ggg needs to take steps to make spells more approachable

Wittgenstein wrote:
also, about being "axe/mace/sword" resistant - that is faulty. The difficulty is in needing to be in the monsters face to USE those weapons (and ST isn't so great in the late game) so by definition there is a downside to using those weapons that isn't needed to be stated by having a "axe resistance".

not that I am opposed to such a property if they chose to include it, but I feel it is redundant and most likely an unneeded/unjustified burden on the melee users.

i never meant that i think its a good idea to use a resi like that (in the most fight a caster that runs solo is forces into many melee situations i.e. leap slaming bosses/monsters,flicker strike,charging/very fast enemys or monsters that you can only dmg in "melee" range when there shield is up there is quite alot of those monsters/boss) white monster area at no point in the game a real threat,if you are atleast a bit carefull (doesnt matter if caster/melee or whatever)

it was the best way to try to make him understand that his "use a diffrent spell that you arent skilled into) is kinda wrong(even less builds would be viable like that)

the options with summons/totems etc that you mentioned are there i wont deny that,but they need passiv investment to do atleast ok in endgame maps,which limits the already significant lower dmg of spells even further and these options are there for any build not just spellusers
ciel289 wrote:
Wittgenstein wrote:
also, about being "axe/mace/sword" resistant - that is faulty. The difficulty is in needing to be in the monsters face to USE those weapons (and ST isn't so great in the late game) so by definition there is a downside to using those weapons that isn't needed to be stated by having a "axe resistance".

not that I am opposed to such a property if they chose to include it, but I feel it is redundant and most likely an unneeded/unjustified burden on the melee users.

i never meant that i think its a good idea to use a resi like that (in the most fight a caster that runs solo is forces into many melee situations i.e. leap slaming bosses/monsters,flicker strike,charging/very fast enemys or monsters that you can only dmg in "melee" range when there shield is up there is quite alot of those monsters/boss) white monster area at no point in the game a real threat,if you are atleast a bit carefull (doesnt matter if caster/melee or whatever)

it was the best way to try to make him understand that his "use a diffrent spell that you arent skilled into) is kinda wrong(even less builds would be viable like that)

the options with summons/totems etc that you mentioned are there i wont deny that,but they need passiv investment to do atleast ok in endgame maps,which limits the already significant lower dmg of spells even further and these options are there for any build not just spellusers

Thanks for the clarification!

What are your thoughts on.. Christ I forgot the name.. the passive that allows you to do more damage with one type of spell after using another? So, shoot the shitty fireball that you haven't specced for and then use cold? I thought that was an excellent addition and more passives along those lines would be great.
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equilibrium is too clunky in practice , remember switching spells to do your damage , sharply cuts into dps .

you need a spammable skill with little over head to work

also spells have exactly one benefit over melee , ranged , they don't need accuracy.

4 - 5 accuracy nodes or a dex based crit character can easily get 90% accuracy

this is why more and more resolute builds are switching over to abysses and crit, crit is huuuge.

crit is the face roll stat for any build in the game , its the difference between a 20k damage ceiling and a 200k damage ceiling.
Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Dec 3, 2013, 12:15:38 PM
Wittgenstein wrote:
ciel289 wrote:
Wittgenstein wrote:
also, about being "axe/mace/sword" resistant - that is faulty. The difficulty is in needing to be in the monsters face to USE those weapons (and ST isn't so great in the late game) so by definition there is a downside to using those weapons that isn't needed to be stated by having a "axe resistance".

not that I am opposed to such a property if they chose to include it, but I feel it is redundant and most likely an unneeded/unjustified burden on the melee users.

i never meant that i think its a good idea to use a resi like that (in the most fight a caster that runs solo is forces into many melee situations i.e. leap slaming bosses/monsters,flicker strike,charging/very fast enemys or monsters that you can only dmg in "melee" range when there shield is up there is quite alot of those monsters/boss) white monster area at no point in the game a real threat,if you are atleast a bit carefull (doesnt matter if caster/melee or whatever)

it was the best way to try to make him understand that his "use a diffrent spell that you arent skilled into) is kinda wrong(even less builds would be viable like that)

the options with summons/totems etc that you mentioned are there i wont deny that,but they need passiv investment to do atleast ok in endgame maps,which limits the already significant lower dmg of spells even further and these options are there for any build not just spellusers

Thanks for the clarification!

