Java script parser is what the bot was written in as well.
where did I say it wasn't a bannable offense? Why you keep putting words in my mouth?
The site became popular because of the bot, not because d2 needed a "trading forum". Think before you talk please.
You're dead wrong. You act as if Diablo 2s economy was fine before d2jsp came along. It provided a much needed economic system, you should seriously stop throwing around misinformation. You make yourself look like a moron, and in the long run, even if you were right, it won't accomplish anything as GGG can't do a damn thing about jsp or the people that use it.
IGN Nellz
Posted byVaux#0201on Jan 21, 2013, 4:32:36 PM
Yes the trading forum was in fact its claim to fame. There were many, many other bots to choose from. Some better than the jsp bot. Also you may have noticed i added an s to word kid. This makes it plural. This means i was not talking to only you not matter how self centered you may be. Please pay attention and try to keep up.
Posted byhacintosh#6410on Jan 21, 2013, 4:33:29 PM
nakieon wrote:
From what I'm reading in this thread, nearly all of you have never traded on d2jsp.
1) Claim: d2jsp is a "black market" / RMT site.
I personally traded at d2jsp for more than 3 years purely about D2 and guess what - I have never paid a single cent and I am "wealthy" in d2jsp. Contrary to belief, there is no real money trading (RMT) on that site. Someone mentioned the donor forum - yes there is a donor forum but I seriously doubt any RMT is going on inside those private forums.
However, the only "black market" part of the forum is that you can "donate" real money to get forum gold (fg) - the currency that d2jsp works with. But you can't sell the fg for real money and if you are ever caught being part of a deal like that, both parties (the buyer and the seller) are banned permanently and all fg stripped - no refunds. You can't sell the items for real money either, the site does not allow it just like it disallows selling fg for real money.
2) Claim: d2jsp has its roots in Diablo 2 hacking.
d2jsp didn't become popular because of some bot program (it's bannable to link to or hint to any hacking sites/hacks), it became popular because it brought to D2 what it sorely needed: a universal currency. That is what made d2jsp so attractive because it resembled a realistic economy. No more duped SOJs... no more bartering with whiny, annoying kids who think their item is the best in the game. d2jsp is exactly what D2 needed.
3) Claim: The selling of beta keys hurts GGG and steals GGG of cash. (note: this is
No. Just no. If there weren't so many beta keys to begin with, GGG would have more cash. A lot of donor levels (silver, gold, etc) have a lot of beta keys to give out and because of all of those beta keys, GGG doesn't get as much money. Because of this, GGG most likely tuned the package prices to be in line with what they want to get in relation to the free beta keys as well. Silver would've probably been a lot cheaper if there were no beta keys attached to it. Not to mention everyone, their dog, their sister, and their grandma got free beta keys throughout the CB. That is just GGG being generous with beta keys and not requiring everyone to buy a Supporter package to get the beta key. GGG has given out so many free keys that sold keys on d2jsp are in the very, very small minority.
4) Claim: d2jsp economy will ruin PoE economy.
Observe #2...this is why no one here should care about d2jsp. PoE does not have the same issue as D2 where ingame gold became totally worthless and unused for most things. PoE does not have that problem due to currency items. Those currency items act as ingame currency and this model is working for PoE. d2jsp won't be used as much due to this.
5) Closing comments.
I do find it stupid that d2jsp expanded to other games instead of being exclusive to D2. I do not support that part of d2jsp.
This whole thread is dildos.
I too used d2jsp when I played diablo 2. I never spent money on it either. However, the fact that you can spend money and get forum gold makes it easier for people to use cash to get items.
You are wrong if you think d2jsp didn't get started by a bot.
Also the whole reason both sides get perma banned for selling/buying fg with real money is not a noble one. It is to encourage you to buy from the website and it's also a forum gold sink.
All we need is to be able to make trades from the PoE forums and it should kill any incentive to use d2jsp. I would love to make trades during class :) .
Posted bybeerbasstard#5215on Jan 21, 2013, 4:34:26 PM
Vaux wrote:
Java script parser is what the bot was written in as well.
where did I say it wasn't a bannable offense? Why you keep putting words in my mouth?
The site became popular because of the bot, not because d2 needed a "trading forum". Think before you talk please.
You're dead wrong. You act as if Diablo 2s economy was fine before d2jsp came along. It provided a much needed economic system, you should seriously stop throwing around misinformation. You make yourself look like a moron, and in the long run, even if you were right, it won't accomplish anything as GGG can't do a damn thing about jsp or the people that use it.
Lol it's clearly evident you have no idea how advertising or "niches" work.
D2jsp became popular because it focused around a bot for diablo 2. There was plenty of other trading forums up at the time that everyone could have went to if needed be. But it all started because of the bot (a d2 niche) that grabbed thousands of users in the beginning then grew like a mad cow. If you want to keep flaming me and calling me a 'moron" w/o actually any facts or anecdotal opinions, please go look at the site on webarchive and you'll see. Otherwise if you don't got anything nice to say, don't say it all pal.
