Flay' Flicker Finder - 800,054 DPS, 50/390MF, fast clear speeds. [New pics in MF gear/FAQs]
" 1. yes unreal. he don't have AOE Flicker *296,870 dps* or Single Target Flicker *437,571 dps* with Magic Find *25% IIQ and 331 IIR* in the same time if you can count to six, you know why. 2. yes, in this build attack speed means nothing for flicker strike. He have 0.07 attack speed I have 0.14 you will not see difference. 3. He have problems with mana. " and 6 nodes for mana + additional nodes to go longer path for ... mana I used almoust same build, but with more phys dagger and dont have mana problems at all. I stop my flickering only when there are no mobs in area. Rock is overpowered. Paper is fine. -Scissors
IGN: Chucks_Left_Foot Sklej_Pupe |
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@PoE17. I don't mind if you post some vids. The point of the thread is to explain low life flicker. I watched the shipyard you posted. Nice combo with spectral throw. Please don't take over the thread by making it more about your build than mine, but you haven't, so post and comment all you like.
~~~Build - Flay's Flicker Finder - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/733257~~~ ~~~Shop - Flay's Fantastic Flea Market - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/631082~~~ Last edited by Sblak#3093 on Jan 2, 2014, 10:09:44 AM
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You are correct that I don't yet have both the dps and the MF at the same time. Howerever I am still leveling and will get more crit chance and crit multiplier and beat those numbers easily. I take off maligaros for aurseize when soloing. I also take off my 6th flicker gem support, crit chance, for the iir gem. I pick 117 iir or 150 crit chance and 50 multiplier. Not that much difference,but I should have been more clear. I will put additional picks up to show the difference. Full MF drops my dps by about 25%. Solo that is more than enough dps. With full dps gear I can carry a full 6 map party on any map. You commented on my dagger's high attack speed being a bad idea. I completely disagree. Faster flicker is better and I don't have real mana problems. I have about 1000 mana so that I can sustain my flicker with increased leech. I went around the map for extra mana to sustain it. The faster you hit the faster you kill and the faster you instanstly leech life and the faster you move so you get in and then out of damage. The faster dagger is amazing for a faster lightning strike. Finally the faster I hit with flicker the faster I get shock stacks on everything. My dps is effectively double what I posted because everything is always triple shocked and is poisoned with adder's touch and is burning from righteous fire. I am almost capped on crit chance with the curse so a slower higher crit dagger is not going to benefit me as much as a faster hit. Because I hit so fast I absolutely need 7 charges to take out bosses who don't have packs to regain flicker charges. Finally my dagger is still being crafted. I can remove the spell damage and am aiming for a high flat physical roll to substantially raise my dps. When I get lucky I will update my numbers, which will be much much higher than my full dps gear pics even when in full MF. ~~~Build - Flay's Flicker Finder - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/733257~~~ ~~~Shop - Flay's Fantastic Flea Market - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/631082~~~ Last edited by Sblak#3093 on Jan 2, 2014, 10:08:04 AM
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Yah, I dare say you could get a higher spell damage roll than 28%, that will help immensely. So your attack speed is to take advantage of wrath and hatred, right?
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Attack speed benefits dps by making flat modifiers repeat more frequently. So that makes the flat damage from anger and wrath much more powerful. It also make the flay physical damage on my rings and ammy hit on more attacks so add more to dps. Hated is not a flat bonus so doesn't change total dps for fast or slow hits.
What I don't think Lich believes is that faster is better. While it is harder on manna that problem is surmountable. Faster is much much better for defense. I attack so fast that I don't take much damage ever. I flicker in and out before mobs get off their spells. I could probably run with 2k es and not die except to reflect packs. Finally for reflect high physical and slow hits overcome armor and kill you fast elemental hits don't hurt much on reflect ~~~Build - Flay's Flicker Finder - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/733257~~~
~~~Shop - Flay's Fantastic Flea Market - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/631082~~~ |
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@rogue. I use spell damage because it is the best eternal roll so far. I would like to change it for a flat physical roll of about 15-30 or higher. 15-30 on the base danger adds 39-78 damage to the final dagger and 110 pdps. My dagger can easily become a 300+ pdps dagger when done. This will add 58% more physical and cold damage to my build and break the game.
With 21-36 flat roll like your dagger licho666 my dagger could be 96-259 damage which is 332 pdps and 75% more damage. When I finally get it done I expect to hit 1,000,000 dps. I will add a post about true physical dps calculations to show why my dagger will stomp yours and even be better than Kolps dagger. ~~~Build - Flay's Flicker Finder - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/733257~~~ ~~~Shop - Flay's Fantastic Flea Market - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/631082~~~ Last edited by Sblak#3093 on Jan 2, 2014, 12:13:24 PM
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" Today I used my 1771st Fusing on my Legacy Shav, and still no 6l. So can't compare what will happen in my style of hard hitting with 0.14 attack speed. I just see that with 0.14 I dont see anything on screen :) If I will not 6l my shav till 2000 I will left it with 5l and again play low life. Now I'm in fusing spree :) I prefered low life flicker, but Poutsos convieced me to try CI, but I prefer low life. You have more dps than him because you dont use safe gear like him (rainbowstrides, Dream Fragments,Eye). This is the reason why I was asking about Stun and Frozen. I like the Low Life, and will come back to it, when I will force my bugged Shav to link :) Rock is overpowered. Paper is fine. -Scissors
IGN: Chucks_Left_Foot Sklej_Pupe |
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I played Poutsos flicker for 3 months and reached 450k dps with it. However he and I had to use abyssus to reach that number. When he is safe he only has 200k or less. Abyssus is death and only for show. Abyssus is death on reflect and death on vulnerability and death to stuns. I have 200 with mf in safe gear now with a bad dagger. I can easily beat 400k in safe gear with 300 or more MF.