What are your thoughts on.. Christ I forgot the name.. the passive that allows you to do more damage with one type of spell after using another? So, shoot the shitty fireball that you haven't specced for and then use cold? I thought that was an excellent addition and more passives along those lines would be great.

its elemental eqilibrium and it worsk very well for some builds you are right
we need more keystones like that
but having to altnate manually every cast (not to mention you need additional gem slots(s) when you lose atleast 1 for lifeleech,which you cant get from items/passivs) takes time (even with high castspeed) and can be difficult when youa re "kiting/running away" from fast mononsters ( not to mention you dont always hit when you are running)

an option might be to add spellpen as item mod or in the passiv tree (you could limit the pen that you can get this way to not increase your dmg when the monster has 0 resi to make it easier to balance) the gem should stay the way it is

playing a spelluser is still fun and works,but when you switch to a melee (or attack based charr) and realize how much easier/faster it can be its disheartening

there is no reason to rush those changes (and overdo it) since it kinda works (even when its "less" efficient) the way it is now ,but it should be thought/looked at for the next 4 month leagues

new support gems (1-2 with good more modifiers like melee physical,WED or multistrike) might be a good idea as well
Saltychipmunk wrote:

also spells have exactly one benefit over melee , ranged , they don't need accuracy.

4 - 5 accuracy nodes or a dex based crit character can easily get 90% accuracy

this is why more and more resolute builds are switching over to abysses and crit, crit is huuuge.

crit is the face roll stat for any build in the game , its the difference between a 20k damage ceiling and a 200k damage ceiling.

And where on the passive tree might I find a whole metric crapton of chance to crit or chance to crit with spell nodes? Oh, up the caster area, you say...

What about support gems that increase both chance to crit and crit multiplier, what stat is associated with those? Oh, the same one that can offer a good deal of other useful benefit to a toon with, say, a high mana pool and potentially huge regen factor, you say...

But caster builds are trash, right? Spells blow, right?

I deny the premise of the initial post. I reiterate the statement that player choice, and the consequence thereof, is not the responsibility of GGG.

Sure, you can decide to build an Ice Spear/FP + LMP + Cold Pen + Crit chance + Crit Multi Marauder and power it with Blood Magic, and I have no doubt that it could perform.

But, starting from the Witch or Shadow base and going with ES/EV for protection with as high an Arctic Armor as you can maintain while running without noticeable mana degen, taking advantage of powerful and accessible aura nodes for other boosts (Haste + Discipline = so OP), and maximizing your ability to apply elemental effects to EVERY.MOB.IN.THE.GAME. will make your enjoyment of spell usage far greater.

That you can also use unlinked sockets to provide even nominal mob distraction is a total bonus. 2L Spell Totem + Summon Skeletons = totally OP to the point of content trivialization, TBH, without any passive investment, if all you are looking for is initial engagement meatshield and occasional "Whoa, too hot" because you got cocky, 4L in +2 minion hat with minion support gems for tankier skeles with high aggro rating and stop whining about being targeted as a caster. Even unlinked Decoy Totem placed prior to engagement and maintained as needed works wonders, and you should almost be ashamed not to use one if you have no other aggro draw.

Crit is the DPS equalizer for elemental/ranged, so the DPS question is moot. INB4 "but melee can get crit too!!!11one1!" Yes, they can, but with nowhere near the same level of + % chance and/or + % multiplier, nor with the same advantages from application of elemental status effects (frozen mobs can't attack, chilled mobs attack/move more slowly, shocked stacks to increase incoming damage, ignition for DoT while you kite - you do kite as a caster, please, for the love of all that is holy, you do kite, right?).