Yes the trading forum was in fact its claim to fame. There were many, many other bots to choose from. Some better than the jsp bot. Also you may have noticed i added an s to word kid. This makes it plural. This means i was not talking to only you not matter how self centered you may be. Please pay attention and try to keep up.
Lol, nice scapegoat out of trying to dig back up the whole you're in. Kids or Kid doesn't matter, you still called me a kid, funny.
"Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym Last edited by monkuar#2123 on Jan 21, 2013, 4:36:11 PM
Posted bymonkuar#2123on Jan 21, 2013, 4:34:41 PM
Metronomy wrote:
MonstaMunch wrote:
It ruins the game because it makes it effectively pay to win, but it doesn't take away revenue that would have gone to ggg. The whole point is that they don't sell in game items in the first place.
The whole point is that the sites existence has a negative for PoE, so I dont really get why you would be pedantic enough to point this out. I realise beta keys (what I was talking about) & in-game items are two different things, and also dont really care whatever FG actually is.
I just want people to understand that it is not OK, because if some people realise what they are doing, they are less likely to do it (sorry if this sounds like a rehash of what you said)
Consider these 2 points and see if you agree:
- GGG doesnt sell you in game items because that would be pay2win
- Every time someone sells an in-game item on one of these sites, it brings us 1 step closer to pay2win.
So what do you think? Do you want to help make PoE pay2win? I assume those of you that say you cant afford beta keys DONT want that, so by providing your support to these sites you are really shooting yourselves in the foot arent you? Its not really relevant if the currency is real money or not, any 3rd party currency is likely to have
the similar negative effects.
I disagree...
Think about it, instead of just spouting words.
GGG, being avid games themselves, would have known about d2jsp and other black market trading when they decided to make PoE f2p and non-p2w. So how does third party trading justify them implimenting p2w. This would just be GGG cashing in on something they apparently stand against now. If they did go p2w under the guise of combating third party trading, I would say that they had planned to do it all along, since they always knew it existed.
If this happens then you have all been played for fools........ to blame d2jsp shows you are gullible fools. Haha.
Traveling in a fried-out combie, On a hippie trail head full of zombie.
I met a strange lady, she made me nervous, She took me in and gave me breakfast,
And she said, "Do you come from a land down under?, Where women glow and men plunder?"
Posted bySunandSteel71#6545on Jan 21, 2013, 4:35:15 PM
DerChi wrote:
By some of the latest posts made by jspusers I can understand why people would think the community is bad.
I want to ensure you, not all of them are haters like those guys.
@those guys. Why do you get all defensive and start insulting people? this is a discussion and there is no harm staying mannered...
People throwing around false facts about d2jsp with an intent to tarnish the reputation of the site =| discussion. The origins of the 'attacks' came from people against the site.
IGN Nellz
Posted byVaux#0201on Jan 21, 2013, 4:35:28 PM
hacintosh wrote:
Yes the trading forum was in fact its claim to fame. There were many, many other bots to choose from. Some better than the jsp bot. Also you may have noticed i added an s to word kid. This makes it plural. This means i was not talking to only you not matter how self centered you may be. Please pay attention and try to keep up.
Actually during the d2jsp ere of diablo botting, it was the only public injected bot. All the others were pixel based. So no for a long time there was nothing comparable to d2jsp.
Posted bybeerbasstard#5215on Jan 21, 2013, 4:38:18 PM
And the Diablo 2 Bot that was associated with D2jsp is a story that has been over a decade+ ago. So ty men, it's a trading forum for all kind of games. Diablo 2 lived that long because D2jsp existed. Stop hating and being paranoid over bots coming from D2jsp. Pokemon world is a scary place
I hit him in the temple and he began to convulse like a retarded Hillbert. Mike Tyson
Posted byAbscission#6049on Jan 21, 2013, 4:40:18 PMBanned
so much false information and straight up made up lies in this thread
i love all the non jsp users trying to show how much they think they know about the site when they dont even use it and get all their information from other threads like this
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Posted byRitualMurder#3177on Jan 21, 2013, 4:40:28 PM
beerbasstard wrote:
hacintosh wrote:
Yes the trading forum was in fact its claim to fame. There were many, many other bots to choose from. Some better than the jsp bot. Also you may have noticed i added an s to word kid. This makes it plural. This means i was not talking to only you not matter how self centered you may be. Please pay attention and try to keep up.
Actually during the d2jsp ere of diablo botting, it was the only public injected bot. All the others were pixel based. So no for a long time there was nothing comparable to d2jsp.
The jsp era was before warden. A time when the majority of bots WERE injected. The entire reason d2jsp bot died was because of warden. The same reason all the other good bots died. There was no effective way to both bypass warden and release it on a large scale. Doing so would lead to blizzard reversing the method used and patching warden on the fly and banning anyone using them. The majority of bots at that time were injected because there was little stopping you from doing so.
Posted byhacintosh#6410on Jan 21, 2013, 4:41:46 PM