Poutsos build needs high es because it is mostly physical and physical reflect hits back for almost the full amount of damage, since it is so high it effectively destroys armor. My reflect is lower physical and mostly elemental so I get a 75% reduction on my damage taken from elemental damage compared with say a 10% reduction from a physical hit for 5k reflect damage. Finally I ran Poutsos build with CI with hatred and discipline only. My defenses were bad. On this build I have 50% evasion and 95% evasion of projectiles because of an amazing Grace aura. My build is more defensive than Poutsos and I truly don't get stun locked because of that evasion and how quickly I move out of packs. I will get a video up in a day or two. I am sorry you are still linking your shave. Best of luck. ~~~Build - Flay's Flicker Finder - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/733257~~~ ~~~Shop - Flay's Fantastic Flea Market - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/631082~~~ Last edited by Sblak#3093 on Jan 2, 2014, 1:06:51 PM
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I actually need high ES because i ve witnessed necro roah,or the blood ghosts in 78 maps hitting me for 5-6K with nasty mods,and multiproj voidbearers on - res map,draining my 8K pool in less than half a second.Past 90 u care only about 1 thing,and that is staying alive.Thats why i wouldnt play low life,or CI with abyssus.Reflect post release was never an issue,my damage was much more elemental than before(46% added as cold with the buffed hatred),and more importantly,trigger gems with immortal call.Also i am not sure if your build has more survivability,than mine had -even with abyssus-,since with abyssus(where i had actually broke 500K single target later than the screenshot),i had if i remember correctly 6.8K ES,which is would make me withstand more physical damage than u with 3K ES,even with the worst roll on abyssus,save of course for reflect.Anyway,i stopped obsesing about DPS around level 87,and managed to level from 89-93 with only 2 deaths(and 1 of them was while i was on alt tab talking to the phone).So i beleive,that while both abyssus and the low life versions are quite enjoyable and awasome,only the CI version is able to effectively deal with every single map mod,even in higher maps,both solo and especailly in a full party,and let u level sufficiently post 90.If u have a huge map pool to solo,and enough currency to roll them however u want them,everything can work of course.Also from my experience,just a pathetic flat elemental damage from rings(fire and lightning) was enough to burn and shock every single mob in the game except bosses.
As you may know i have quit PoE.If i was to continue playing and had the funds to buy a 6L shavs and a crown,i would still buy monstrous ES chest and shield to increase my ES to 9-10K,since at lv93,as i said before,u cant really count only on your DPS to stay alive.Now dont take all these as a downtalk to your build,i think u made a great job,and i find it amazing,both yours and Licho's,and i also beleive that with some modifications,it could make the ultimate crit dagger PvP build.GL! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/417287 - Poutsos Flicker Nuke Shadow
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I agree that with low life you are more likely to die because you will have lower es. However, I made this build because I wanted to play a flicker and also MF. You can't afford to solo high level maps as a flicker with no MF. I can solo maps because I make a huge amount of currency with my MF. I found all the currency to get my crown and my 6l shavs in two weeks. I make amazing orbage from drops. So yes I can afford to buy and roll maps to level however I want. Which I never had when I did your build and had 6k es. I also die less on this character than when I played my ci flicker. The only explanation is the evade or maybe I just know the game better now. I am now level 88 and going on 89. I don't die. I can flicker in full 6 man groups. I also have a set of high es gloves and boots which helps some but I am not sure it is worth losing MF. MF is the point of this build. After I level I grind crazy maps and make great currency and sometimes die. I then buy a set of maps and roll them and level without a death. I host maps and make some currency back. It's worked so far. I plan to go to at least 91 or 92. I am also attempting to prove that enough dps will overcome all problems. If I hit fast enough and hard enough nothing will get a chance to touch me. Just like the piety in lunaris 3 is dead before she can attack, I think if I reach 1,000k dps I can instagib every mob and boss and not worry about defenses as much even in 6 mans. I run 77 maps without a death. I may be wrong but I like the theory. It feels to me that killing five times faster than you did on your flicker may be fast enough to take less and almost no damage. Especially if I get enough to permanently freeze everything. Right now I am close. PoE will miss you. Thanks for all the work you did on your build. I learned from you. ~~~Build - Flay's Flicker Finder - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/733257~~~ ~~~Shop - Flay's Fantastic Flea Market - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/631082~~~ Last edited by Sblak#3093 on Jan 2, 2014, 2:21:40 PM
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