What's Coming in 1.0.3?

I dont know about everyone else, but I feel that when I run maps with my MF solo, I find no uniques. But if I run with say 3 other people, a unique will drop off every map boss we kill. Now Im a party player, dont get me wrong... But when friends arent online and dont play as much as me (which is a lot), its sucks running 76+ maps solo trying to find those rare uniques and not have anything drop.. Its a waste of a high map and a waste of my xp fighting those gg bosses solo.. I dont mind uniques being drop only, but its almost a month into the new leagues and there is what, 1 voltaxic on the whole server? Ive seen 1 mings heart for sale, 13exalts. It got sold instantly and now the play who bought it is selling it for 18exalts... Void batteries selling for 25+exalts.. Let alone casual players, this just isnt fun for hardcore players who play 8+ hours a day like me.. We want to try out different builds throughout the 4 month leagues and with the current state of the game, this just isnt possible.. You even said it yourself, GGG, POE is about rerolling characters, not endless endgame. Please think about it.

IGN Ken__Kaniff
lol cant wait to test the new skill
I always thought rain of arrows was Barrage replacement. I wonder what Barrage will be like. Some multiple target attack, possible ranged totem candidate?
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me.

3.13 was the golden age.
This is prolly disappearing in all the other posts but shouldn the old unique maps which have maze on it get an update? I mean poor joy´s isn´t rly worth anymore since last patch.
Crazy Miners Fire Nova Mines:
The Savage, Endgame cleaner:
Passive skills to support degeneration and chaos damage skills.

Its finally happening!
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Nice!! Looking forward for the next patch! :D
Nice one!.
With new passive, i wonder if there will be free respec?
How about improved unique drop rates?! THE CURRENT RATES ARE AWFUL STILL!!
Level 97 Ice strike Monkey
Great Work ! would like to see the new skill soon :D

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