[1.xx] Islidox's Build tips/critique section for Rangers
" Glad to have been of help. In regards to Nemesis viability, check this post: " Regarding LA, LA has superior crowd control abilities, but you have a lot more control on RoA. Even with all my crit/critmult (and low crit mult compared with build that have over 500% crit mult), I have yet to die to reflect. RoA basically doesn't allow you to offscreen because it's an arc-based projectile, not straight like LA. So that means RoA can't travel offscreen unless you purposely have your mouse on the edge of the screen. Plus, with the Concentrated Area of Effect gem, you do tons of damage to a tight cluster of enemies. For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread:
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/69224 |
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Thanks for the info man.
I'm following the hardcore passive tree you linked, following the leveling path. I noticed the first change where you drop Pressure Points and go around the other way. So i think i understand it now. But i have two questions. Gear requirements are the same as the listed in the default build? Does the skill gems setup change in anyway also? For exemple, Increased critical strikes, should i still use it in the hardcore build? Since it appears it drops a lot of critical hit nodes from the default build. |
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Gear requirements are pretty much the same. The difference being that you want to avoid crit multiplier in your build.
The point with the HC/Nem version is that on the chance you DO hit reflect mobs, you won't die, on top of being backed up by a ton of life and evasion. This is why the build I quoted completely avoids all crit multiplier passives. Increased Critical Strikes you should definitely slot in when you can. The more critical chance you can get, the more consistent your DPS is. Essentially, having 40% crit and 85% chance to hit equates to 34% chance to crit on average, meaning every third shot is critting - that's good. If you think you'll lose out on DPS, I've redone the tree with more crit chance, changing a life cluster on top to something else, and changing some paths: For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/69224 Last edited by Islidox#7754 on Nov 8, 2013, 9:32:13 AM
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I do plan on making a new build, but I don't quite have the wealth atm to gear her up (getting there). It won't be a cost-effective build, and I plan on getting the new Kaom's for it. Hopefully I can get it without breaking my back.
Hint: ALL FIRE ALL THE TIME For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/69224 Last edited by Islidox#7754 on Nov 11, 2013, 9:44:37 PM
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Hi Islidox, nice thread it was very helpful. Just started PoE and I was able to solo everything pretty easy until Dominus on Cruel (had to get a party), now I am struggling in Act 1 Merciless with rare mobs. I followed your passive tree as best as I could but I was around level 20 something when i started to follow it so mine is a little different. I use Frenzy as my main DPS and Split Arrow as my AoE. Running projectile weakness, bear trap, Temporal Chains, and Grace.
I'm posting to ask for some help, I want to be able to handle most of Merciless. Do you think you can review my passive tree and check my gear to tell me where I need improvements? I have some currency to buy upgrades and 12 respec points for my Passive tree. Here are some links Passives:
Thanks. | |
@Cabu: Hey man, sorry for the late response - been busy with IRL and all.
Regarding your build, I would hesitate to respec now, because you'll need all the respec/regrets you can get. Few things to note: 1. The power of the build comes from gear - get rid of the Death's Harp unique bow and get something more decent. Also, with the Wurm's Molt Belt, you don't need the Slitherpinch gloves either - the belt is more than enough to leech the necessary mana you need. 2. I bet you're also feeling a bit squishy as well. This isn't because your gear sucks (decent for your level), but because you barely have any passives sunk into HP nodes. To get this passive tree, you'd need around 19 (I think?) respec points to reconfigure your tree: I suggest you wait until you can get some more respec points and then respec them all at once. Follow this to spend the least amount of respec/regrets: 1. 2. 3. 4. Note what I take out and place back in. It would take me too long to explain the entire process. Whatever is missing means that it has been been respecced out, and whatever is new is what we did to put with the free points. Hope this helps. For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/69224 Last edited by Islidox#7754 on Nov 13, 2013, 9:15:47 PM
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Hey, thanks for the response. No problem if it is late.
Well, I did some renovation on my own. This is my new passive tree: I'm pretty sure it matches what you have now. It only took 15 respec points to get to.
