + block. 2. cwdt setup lvl 4... enfeeble, molten shell, enduring cry. 3. auras are hatred, clarity, purity of lightning. 4. EB with high es titanium type shield. 5. Q arctic armor lvl 1 because if u use cyclone it chills everything which is a as good as lvl 11 temporal chains cwdt. 6. uses volls prot so coldsnaps turn u into a mobile freeze mine. 7. the rest is basic maku build. gear
i would highly recommend getting as many accuracy nodes as u can it really does help. [quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote] "Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival." .\1.2/ ..\3/ [img]http://ertaislament.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/pentavus.jpg[/img] Last edited by leighferon#0786 on Feb 19, 2014, 2:53:27 AM
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Fixed the passive trees, vaal pact got swapped around on some, other than that everything stayed the same.
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