[question to GGG] PoE items on d2jsp
LOL, i never bought a single fg off that site men, and for that dude who saying D2jsp is pay 2 win? WTF you thinking? You can't buy anything if no one is trading items, and when you do, you trade with fgs, the fgs you make selling items for fgs. I smell amazon basin players in here haha
I hit him in the temple and he began to convulse like a retarded Hillbert. Mike Tyson
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Reading some of these comments makes me shake my head in pity. Most of you guys are idiots that don't even know what d2jsp is, yet you have an opinion of it. People WILL be trading in game items for FG and vice versa. There is nothing you can do to stop it, and it only helps the PoE community. Deal WITH IT.
http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=66157003&f=160 |
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They may be trading on d2jsp, but it will just make me all the more sad for it. My favorite was the guy last league buying up all the orbs of alteration he could because they were worth 1 fg each while GCP were 20.
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" Your point is? lol I hit him in the temple and he began to convulse like a retarded Hillbert. Mike Tyson
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" Read my post again. D2 had plenty of currency trades in 1.09. Mainly chipped gems to create ccbsoq/ccsoq/cbboq, PGs to reroll scs and gcs, um/ist runes to socket in common uniques. Ever played that patch or did you start Diablo 2 in the high cheating era, when all legit players left? The best runeword that time was silence and yet Doombringer/Wf/Grandfather/Lightsabre were better. 1.10 introduced tons of runewords that required so called high runes and almost nobody found them. The way the runes came on the market was by duping and using the upgrade receipe. Several kids who botted also used itemshops and sold runes for fools gold. 1.10 the site was only a bottermarket. Later when warden was introduced the d2jsp bot got banned since it did nothing to prevent detection. The last time the bot got banned was in 1.09 and almost nobody used that site. That's why players started to hoard fools gold as cheater insurance in case they get their account banned. " Wrong those keys aren't mainly sold by those who got supporter packs it's sold by accounts who get additional keys for a long membership. Multiaccounts to win lotteries etc. " Again wrong. The main use of the botterboard is a cheater insurance. Those players will sell currency to have a backup in case they get banned. If you ever played Diablo2 in a 1.09 or earlier you would know how trading was done there. Especially in classic Gold had a value since it was the only possible way to get certain amuletstats beside from killing Diablo. " CT will never get that popular. Also it doesn't prevent somebody 10 levels higher to simply kill all low characters. " Yeah you see how it worked with D2. There are several broken skills which make botting really easy. HC isn't a real challenge for experienced players anyway. Turbo is but not HC. " It draws cheater kids here. The only thing they do is ruin the trade system with fools gold and ruin prices by using the first best bot at cheater sites. It only draws scum and trash here normal players don't want to see. " Yeah check their D2 Forums. Every screenshot posted their shows the use of some third party tool. I am certain that those defending that site are common D2 botters. If you are able to google search some accounts you will certainly find screens with 3rd party tools loaded. " Autoban users mentioning FG and Sent/Sending etc. and create that many leagues(20 or so) that the botterboard users won't know which items belongs to their league. |
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People won't be in here trading for fgs, they will be over at d2jsp. While a lot of people trade on here on the forums, which is quite awkward for now at least, a lot of people are already there, building a community, the guild i'm in is already 70+ members. That will only bring positive feedbacks to a game. There are 0 negative points on using jsp for trading.
I hit him in the temple and he began to convulse like a retarded Hillbert. Mike Tyson
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Maybe about time this thread was locked or moved to off-topic to stop it's title from continually promoting a site that clearly the development team & vast majority of the playerbase disapprove of?
Blasphemous HC-SSF Path of Exile 2 enjoyer.
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I don'T see anywhere rules that are antijsp. Sorry folks, live with it. Whats gonna happen when botting starts? Not saying it will come from jsp, but someone, somewhere is probably even working on that right now soooo stop hating on trading communities that use forum gold ffs
I hit him in the temple and he began to convulse like a retarded Hillbert. Mike Tyson
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" A lot of the jsp defenders are not exactly giving that community a good name. Here's the deal: It is possible to use real money on JSP to buy FG to then buy items. -It doesn't matter if in your opinion 'nobody' does this. -It doesn't matter if you and your friends have never done it. -It doesn't matter if you and your friends just use it as a trading website. None of that matters. The undeniable fact is, JSP enables buying items with real money. Any FG sale could involve FG generated with real money. From first principles, this is unacceptable. Oh, and it doesn't matter that 'it will happen somewhere no matter what'. Yeah, so? It's still just as unacceptable. Last edited by aimlessgun#1443 on Jan 21, 2013, 5:52:50 PM
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