There is so much spell synergy in the tree, you just have to make the right choices to take advantage of it.
JahIthBer89 wrote:
IMO it's more of a physical vs elemental thing than it is spells vs attacks.

That's part of it. The other part is that spells can't life leech from gear, meaning that every caster basically requires an extra socket in their attack chain.

The fix is really simple, though:

1) Reduce elemental resists a bit. Maybe add physical resists to a few mobs.
2) Allow "leech from elemental damage" mods to appear on items.

Done. Spells fixed. I'll avoid holding my breath.
Sinnesteuer wrote:
Saltychipmunk wrote:

also spells have exactly one benefit over melee , ranged , they don't need accuracy.

4 - 5 accuracy nodes or a dex based crit character can easily get 90% accuracy

this is why more and more resolute builds are switching over to abysses and crit, crit is huuuge.

crit is the face roll stat for any build in the game , its the difference between a 20k damage ceiling and a 200k damage ceiling.

And where on the passive tree might I find a whole metric crapton of chance to crit or chance to crit with spell nodes? Oh, up the caster area, you say...

What about support gems that increase both chance to crit and crit multiplier, what stat is associated with those? Oh, the same one that can offer a good deal of other useful benefit to a toon with, say, a high mana pool and potentially huge regen factor, you say...

But caster builds are trash, right? Spells blow, right?

I deny the premise of the initial post. I reiterate the statement that player choice, and the consequence thereof, is not the responsibility of GGG.

Sure, you can decide to build an Ice Spear/FP + LMP + Cold Pen + Crit chance + Crit Multi Marauder and power it with Blood Magic, and I have no doubt that it could perform.

But, starting from the Witch or Shadow base and going with ES/EV for protection with as high an Arctic Armor as you can maintain while running without noticeable mana degen, taking advantage of powerful and accessible aura nodes for other boosts (Haste + Discipline = so OP), and maximizing your ability to apply elemental effects to EVERY.MOB.IN.THE.GAME. will make your enjoyment of spell usage far greater.

That you can also use unlinked sockets to provide even nominal mob distraction is a total bonus. 2L Spell Totem + Summon Skeletons = totally OP to the point of content trivialization, TBH, without any passive investment, if all you are looking for is initial engagement meatshield and occasional "Whoa, too hot" because you got cocky, 4L in +2 minion hat with minion support gems for tankier skeles with high aggro rating and stop whining about being targeted as a caster. Even unlinked Decoy Totem placed prior to engagement and maintained as needed works wonders, and you should almost be ashamed not to use one if you have no other aggro draw.

Crit is the DPS equalizer for elemental/ranged, so the DPS question is moot. INB4 "but melee can get crit too!!!11one1!" Yes, they can, but with nowhere near the same level of + % chance and/or + % multiplier, nor with the same advantages from application of elemental status effects (frozen mobs can't attack, chilled mobs attack/move more slowly, shocked stacks to increase incoming damage, ignition for DoT while you kite - you do kite as a caster, please, for the love of all that is holy, you do kite, right?).

There is so much spell synergy in the tree, you just have to make the right choices to take advantage of it.

and all the spells have atleast a 20% basecrit chance and weapon only 1%....
have fun kiting charing monster that are mroe threating at range or leap slamers (they dont leapslam in melee range) not to mention full groups of flicker mobs
Last edited by ciel289#7228 on Dec 3, 2013, 1:18:58 PM
Vexidious wrote:
JahIthBer89 wrote:
IMO it's more of a physical vs elemental thing than it is spells vs attacks.

That's part of it. The other part is that spells can't life leech from gear, meaning that every caster basically requires an extra socket in their attack chain.

The fix is really simple, though:

1) Reduce elemental resists a bit. Maybe add physical resists to a few mobs.
2) Allow "leech from elemental damage" mods to appear on items.

Done. Spells fixed. I'll avoid holding my breath.

People don't need to leech life, though. It's only a must-have for reflect, and even there you can just run an alternate trap skill. Heck, there are plenty of trap and totem builds out there that literally cannot leech.

