New Forum Policy: No Hateful Posts

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Those harsh and hostile people are not only messing around in this forum, they also try to screw up the image of PoE and GGG through other channels like YouTube. I can feel that their behavior and actions are "excessive", which it seems to be "unnatural", namely: Get PAID to do so. To be honest and stay neutral, I find GGG team are good people creating good game. No "pay to win" and simply passionate developers for passionate players. Those who can afford fund for the game, those who can't afford can still share the same joy with others except those "optional nice-to-have luxury effects" -- This is definitely NOT an "evil gaming model". If you want luxury effects, you pay for it; else everyone has equal opportunity for the core gameplay -- I believe this is the philosophy of PoE, of which such healthy game is almost extincted in this modern corrupted world -- How can we expect our players to fight "corrupted monsters" in-game when the developers are the "corrupted monsters" by themselves outside the game? I do not want to mention the company name here, but I believe some of you should know which giant company I'm referring to.

Great work GGG! Nice move for the new forum policy!
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I love this new policy, and want to take this moment to say Thank You to each and every one of the GGG employees that has given me such a wonderful game to play and just an amazing experience.
As long as criticism is constructive, there is never any problem. It's sad that people are not able to provide constructive criticism anymore and have to delve into hateful posts instead. Hope this policy goes into seeing that.
Chris, a while back I posted in response to you on Reddit when you were talking about the CwDT changes. I asked (and tried to be polite) whether you had any of these reservations when you were making the build of the week video that featured that interaction that got nerfed. I'm not sure whether I was in the wrong there cause I tried not to be inflammatory about it but I just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry if it felt accusatory. I realize that you guys are humans and make mistakes and I am just glad that you are all man and woman enough to nerf something that needed a nerf even when you promoted it in the past. I was a little annoyed about this and my comment started a bit of a flame war so sorry about all that. I love you guys so keep doing what you're doing and we (devoted fans) will be there with you the whole time!
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Good move, Chris. PoE thrives on constructive discussion in all things, be they game balance, game mechanics, server issues....

Low value posts and hateful posts can easily make a forum useless, or even actively harmful.

I'm positive Chris and the others at GGG will avoid any sort of censorship, and if any of their forum mods (now or in the future) begin using this policy for censorship, Chris & co will make it right.
Last edited by brevven#6081 on Dec 1, 2013, 9:54:45 PM
Good. I look forward to seeing this enforced.
Ohhh, a dodgy move, hopefully it will lead into a better-land than into-worse-land :P.

Still, I'm hopeful. The excessive amount of QQ posts has really made me vitriolic towards majority of other players, maybe with this chance I will actually want to discuss game issues rather than wanting to flame the crap out of users who post about them in a whiny way.
Hello Chris and every one of GGG's team ..

Those hateful vile posts that have been flooding these forums recently, may seem like it's from many people, may seem like it's overwhelming, however, those people are just a tiny, tiny, little minority group.
I am sure you know this. It is understandable that those idiots got to you.
It is sad though, to hear that GGG's team has been impacted by this.

My point is, dear GGG, you guys are great.
Many people who appreciate you do not post it on forums. Just know that.

I fully support this new move. Cheers.
In all seriousness, "in before you nerf this too" doesn't seem hateful to me, although it does seem counter-productive. And some forum rants take on a Lewis Black style of vitriol which actually can be productive if executed properly.

I don't know how I feel about this announcement. I feel that, at the very least, the "in before you nerf this too" shows that the policy isn't very well defined, and that what is actually being implemented is some idea in Chris' head which we're not exactly clear on. This could turn out very good, it could turn out very bad.

Righteous anger is not an entirely evil thing, and should not be forbidden.

The only thing I'm confident about regarding this policy change is that it means well.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Dec 1, 2013, 10:15:15 PM

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