[1.xx] Islidox's Build tips/critique section for Rangers
Thanx a lot for your build, its really interesting and kind of unusual, as far as i can see. I'm in Nemesis league now, have just entered 3d act of normal, and for now everything seems to be ok. But for the future, can u give some advises for hardcore players like me. The best will be an example of passive and maybe some gear collecting directions) That would really help me a lot, since it becomes harder and harder for me to follow the basic build from page 30) P.S. sorry for my english) |
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" There's one thing I need to mention, is that for hardcore, you'll want more survivability than DPS, and as such, you should follow this build for HC/Nemesis: The pathing should be the same, except you should get Phase Acrobatics before level 80 as my one suggestion. Everything else should follow the leveling guide. In place of certain damage notables that I take out, fill them with more life or evasion. For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread:
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/69224 |
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I used your base build for the nemises you posted here. and changed it a little bit. can you check if it is any good? Most changes: Removed: Master of the arena and the 12%, 8% life note and the 1% recovery Removed: Attack speed 8% Added: +10 dex and 3x 8% lifenotes Added: Reduced mana reservation 5%, Aura effect 8%, Influence Rest is the same. (only got the aura for the mana recovery atm) But I wonder if putting more points in aura effect is wise or if yours is more logic. Damn Latency issues. Might come back in a few seasons. Last edited by Hirukaru#6018 on Nov 2, 2013, 10:17:02 PM
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I saw you posted many many build possible to be an archer. As a first character, unfund and that need to farm for gear by itself, SO (not too much gear dependant and easy to solo farm with) what build would you sugest me to go? I heard LA was bad lategame bcuz of elemental resists in act3? and that it needed to play in party to be effective?(if its true i will go physical, if you tell me it is not too much gear dependant or rely too much on others) or if you have any good fast clearing speed farming build not too mcuh gear dependant to share LMK too xD) SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434 Last edited by xenochaos1#4153 on Nov 3, 2013, 11:19:51 AM
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Hi. My ranger has been my first character, and I didn't want to spend a bunch of time reading up on buids, etc, so my friend and I just kind of jumped into the game together, knowing what this would mean for us later.
Here's what my passive tree looks like right now: I run frenzy + fire damage + attack speed + faster projectiles, and LA + LMP + fire damage + chaos damage, with an occasional poison arrow + GMP + fork, which puts clouds everywhere. I can manage stuff like merciless docks runs solo well enough with 1000 unbuffed sheet dps and poor resists. When I play in groups of 4 or more my damage just seems absurdly low compared to all the spectral throw spammers that seem to populate this game. I don't really know what direction to take the rest of my passives to bump up my damage, and I just generally feel a little directionless with my build. Current equips:
Last edited by dsclough#0852 on Nov 3, 2013, 11:26:22 AM
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Sorry for the belated response guys - I've been sick.
@Hirukaru: I would go with this build then, following your changes. Clicky The reason I don't spec into Influence is that you can at most only support 2 auras at once while having enough mana to spam your skills. This is why Charisma is so much more important since you get a total of 15% less mana reserved. Influence is nice, but not necessary imo, and you would be better off with more life. Also, the build stops at 117 points because we spend our bandit quest rewards on O/O/K. Of course, if you get an Alpha Howl's helm, then that's a different story, and Charisma becomes a very attractive choice. __________________ @xenochaos1: The real answer is that all good builds that can do endgame maps will be gear dependent, no matter what. To deal with insane damage spikes and whatnot, you need topend armor pieces, and to do respectable to high dmage, you need a good bow/quiver/jewelry. That being said, the easiest build imo to start with is the LA archer. While gearing up for a tri-elemental build may be easier, but they're a lot less effective in endgame since there are lot of mobs that are resistant to all type of ele dmg. On top of that, the skill Elemental Hit was nerfed, making it less than ideal to use. Thus, I think the best build to go with is a physical-based Frenzy/LA Ranger. This means that you want a good physical-damage bow (with Lightning damage is a plus), phys/light dmg on your jewelry/quiver. IR/IG/RT mana-based version This build requires you to get some mana leech on gear to help fuel your attacks. This makes gearing a bit tougher since you need mana leech mod on gear. IR/IG/RT BM-support version This build requires less points to be effective, but to compensate the lack of mana passives you need 5Led equipment to socket the BM (Blood Magic) support gem on your main attacks. One final note: I absolutely think GGG screwed up the BM keystone to the point that you can't even use auras with it without using the Alpha Howl's unique helmet to use even 1 aura. As such, while BM may be ideal while leveling up, you will want to spec out of it later when you can get your gear set up. ___________________ @dsclough: I think you took a few wrong routes to reach the notables you wanted. With the same number of points, I can do this: 83-point build From there, you should head into 2 directions - the north part of the Shadow tree for more crit and life and the border area between Shadow/Ranger. This will allow you to use 2 auras comfortably while adding life and DPS. 102-point build If you get further with the character, I'd invest further down into the Duelist area. On the subject of low DPS, it really has a lot to do with your gear. The bow for example can be upgraded further. To do damage with your build, you want a few things: 1. high physical damage 2. local critical chance 3. high attack speed 4. global crit multiplier 5. lighting damage With your gem supports, you should try this instead: > LA + Faster Attacks + Lesser Multiple Projectiles + Weapon Elemental Damage + Increased Critical Strikes > Frenzy + Faster Attacks + Added Fire Damage + Increased Critical Strikes + Increased Critical Multiplier Obtaining a 5L item is well within reach if you work at it. The whole premise of your build is physical-conversion crits. As such, your gear and gem selection should reflect that. For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/69224 Last edited by Islidox#7754 on Nov 5, 2013, 10:48:00 AM
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Thanks mate will try it out.
Need to grind some new gear first in Nemesis to make sure that archer is able to live long enough to get to the level it is done. Damn Latency issues.
Might come back in a few seasons. |
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is ice shot's ground ice dmg counted as an attack so you can evade it? or is it treated like a spell and you cannot evade it
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" I'm pretty sure the ground ice does no damage whatsoever. You're thinking about the ice cone effect that is created behind the enemy upon arrow impact. That's what does the 100% converted ice damage as an attack, not the ground ice that forms afterwards. For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread:
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/69224 |
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Hey Islidox, really nice thread.
You have no ideia how much confunsion vanished after spending hours reading it. I tried other less in depth threads before, but i was still confused. So i decided to follow your build ( phys/crit/evade ) included here as my first character in the game. I just have three quick question, if you dont mind. Is the build Nemesis viable? Is it up to date? Is RoA really a better then LA? I mean, i prefer RoA myself, it's a fun skill to use, but it seems LA is more popular, so i wondered if it was more powerfull. well, thats it. Thanks and sorry for my poor English. |
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