I have 4 points ready to be used also, I was thinking about putting them in the life cluster right below fervor and filling that out before moving up into the shadow tree. You were right. I was feeling very squishy, but now with this new tree I've been handling act 2 merciless pretty easy and i solo'd act 1 until Mervil. At the same time I did not upgrade my gear at all. So right now I just have trouble with bosses, but most mobs are easy. With the same gear from last post, when do you think I should start upgrading my stuff? I think I have about 2 exalts worth of currency and what would be the most beneficial upgrade? Thanks again for reading over my stuff. Edit: Just traded for a new 5L bow and pretty good quiver. I spent 11 Chaos, 2 GCP, 2 Alch, and 1 Scouring. Hope it was worth it I am killing things pretty fast Act 2 Merciless.
Last edited by Cebu#2161 on Nov 14, 2013, 2:54:57 AM
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@Cabu: good stuff. Definitely fill out the two 8/8/12 life clusters below Fervor. As an evasion build, you'll run across mobs that will bypass your evasion such EK-dealing mobs and chaos damage. Having an appropriate amount of life to deal with that is necessary.
For a 5L bow, that's a decent upgrade, and nice crit. Eventually you'll want a higher IPD (physical damage) bow than the one you currently have. On your quiver/jewelry, aim for crit chance and physical damage. Crit damage is a plus as well, as is life leech. For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread:
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/69224 |
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I filled them out, getting through Merciless like it was normal. Thanks again for all the advice. I'll keep coming back and checking for updates tho.
Edit: Oh and I also upgraded my armor and helm. I do a little bit more damage with split arrow and I am able to run 2 auras with the reduced mana gem I got, but I don't because it leaves with with 65 mana so i need to figure out how to get more mane. I'm going to try out rain of arrows and increased area of effect and see how i like it. Edit: I spent some time upgrading my gear. Here are my Numbers:
Level: 62 HP: 2555 Evasion: 4469 with 48% Dodge (Unbuffed)8726 with 61% Dodge (Grace) 9537 with 63% Dodge (Grace + 6 Frenzy Stacks) Resists: (C/F/L) 75/54/47 (Unbuffed) 75/71/64 (Purity) Mana: 750, 127 after auras (Grace/Purity) Life Regen: 29.6/second Dex/Int/Str: 440/170/126 Damage Frenzy: 1543.9 @ 2.26 APS (Unbuffed) 2672.1 @ 3.27 APS(6 Frenzy Stacks) Split Arrow 1197.4 @ 1.79 APS(Unbuffed) 1438.3 @ 2.15 APS(6 Frenzy Stacks) Crit Chance: 22.8% (Default Attack) 28.3% (Frenzy) Crit Multiplier: 195% (Default Attack) 345% (Frenzy) Chance to hit: 90% Full gear Set (including flasks):
Passives now:
So I'm playing around with having 127 Mana after the auras I run out of mana to frenzy sometimes. I want to get a lot more DPS and APS, IDK how I am going to reach your numbers they are way to high lol. Anyway, LMK how my numbers and gear looks when you get the chance and how I can improve. Last edited by Cebu#2161 on Nov 14, 2013, 8:17:48 PM
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Very good build, thanks for sharing it^^
Atm i've finished Merciless with ease, after a good upgrade, i've probably spent around 1-1.5ex, currency all made by drop and selling stuff, so not that much expensive. Found a le Heup Ring too, i think it suits well this build, sure i have to divine it in the future. Waat do you think? Here are my gear if u interested
Oh yes my stats(lvl. 70): 2.6k hp (need moar) 30% crit chance best dps, Frenzy with hatred is around 9.5k 6 frenzy charge not capped res too 75/63/61, i will cap them soon I'm not using mana leech on frenzy for now, don't really need due to the fact that i have only one aura up, can't go with two. I'm tryng to get mana leech and life leech from gear, 4% for both i think is the perfect way to go Right now i'm going to do some maps, it all works fine, except for the reflected physical mob, man, i often get one shoted..but probably because i don't pay much attention, just want to faceroll everything with rain of arrow lulz Do you have any special tips? IGN: Mad_Brululul Last edited by valerio07#4990 on Nov 15, 2013, 9:30:15 PM
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