1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD

Savjak wrote:
I recently respecced Blood Magic for Determination Aura. Blood Magic build did fine for me until Merciless Act 3, where my character seemed to be torn apart in mass melee.

Is Mana Flows required for multiple aura management? Or do you guys just use mana leeches to compensate?

you can run two auras on mana with a reduced mana gem but then you will only have ~10% of the mana pool left for other skills.

mana leech doesn't work on main skill. too high cost and too slow regeneration. use bm gem.
if you don't wanna use bm gem for your other skills you need to up your mana pool and get mana reduced reservation nodes.

if you are a beginner. follow the guide here. it's good.
Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Nov 9, 2013, 9:58:11 PM
Since someone asked, im sitting at Level 56 in Cruel and im doing the last Quest in Act 3:
Heavy Strike: 3459 dps
Ground Slam: 1799 dps

its pretty easy so far, crushing everything down
Tara666 wrote:
Since someone asked, im sitting at Level 56 in Cruel and im doing the last Quest in Act 3:
Heavy Strike: 3459 dps
Ground Slam: 1799 dps

its pretty easy so far, crushing everything down

thats pretty sweet, may I ask what supports u use for hs and gs? Also whats your defensive stats?

I just upgraded my

and I think I gained around 1.2k dps from weapon alone, pretty crazy stuff!
I use on both Skills Added Fire, Increase Melee Damage and Life Leech. I dont have a 5 linked Item yet for Faster Attack Gem. All Resis up to 75%. I have 804 Armor and 19$ phys. dmg. Reduction ;) Im in Act 1 merci now

that legendary 2h is pretty nice
Last edited by Tara666#2409 on Nov 10, 2013, 12:31:33 PM
So i wanted to post an update on my build, I've made quite a few changes to the passive tree

This is not a newbie friendly build, it's more for end-game maps 70+.

It's oriented toward being a tank - phys reflect and 2x reflect no problem
(Can tank boss on lvl 73 maps without a sweat)


Passive Tree

One thing before you try it out. You absolutely need Carnage heart and a lot of life or it wont work.
BOR is not needed at all and could be replaced with a 5L or 6L armor.

What did i changed : Took Vaal pact
With the extra points from res nods and my lvl (lvl 83) i took amplify

Stats :

HP 4769
77 all res (-22% chaos)
12% life leech (20.5% on Heavy Strike)
7 endurance charge
1.5k armor (2.1k evasion :( not usable )

17.8k Heavy strike
12.7k Ground slam
Timezone : Est (Gmt-5) --- Ign: LastMFtoBreathe
Last edited by LastMFtoBreathe#5644 on Nov 10, 2013, 6:46:37 PM
LastMFtoBreathe wrote:
So i wanted to post an update on my build, I've made quite a few changes to the passive tree

This is not a newbie friendly build, it's more for end-game maps 70+.

It's oriented toward being a tank (Can tank boss on lvl 73 maps without a sweat)


Passive Tree

One thing before you try it out. You absolutely need Carnage heart and a lot of life or it wont work.
BOR is not needed at all and could be replaced with a 5L or 6L armor.

What did i changed : Took Vaal pact
With the extra points from res nods and my lvl (lvl 83) i took amplify

Stats : Will post as soon as i get home

nice setup. how much do bor and marohi go for now?
why did you take vaal pact?
Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Nov 10, 2013, 3:27:09 PM
Should i level my faster attacks gem?
My IGN is TheFatality.

nice setup. how much do bor and marohi go for now?
why did you take vaal pact?

I don't known much about current prices, but like I said you don't need Bor.

For vaal pact there's two reason :
- I couldn't leech fast enough without it to tank high lvl boss (sometime 1 hit do 2k+ dmg)
- I would have been over my life leech cap with Carnage Heart

I can't really feel the difference of a 200hp/sec regen on a big life pool.
Only downside is that you can't use life pots to get out of trouble.
But you have a 5 sec immortal call for that. (i almost never use it)

@Annihilat0r : Yes most definitely level you faster attack
Timezone : Est (Gmt-5) --- Ign: LastMFtoBreathe
Last edited by LastMFtoBreathe#5644 on Nov 10, 2013, 5:58:57 PM
I have now played this game about 60 hours, maybe more cant remember.
First tryed with Marauder and my own spec. It was level 28 and i destroyed it.
Then i leved my ranger to lvl 27. Then i decided to try Marauder again and i found this build. And it is working great. No problems at all, just throw warlords mark and start spamming ground slam. I have 2.8k HP (Had over 3k, but i dropped some healthnodes and took res to cap it)and Ground slam DPS is 1.8k and if i remember right Heavy Strike is like 3.6k

This is my gear

What to do you think about it? I think it's pretty good for this level
Last edited by Kiekura#1378 on Nov 10, 2013, 9:04:06 PM
Have played for 13 hours on my maurader using this build and its going great!

here is my gear, everything is self found except for Geofri's Baptism wich i bought for a couple of chaos. I still have a lot to upgrade but Geofri's Baptism really helps alot


Level: 40
HP: 998
Fire res: 75%
Cold res: 53%
Lightning res: 75%
Chaos res: -20%
4 endurance charges
719 armor (35% reduction)

DPS List

Ground Slam: 750.5
Heavy Strike: 1485.3
Leap Slam: 374.3


thanks alot for this guide!

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