[0.11.0] Eldritch Battery/Armour Crit Dagger Shadow (Based off the CI Crit Dagger Shadow concept)
So, I'm level 72 now and I don't seem to have enough survivability to do maps although my DPS should be enough with lightning strike sitting at 6k and double strike at 7k. It it because I don't have enough armor?
Also, I've only got about 3k life. >_> Last edited by Aureolin#0682 on Apr 6, 2013, 4:47:47 PM
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What do you guys think about this tweak on the EB/Armor/Crit/Dagger build starting from the Duelist area?
Link to build Key differences: -much more life nodes -much higher dexterity resulting in far higher accuracy -leather and steel to ignore armor movement penalties -shield mastery -mana flows -more frenzy charges -overall i believe more damage compared to shadow -can get life regen faster to counter blood rage -dagger nodes are pretty far, but you can just substitute dagger for swords and such until then I'm currently Lvl. 30 building towards this. Alternatively you could also build down from Shadow area as well. |
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When should we level up LS past 9?
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When you have enough mana to support it along with all the auras. Would suggest after EB, prolly 65+.
IGN: voltik
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this is my first character. when i downloaded PoE i watched some random youtube videos and saw the name "crit dagger shadow" somewhere and i decided that i should build it. but i didnt look at any guides or anything i just took dagger passives randomly. now i have looked at some guides and fixed my build abit. maybe someone can give me some pointers what to change. i am not armor based like this guide, but evasion+iron reflexes. I see alot of people have their doublestrike so much higher than LS, but for me it doesnt go really that far from it. What could be the reason behind this? My doublestrike is at 5k damage and LS and 4,4k (using Multistrike on LS) I dont have any chaos resist atm, because I dont have a shield yet. I wanna first buy a shield with +30 chaos resist and then figure out what other pieces of gear I can afford that has +chaos. I have always dual-wielded (as said before, I didnt really follow any guide and was new to the game) If i remove the second dagger, the dps will drop and will then become alot less than I see people posting here (around level 70). My rings were focused on mana regen and management, but with Multistrike I dont need it no more so maybe you could suggest what kind of new rings I should buy. Also, should I make some changes to passive tree since my dagger (slaughter knife) since it has lots of elemental damage and Multistrike scales better with elemental damage anyways (as I understand) Maybe it is just too hard of a build to achieve as first character, but I hope you can help. passive tree: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgYADkgOrRGWFHUZ1RnXHNweGiQ8JpUnqSgqKaUs4TBUMHwyATMMSTtJUUp9TZJRR1VLVvpabWHiYetnoG17cFZyfnRBd9d6U35Zfyt_xoIehxmHdofbiEKIa4w2jb-OipAbmVeZmpoTmyakwqZ_pzSnXKp_qrisZrGzshm1SLb3vJ_Bxc961BnYdtsL29TdRt7244Tjn-d06NbrFOtj7UHw2fxO_MX-K_-T_94= stats: ![]() gear: ign: YongSook Last edited by subtiiter#1088 on Apr 16, 2013, 2:41:14 PM
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Awesome guide but could you please add some pictures like in your previous guide. That would be much obliged :D
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How does this compare to the CI version of the build?
In terms of dps/suvivability Obv if you get koam's you have to give up a 6-link, but other than that how do they compare? >>> IGN - TrolldAllDay Scammers - @IamSuchAFatty - scammed 1 onslaught exalt for 2 hardcore <<< Last edited by twapper#0511 on Apr 18, 2013, 1:42:14 AM
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Great guide, op build, gj Inva!
selling some old shadow gear used on this build including this beautys: and others. please visit my shop for more shadow/hibrid gear
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Hello, everything was fine with this perfect build until i hit level 30. My dps is so low now like 65-75 and my ls, double strike dealing no dmg at all LS dps is now around 130 with WED gem and double strike is around 110-120 and flicker the same. At what point did i go wrong ? My item setup is like this.
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Your weapons are pretty awful. At that level, I was using this (and still am):
And that's with 2 damage auras, mind you. I get about 1.1k DPS on Flickerstrike after blood rage, and between Wurm's Molt and Mind Drinker, I don't run out of mana to keep flicking. The swords are great twink uniques if you wanna go heavy ES early; you can usually get them for a chaos or two. And seriously - some of the twink uniques you can get are just dumb - ignomon, sadima's, aurumvorax, stuff like that. I also have these: Honestly, I just wouldn't recommend using daggers for damage at lower levels - swords do way more damage, and with cleave, you can do insane damage. Although I should probably switch to daggers eventually, for better crits. You can have one real cheap if you want. ^^ Luna's Blackguards - a guild of bronies - is now recruiting! If you're a fan of our favourite chromatic marshmallow equines, hit me up with an add or whisper, and I'll invite you! IGN: HopeYouAreFireProof Last edited by Budget_player_cadet#3296 on May 3, 2013, 7:34:33 AM
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