70k DPS | McPillar 1.0.4 - Righteous Fire Build [with VIDEO]

ogorhan wrote:
So in 1.0.5 freeze mine is getting "balanced" so how will this affect your build? I mean we dont know what that balance is but we can guess you will not able to perma freeze bosses (i think).

As said before, it wount effect the Build itself at all. The Freezemine thing (which u can use in every build) is just a nice adition :)
sikker wrote:
lamafao wrote:
Enfeeble is really annoying

It was my understanding that Enfeeble had no effect on RF. I certainly can't feel a difference with that mod on maps

Hmm i always notice difference, maybe im just crazy.

Also i meant mod combo : Monster fire res 75% + Monsters immune to curses + Enfeeble

Cant really boost your damage, only ele equilibrium helps ;s
IGN : RRRimtas
I have taken the 4 aura-nodes (up to and incl Sovereignty), and I'd like to hear if going with out these 4 nodes has been a problem for any of you?

Especially I'd like to know at what point it is possible to run with all 3 auras without the 8% reduction from Sovereignty?
Especially I'd like to know at what point it is possible to run with all 3 auras without the 8% reduction from Sovereignty?

It's 140% Mana reserved...

100/140= .714 needed

..So a lvl 20 Reduced Mana should be fine.
(Might not be if you have a low, odd amount of mana due to rounding)
Last edited by Epsilon2012#3283 on Jan 4, 2014, 11:53:03 PM
Srry for noobish cuestions, im playing for like a month and im not very familiar with all the skills

So you just have to cast 1 time Righteous Fire every time you enter a map/instance more or less?

Also you run 2 auras all the time vitality and purity of fire?

At wich lvl you can start to use Righteous Fire around lv 65-70?

Also you need to cap other resist beside fire?
Last edited by pelll#5674 on Jan 5, 2014, 7:01:27 AM
pelll wrote:
Srry for noobish cuestions, im playing for like a month and im not very familiar with all the skills

Also you run 2 auras all the time vitality and purity of fire?

With lvl 1-19 Reduced Mana Vitality and Purity of Fire | With lvl 20 Reduced Mana u can run Grace too (to benefit from Iron relfexes)

At wich lvl you can start to use Righteous Fire around lv 65-70?

At lvl 65 u are able to use the Rise of the Pheonix Shield (Core build Item) So make sure to have all the regen nodes in the tree and have Vitality and Purity of Fire at least lvl 17!

Also you need to cap other resist beside fire?

U dont have too, but you should cap all the resistances all the time.
Last edited by Uselchen#1390 on Jan 5, 2014, 12:24:10 PM
So i have tried your build and my gf she says that i am in love with my Marauder. But i have a question, how do you fight totems ?
hack and slash , all the day :)

Proud beta member since patch 0.9.5!
Epsilon2012 wrote:
Especially I'd like to know at what point it is possible to run with all 3 auras without the 8% reduction from Sovereignty?

It's 140% Mana reserved...

100/140= .714 needed

..So a lvl 20 Reduced Mana should be fine.
(Might not be if you have a low, odd amount of mana due to rounding)

Thanks. I guess I should have tried to calculate this myself.
Now I know that I need to keep those nodes :)
Any link or hints on facebreaker leveling guide? use facebreaker with some other skill?

Dropped this shield yday :D

Hello ;)
What do u think about cyclone+Soul taker or Kaom's Heart to ur build?
resists should not be a problem from boots, helm and jews
@_inQontrol lvl 100 Ambush
gear, tree: http://poebuilder.com/#builds/inqontrol-inq001
or http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/797034
Last edited by ex_vitek#5561 on Jan 6, 2014, 4:22:24 PM

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