1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD
For any melee, Determination and Grace are good choices, and Hatred (Herald of Ice?), if its mechanic stays the same (%phys->cold). For Atziri, you probably want Purity of Fire and Lightning. I haven't seen the new aura gems yet, but as written above: If they haven't been nerved to the ground (like "reduced mana doesn't work", "80% mana reserved" or the effect has been cut by 50%), running 2-3 auras should still be superior to BM keystone. 3.5 build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2299519 Last edited by Peterlerock#5171 on Aug 16, 2014, 7:16:00 AM
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" I've heard a lot of ELE Buzzsaw Scions and Rangers complaining that they can't run all their auras anymore so those builds are definitely gonna take a hit. Funny how Shadow is gonna be the best if not the best class after the expansion.No one seems to play them now :) |
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So using the offline tree I did a little comparison and this is the result.
1.1 +332 to Strength +54 to Dexterity +44 to Intelligence +314 to maximum Mana +788 to maximum Life Evasion Rating: 242 +4 Maximum Endurance Charge +3 Maximum Frenzy Charge +3 Maximum Power Charge 4% Additional Elemental Resistance per Endurance Charge 4% Physical Damage Reduction per Endurance Charge 5% Attack Speed Increase per Frenzy Charge 5% Cast Speed Increase per Frenzy Charge 50% Critical Strike Chance Increase per Power Charge 3.5% of Life Regenerated per Second 142% increased maximum Life 3% increased Attack Speed with Staves 3% increased Attack Speed with Maces Enemies Cannot Leech Life From You +23% to Lightning Resistance +23% to Cold Resistance 154% increased Armour 2% increased Movement Speed 12% increased Physical Damage 18% increased Attack Speed 128% increased Physical Damage with Maces 10% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold with Maces +2% to maximum Lightning Resistance +23% to Fire Resistance +2% to maximum Cold Resistance 40% increased Physical Damage with Staves 15% increased Melee Physical Damage Your hits can't be Evaded Never deal Critical Strikes +22% to all Elemental Resistances Cannot Evade enemy Attacks Cannot be Stunned 15% increased Life Recovery from Flasks +2% to maximum Fire Resistance 0.2% of maximum Life Regenerated per second per Endurance Charge 10% increased Accuracy Rating 10% increased Light Radius 2% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life +8.8% Energy Shield +66.4% increased Melee Physical Damage +108 Accuracy Rating 10.8% increased Evasion Rating 1.2 +302 to Strength +44 to Dexterity +44 to Intelligence +314 to maximum Mana +1029 to maximum Life Evasion Rating: 242 +4 Maximum Endurance Charge +3 Maximum Frenzy Charge +3 Maximum Power Charge 4% Additional Elemental Resistance per Endurance Charge 4% Physical Damage Reduction per Endurance Charge 5% Attack Speed Increase per Frenzy Charge 5% Cast Speed Increase per Frenzy Charge 50% Critical Strike Chance Increase per Power Charge 15% increased Melee Physical Damage 102% increased Armour 120% increased maximum Life 1.5% of Life Regenerated per Second 2% increased Movement Speed 15% increased Life Recovery from Flasks +15% to all Elemental Resistances +24% to Cold Resistance +24% to Lightning Resistance +24% to Fire Resistance 0.2% of maximum Life Regenerated per second per Endurance Charge 40% increased Physical Damage with Staves 191% increased Physical Damage with Maces +30 Life gained on Kill 3% increased Attack Speed with Staves 3% increased Attack Speed with Maces Cannot Evade enemy Attacks Cannot be Stunned Enemies Cannot Leech Life From You 3% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life 26% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold with Maces +4 Life gained for each enemy hit by your Attacks Your hits can't be Evaded Never deal Critical Strikes 18% increased Attack Speed 5% increased Effect of Buffs on You 40% increased Stun Duration on enemies 12% increased Physical Damage +10 to Armour +8.8% Energy Shield +60.4% increased Melee Physical Damage +88 Accuracy Rating 8.8% increased Evasion Rating Overall it's better than before right? 12 hours to madness... Last edited by TettaVolante#6477 on Aug 20, 2014, 6:06:01 AM
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I'm eager to see if the OP Build gets updated from the 1.1 build to 1.2 now as I really enjoy using it.
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Hey there, the skill tree doesn't seem to be showing up correctly? some nodes are not highlighted.
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Tree changed today, but the link is to old tree, so it doesn't work.
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Edit since NAS updated his tree, thanks! I hope you don't mind that i've posted my update proposal, i just wanted to help those who were asking for an update. I'll leave my version posted here since i saw someone was interested in comparing the builds.
As i mentioned earlier, i tried to recreate the closest possible build to the original version, but i left out the upper Templar mace node cluster (ending with Baptism of light) in favor of the new mace cluster in the bottom right near Golem's blood, since it also gives attack speed and AoE, which is a must-have for a groundslammer imho. I've also added the Mortal conviction node since it got buffed to 60% and running an aura shouldn't be such a problem anymore (i'm using either a haste or vitality aura, depending on wether i run solo or in a group) and 4 melee damage nodes in the Templar starting area becouse they were available to reach the number of points for a level 90 build. Here is the version for level 90, assuming you took all the bandit rewards like it was mentioned in the first post: 1.2.0 groundslammer marauder version Last edited by Tom7i#1833 on Aug 21, 2014, 9:49:51 PM
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Hello guys!
I updated tree. I even updated some parts of the guide adding and removing some minor informations! Have fun searching for Forsaken Masters groundslamming entire Wraeclast! Your NAS PS. It's fun the update is made, when thread has 400th page anniversary xD http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/73928 <-- [Newbie Friendly] Marauder Melee Build IGN: NinjaArabStrategist Last edited by NinjaArabStrategist#0191 on Aug 21, 2014, 9:30:52 AM
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" Firstly, thanks for the great build and guide. I've been following through it with my first char, over the last month, while learning the game. Your updated 1.2 tree has a few changes which now contradict some of the basic noob guide text, so I'm hoping for a quick explanation as to why you changed things up with the patch. The main obvious change is you no longer take any endurance charges in the tree. The previous build went for every one. Why do you now avoid these in the tree? I'm also wondering why amplify has been dropped from the recommended tree? and similarly why u didn't go for the new bloody bludgeon skill, with increased speed, mace damage, and aoe radius? The new skill in particular seems to be made for ground slam. One last thing, whats your opinion on Tom7i's suggestion, to take the buffed mortal conviction skill and run a single aura, losing some HP? Do you think this would be a good middle-ground option, between using the basic BM keystone and no auras, and the advanced version of using BM gem + ground slam and running multiple auras? |
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I don't see the link for the passive tree. Can any1 link it here in the comments?
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