[1.3.0]PewPewPews official Starter-Friendly Incinerate Build | Stronger than ever!

In regards to the mana issue, i run 2x
. This flask is awesome. My incinerate is 70 mana per cast at 9 times a second,so even with really high regen there's no way i'd ever reach the 600+/s i'd need. Using 2x of these flasks lets me run half and no regen maps no problem, as well as getting rid of the need for mana leech in a 5/6l
@Taurgarr: Well, glad to see it's little less then you expected ;P
I gave the reasoning for some of those skillpoints in the first post - even though, don't forget this is just a guide, and nothing more - this worked for me, but something else might work better for you so... :)
One thing I'd like to say: since you are using saffells, it is impotant to max your eleres(80/80/80), That's the reaon why we want saffels here, for that 5% extra max resistance :)

@Yxalitis: I personally found Chaos res not needed. Even with -60, it's still rather easy to get through almost enything that deals chaos damage - your leech is simply just too much for anything that deals chaos damage. If you are unsure, drag one amathyst flask with you and activate it when you see a lot of chaos coming your way. The only chaos damage you need to watch out for is the one from the blacksmith(dunes 66/spiderforest 69). Everything else should be just fine.

@OTfor2: Defo, it has everything you need, so go for it!
There is no need to use a wand specifically, wands just have a good chance in getting good stats for this build :)

@cuakmanL I would say no, We don't aim for block, so that's not really needed.
I would disagree against going with grace, it seems like it could work, if you get IR as well.

@Tilan: I hate LT. It doesn't kill me anymore, but just like with you, it scares me :D

@SpaceJanitor: Funny, a friend of mine is running something similar. We both started our builds around the same time, so we were influenced by each other a lot. The big difference from his build and yours is that he runs without massive block, and with LW/CwDT.

His incinerate did around 210K DPS in close range/max stats.

Anyways, it was nice to read your story here, I don't think I'll go with the cloak/added lightning since I feel that requires more expensive gears to get it to work. And honestly, I want to keep things cheap and simple :>

@Holocaustus: his touch of god doesn't deal physical damage(as far as I know)so a topaz should be just enough.
I uploaded a vid where I was doing him. Just skip to around 3 mins to see what kind of damage it dealt to me. You can definitely tank it with a topaz, though it's easier and saver to teleport away. Popping a potion after his animation starts will still reduce the damage, the damage is calculated when it hits, not when he casts it.

@Virevly: How are your resistances? By the looks of it, your(lig)res is far from maxed. Since we are using saffells, it's really important to keep our resists up(maxed). If we don't, we will take a LOT of damage when we get to low mana, which will happen rather often due to the increased damage we take in the first place. Don't be afraid to drop your rings for more hp/res, same with the aurseize/amul.
Your damage might not be near the 1K point, but that's mostly a matter of leveling the gems. Even with 750 dps, you should be able to hit 15K dps in close range/max stage :)
This will also benefit greatly in maps, you'll see.

@Holocaustus: I am also not using mana leech(most of the time), and still manage just fine. Simply because I don't take much damage in the first place.
With resist up to 82%, AA blocking a decent amount of the physical damage, I don't have many occasions where my mana drops low. And when it does, molten shell will save the day.

@swarmofseals: see the reply Avantor made. it covers everything I can say about it :)

@SpaceJanitor: aye, when I get my hands on one, I'll give it a try to see for myself ;P

Thanks for the interest, questions, and reactions guys!
I am a nice guy.
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What are you planning to do with the rest of your skillpoint?

the only options i can see is either:

go for Sovereignty passing through 3x 8% life nodes at top left

Chaos res/dmg above Mana Geyser

or an extra 36% or 42% fire damage from Arsonist at bottom left
Say I wanted to use a Lavianga's Spirit flask, is it worth dropping the 240 armor on this belt (and 10 life)

in favor of the 20% increased flask duration on this one

The difference is 1 second, so the flask will last 8 secs instead of 7.
The whole Cloak of Defiance idea is pretty interesting. Sure you would lose some energy shield ( and thus mana ), and the +1 to gems, but the amount of passive points gained back might make it worth the loss.

I may have to do some number crunching here and see what can work....
This build is awesome! Currently level 72 and I can do level 70 maps with no problem! Some unique bosses are hard but I just pop a pot and problem solved.

The only thing that sucks is that my HP is only at 2.1k. :(
Hello, i just wanna give my 2cent about your template. It will be a bit long, but if u wanna try this build, watch what i will write !

I started to play Path Of Exile, long time ago, 1 or 2 years ago i don't remember exactly. I made a big break cose when i started to play it, i rushed a ranger without any clue of what i was doing. I was at lvl 49 and i was stuck cose i was squishy as fuck.

So when i decided to be back on the game ( Friday 01.17.2014 ) i wanted to get some advice. And i searched a loooot before fall on a template who can please me.

And i found on yours, after no lie around 4-5 hours of search. And i decided to try about it.

Your build for me work awesome till level 55 it become very very hard until 62. I wanted to say that your actual price of the items are obselet!

I spended to have the two piece + some decend 4Link gear pieces, around 30-40 chaos. This is all what cost me to be full geared.

I'm actually level 65 and i just finished Merciless act 2 without any problems.

If u attempt to try this build, its a good idea, cose its one of the rare who actually work like on the papper, if u follow the rules.

It was an amazing week-end i spended with that build, i started from 0 and i'm now 65 in +- 50hours of gaming in 3 day.

Thanks for ur build, Thanks for all!


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