Open Beta - design changes

Didn't alpha have a 40% more ES node after the CI node? Was that removed?
IGN: Warp_Nine
While the changes to totems and the keystone drawback are absolutely welcome, I really don't think that allowing traps/mines/minions to bypass Ancestral Bond is the way to go. It gets away from the high specialization and min/max focus of the keystones, turning the totem specialists into the dustbin of proxy skills that no one else likes. I really want to see trap and mine focused builds come into their own rather than being the thing that the totemancers do because there are no other options. Similarly, encouraging minion use for dual totem classes will likely only exacerbate the defensive overpoweredness of having two targetable turrets around the player.

Dave830 wrote:
Didn't alpha have a 40% more ES node after the CI node? Was that removed?

yes its gone
Qarl wrote:

Skill Changes, and “Nerfing All the Builds”

We sometimes get feedback that “nerfing” is a never a good idea, and we should just leave everything as it is, and only improve underused skills.

This idea doesn’t really work. If we constantly improve skills, then the game just gets easier. Making the game easier really isn’t our goal. And if we just make the game harder to compensate for making certain skills/builds better, then that’s just a very roundabout way of reducing the power of the others.

Some skills and builds have been much more effective than we intended them to be, which is fine - after all, we want a game where looking for power that emerges from intersecting game systems is the way to play. However, if a gameplay system is so powerful that is becomes dominant - or worse, boring - we will attack the power of those skills/builds.

We also want to make players earn their power. If there is something that allows a player to succeed with no effort, and without working hard to ensure all their passive choices, gear choices, and play choices line up with it, then that game element will be changed.

We also want the metagame to change over time. We aren’t looking to find some perfect balance and then call it done.

We are going to be adding skills and items and changing things for a long time to come. We will be giving you more interesting interactions. There will be theorycrafting fuel for years. There will be new overpowered builds, and your established characters may need tweaking to deal with changes to their skills.

This has made me so happy.

Keep up the amazing work, you guys really deserve this!!!
SL4Y3R wrote:

Here is what CI has become. Lose all your life. For 25% resists. That's ALL that keystone is now.

Please stop talking when you don't get the changes - chaos will be like the elements now, non CI users will have -60 chaos resistance at the highest difficulty, also Ci has othere benefits like no downsides to bloodrage and such.
Nothing to see here.
ReZar wrote:
SL4Y3R wrote:

Here is what CI has become. Lose all your life. For 25% resists. That's ALL that keystone is now.

Please stop talking when you don't get the changes - chaos will be like the elements now, non CI users will have -60 chaos resistance at the highest difficulty, also Ci has othere benefits like no downsides to bloodrage and such.

And such? What's the and such? BR could be countered with a LL gem for casters.

And no, they won't have -60 chaos resistance at the highest difficulty. They will have -60+x resistance from the tree and their gear. They could get 75% to chaos.

This makes CI, +25% resistance to chaos, but you lose all your HP for it.
y'all are awesome. now just reply to my support ticket so i can give you some more moneys.
SL4Y3R wrote:
ReZar wrote:
SL4Y3R wrote:

Here is what CI has become. Lose all your life. For 25% resists. That's ALL that keystone is now.

Please stop talking when you don't get the changes - chaos will be like the elements now, non CI users will have -60 chaos resistance at the highest difficulty, also Ci has othere benefits like no downsides to bloodrage and such.

And such? What's the and such? BR could be countered with a LL gem for casters.

And no, they won't have -60 chaos resistance at the highest difficulty. They will have -60+x resistance from the tree and their gear. They could get 75% to chaos.

This makes CI, +25% resistance to chaos, but you lose all your HP for it.

You are making some assumptions. Chaos still isnt like other elementals. Sure you can get resists on gear and there are SOME (I have heard 4 nodes in the whole tree, dont know how true that is) resist nodes. But they also changed damage values and how often chaos shows up telling me chaos resists are going to become verry difficult to come by.

CI is now more specialised sure. But to say its dead, especcialy without testing it and seeing the new content is ignorant at best. If it turns out it is as terrible as people are freaking out about they will change it again. No change right now is permenant. But to call it dead without seeing how it actually works in anything but theory is dumb. Even theorycrafters test thier theory to see if it works the way they thing before deciding if it is good or bad.
Im waiting for duelist changes! make it happen!
I have yet to say it was dead.

I'm merely saying that they've lowered chaos dmg by mobs. They've given chaos resistance. ANY is still too much.

All of these changes (chaos resistance) has yet to be tested. In alpha or beta. Going into a league that will not be wiped. With things that completely change the game. Is a horrible idea.

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