[1.3.0]PewPewPews official Starter-Friendly Incinerate Build | Stronger than ever!

But.. I just learned that herald of Ice affects Incinerate.

Incinerate will be insanely OP.

I've rolled scion on Rampage (been playing witch on Standard) and have been running with Herald of Ice. It's worth noting that supports affect Herald of Ice. The increased mana cost will increase the mana that Herald reserves, *but* there are two important utility supports that have no increased mana cost: Chance to Flee and Blind, and these do seem to take effect on incinerate hits (knockback probably works too but I'm not so keen on the way it pushes mobs out of shotgun range). Note also that Herald has only 30% dmg effectiveness (same as incinerate itself) so I don't know how much it'd be worth adding damage type supports. I did consider Cold to Fire, given that it also adds nothing to the cost and we have many bonuses to fire damage , however it only appears to affect the AoE explosion and does nothing for the damage added to Incinerate.

Edit: this is wrong, supports on Herald only affect the AoE shatter.
Last edited by Norky on Aug 25, 2014, 9:03:54 AM
You could also use item rarity for a bit of extra mf. It has no mana modifier too.
kompaniet wrote:
You could also use item rarity for a bit of extra mf. It has no mana modifier too.

Damn good idea! Hmm, I wonder what else we can abuse with this :)
Are you sure that blind, knockback, item rarity really works with herald of ice and incinerate. Or the support gems only work when enemies are shaterred by herald of ice.
Last edited by ciolanpatrunjel on Aug 24, 2014, 5:45:46 PM
Very interesting find. There will be changes to the tree, didn't realise Herald of Ice didn't count as an aura. I might pick up Inner Force up again, and get more mana nodes to sustain the increased costs, where needed. Linking it to blind and/or increased rarity is also a very interesting idea. I'm certainly going to try it out(credits will be given btw ;P).

Sadly, I have been away for a few days, will return home again tonight. I still want to get my Rampage incinerator around 80 before I fully update the guide. Might take another few days since I'm... well rather busy lately :(
I am a nice guy.
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Last edited by Appels_Zijn_Gezond on Aug 25, 2014, 8:25:04 AM
Are you sure that blind, knockback, item rarity really works with herald of ice and incinerate. Or the support gems only work when enemies are shaterred by herald of ice.

You are right, I was wrong. It seems that support gems only apply to the shattering damage - ahh well, it did seem too good to be true.
Thanks for the build!

Currently using it at level 70 on Rampage. Things are going well, able to run 66 maps with almost no issue (The Brutus boss being the exception)
1508 dps with herald of ice (LMP in use - not GMP)
259 mana regen - so my lvl 13 AA needs a few more levels :)

I removed the lightning warp from the damage taken gem, it was getting me killed a lot

Can anyone suggest improvements to my current plan, I'm saving the 'inner force' nodes and the ones below 'written in blood' for last

Last edited by sjs1985 on Aug 25, 2014, 1:23:26 PM
Level 68 scion here on rampage.
I have 2300hp ( i know, awful gear), 1300mana.
I ve found a tabula rasa while farming docks and the damage went through the roof (for me at least). Need to buy better gear.
sjs1985 wrote:
Thanks for the build!

Currently using it at level 70 on Rampage. Things are going well, able to run 66 maps with almost no issue (The Brutus boss being the exception)
1508 dps with herald of ice (LMP in use - not GMP)
259 mana regen - so my lvl 13 AA needs a few more levels :)

I removed the lightning warp from the damage taken gem, it was getting me killed a lot

Can anyone suggest improvements to my current plan, I'm saving the 'inner force' nodes and the ones below 'written in blood' for last


Still awaiting someone else to chime in but I think if you respecced out of your aura nodes and used those points to drop into the templar tree for some more mana regen you would be better off for it.

Clarity is our only actual aura afaik, arctic armor and herald of ice do not carry the aura tag. Increased mana regeneration nodes boost your entire regen amount including clarity, while by comparison the aura nodes only boost clarity's regen, which is tiny compared to your main regen from having an eldritch battery mana pool.

I regen 226.3 mana without clarity, and clarity only adds 21 at it's current level for me in the tooltip. When I actually step out of town and turn clarity on I regen 291.8 per second. Unless something is not as it appears I feel like a few people who follow this build to the letter will have made a mistake unless they decide to add more auras to the build somehow.
Last edited by Omnicide24 on Aug 25, 2014, 7:19:00 PM
Thanks for the reply.

I regen 124 mana a second by default.
With my lvl 17 discipline: 177
With my lvl 17 clarity: 214
With both: 267

I'm hoping to maybe run haste as well once I have enough reduced mana from the aura nodes

Maybe something like this then? (Also removed some 5% hp from the large group of them and took same amount of hp + chaos res at the top aura nodes)

Last edited by sjs1985 on Aug 26, 2014, 4:36:21 AM

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