Beating Nemesis without rares or uniques
So it took you 15 minutes to trade three chaos worth of currency into chaos? Let's say that another way: it took you as long to trade the currency into chaos as it took to gather it?
... And yet people refuse to admit that a non-RMT based AH would be a good thing. |
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" How do you consistently make 12 chaos an hour by farming stuff? Pls teach. GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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" When I first saw the storm herald I allowed him to damage me several times to get a feel for how much he did, not very much damage since I have between 70-75 lightning depending on what gear i am wearing at the time. I am not an exceptional player at Poe. I've said several times in log that wear I am not is very easy. My resists are capped, I blow up monsters very fast, if I do find a dangerous most all it takes is an enfeeble curse. I think this will become difficult around merciless vaal. What I am doing is highly possible. I've already ran the numbers and I have many different options for how to max my resists. My life will be good because I'm priotizing life-rolls and the difference in life between a rare and magic is very small (a rare can have more life because its more likely to get get strength, all resist etc in addition to a life roll), armor will be my big weakness. All armor roll on gear are prefixes and life is also a prefix. By getting high life I get low armor. I am also NOT going into the marauder aura to pick up armor. If anything kills me it will be a strong physical hit but I think molten shell, decoy totem, enfeeble and the future flasks I will craft will be a large enough bag of tricks to help me if a rare mob from hell comes around. Dps will also be fine since I am a spell-caster and all I need is some easily acquired support gems and a 5-link chest which I will afford. If I was NOT a spell caster I would instead invest currency into buying blue items rolled with +% damage and attack speed. It would be more expensive than my caster but highly doable. The way I see it there are 2 types of people on this forum. Experienced players such as yourself who know that this challenge is highly doable and scrubs/newbs who dont understand the game (remember theres a difference between a scrub and a newb). For players such as yourself I hope you will get entertained and maybe we can have some nice discussions about the game. For newbs (those without knowledge) I hope to teach themself For scrubs (those who refuse to learn and complain instead) I'm going expose them for the cry-babys that they are. Maybe they will re-evalute themself and develop, at minamum I hope they will stop spamming our forums with QQ. Last edited by NotRegret#0188 on Dec 16, 2013, 12:43:40 AM
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" I doubt they'll do that one their own, but at least we can link this thread and go </thread>. IGN: SplitEpimorphism
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" Just wanted to pipe in. Dont depend on on hit and run saving your life from Corrupting Blood in Merciless. It can be done if you're extremely careful but the odd time will come up when you lose control of the situation. You seem like a smart guy but just in case you didn't know, roll a Staunching suffix on your flasks to dispel the bleed. You can let the Corrupting Blood stack up and then dispel it to get burst damage in. Also Storm Herald is a pain in the ass. Even with 77 Lightning Res, you can get shocked and things will go down hill very quickly from there as the stacks build. Anyway this has been highly entertaining so keep it up! Good luck in your quest! My name is Statik and I'm an Altaholic. I need to make new builds. Just for try for see and for know.
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" Grind stuff. Identify stuff. Understand which stuff can be traded because even if not useful in current form, it's at least got solid mods for crafting. Altoholic vender-trash the rest. Play averages and remember that for every couple hours where you only pull a dozen fuses and nothing special, there will probably be another hour where you got lucky and a two ex unique or whatnot dropped. Consistently? Eh, nothing is "consistent" in a game as RNG-heavy as POE. But on average? Yeah, that's probably about right. And either way, the fact remains that it's pathetic that it took OP 15 minutes to convert his seven silver coins into three gold coins. |
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Hey man, nice to see you're still alive and well. I really had no idea what to give for the boots considering I don't usually trade in augs. If you need anymore lmk, for the boots I mean, so you aren't taking them for free. I have plenty of transmutes/augs/alts now.
I've been IDing magics but so far I haven't gotten anything half decent. But since I'm doing maps, I'm sure I'll eventually find something nice. Surprising how hard it is to find good magics. Edit: Also those nemesis mods you mentioned are based off of the monster's main hand damage, so watch out for heavy hitters like golems. Current IGN: TheBearerOfLight Gizoogle Chris: "Da State of Exile muthafuckas axed mah crazy ass ta post a reminder dat they podcast is dis weekend, as usual. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack." Last edited by BoltThrower87#3044 on Dec 16, 2013, 2:29:36 AM
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About the 15 minute wait to exchange currency.
The time I waited to exchange the currency was almost instant when I lowballed myself (3 fuse to a chaos). I was desperate so I went with that. The 15 minute wait was me trying to get a fair trade on chaos, which no one wants to do. Chaos is in high demand. Even though 1 alch+1 scour is functionally identical to a chaos its very difficult to find someone who wants to trade their chaos for 1 alch+1scour. When you are low class in poe you get bullied in trade. If a high level player has 10 alchs and people won't take it as payment or want to low ball him than he will just use the alchs on his maps or maybe craft some gear. A low level player does not have such an option. He can't do maps and alching low item level gear is pretty bad compared to alching high level gear. Because of this its very easy for the high level player to bully the low into overpaying. On my high level character I do the same thing. I rip noobs off on the currency trades and they have no choice. I do not chaos my maps. I sell chaos to noobs at a rate of 5 alch/scour:2 chaos. After that I use the scour/alch to reroll my maps. This is an advantage of being a high level player. Many low level players see chaos and alch as nothing more than gold coins and they will not craft with them. These players tend to drive up orb prices to artificial levels: making 1 chaos=2.5 alch/scour I am in that position right now (I couldn't even wear a good rare if I got one). Whenever you want to trade up on currencies you either a) let yourself be ripped off b) be patient and wait I didn't have option b) and a lot of noobs don't either so I went with a) If I wasn't in a hurry to make the trade I would just scan trade chat every one in awhile and get what I wanted after a few hours or days. |
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An interesting and entertaining thread, OP!
I like the way you write and describe your "adventures" in the cruel world of Wraeclast :P Hopefully you'll manage it past Cruel Dominus! Looking forward to your Merciless adventures. |
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Still alive, are we?
And for the future: Be careful. Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar |
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