It seems to me that people that think "casters" are terrible are just too restricted in what a caster is. They don't want to use traps or mines or totems or non-elemental curses or...anything, really, and just kill everything.
Read my book! The world ending in every way anyone ever thought it might end, all at once. First few chapters are available online for free.
Last edited by TheTenthDoc#6709 on Dec 3, 2013, 1:30:15 PM
Sinnesteuer wrote:
Saltychipmunk wrote:

also spells have exactly one benefit over melee , ranged , they don't need accuracy.

4 - 5 accuracy nodes or a dex based crit character can easily get 90% accuracy

this is why more and more resolute builds are switching over to abysses and crit, crit is huuuge.

crit is the face roll stat for any build in the game , its the difference between a 20k damage ceiling and a 200k damage ceiling.

And where on the passive tree might I find a whole metric crapton of chance to crit or chance to crit with spell nodes? Oh, up the caster area, you say...

What about support gems that increase both chance to crit and crit multiplier, what stat is associated with those? Oh, the same one that can offer a good deal of other useful benefit to a toon with, say, a high mana pool and potentially huge regen factor, you say...

But caster builds are trash, right? Spells blow, right?

I deny the premise of the initial post. I reiterate the statement that player choice, and the consequence thereof, is not the responsibility of GGG.

Sure, you can decide to build an Ice Spear/FP + LMP + Cold Pen + Crit chance + Crit Multi Marauder and power it with Blood Magic, and I have no doubt that it could perform.

But, starting from the Witch or Shadow base and going with ES/EV for protection with as high an Arctic Armor as you can maintain while running without noticeable mana degen, taking advantage of powerful and accessible aura nodes for other boosts (Haste + Discipline = so OP), and maximizing your ability to apply elemental effects to EVERY.MOB.IN.THE.GAME. will make your enjoyment of spell usage far greater.

That you can also use unlinked sockets to provide even nominal mob distraction is a total bonus. 2L Spell Totem + Summon Skeletons = totally OP to the point of content trivialization, TBH, without any passive investment, if all you are looking for is initial engagement meatshield and occasional "Whoa, too hot" because you got cocky, 4L in +2 minion hat with minion support gems for tankier skeles with high aggro rating and stop whining about being targeted as a caster. Even unlinked Decoy Totem placed prior to engagement and maintained as needed works wonders, and you should almost be ashamed not to use one if you have no other aggro draw.

Crit is the DPS equalizer for elemental/ranged, so the DPS question is moot. INB4 "but melee can get crit too!!!11one1!" Yes, they can, but with nowhere near the same level of + % chance and/or + % multiplier, nor with the same advantages from application of elemental status effects (frozen mobs can't attack, chilled mobs attack/move more slowly, shocked stacks to increase incoming damage, ignition for DoT while you kite - you do kite as a caster, please, for the love of all that is holy, you do kite, right?).

There is so much spell synergy in the tree, you just have to make the right choices to take advantage of it.

such ignorance.
weapons have better crit nodes than spells. infact there is really only one spell only crit notable. that one 60%

where as right next to it in the same area are 2 40% crit / physical dagger noteables (hint melee weapons)

and on the left side of the tree is the 150% crit node bubbles for one hand and two hand respectively , with an extra 50% 2 hander in the staff bubble. and there is an extra 1 handed crit node bubble down in the lower left near bm.

on top of this you can get a melee weapon with 6.5 base crit which is on par to most spells.

the only difference between a crit melee build , and a non crit melee build is the presence or absence of int or strength nodes respectively.

the 120 or so strength lost while traveling the tree to get the crit passives is almost trivial considering many melee builds can have str easily in the 300 area. Well over item reqs

do i need to mention the 9 - 11 base crit daggers which have double the base crit of traditional crit spells? or the double dip crit roll on weapons?

get your fact straight before you spout nonsense.

the scion was put in the game for a reason and she can EASILY get crit nodes in every part of the tree.

also that is a thing
Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Dec 3, 2013, 1:35:02 PM
Sinnesteuer wrote:
Saltychipmunk wrote:

also spells have exactly one benefit over melee , ranged , they don't need accuracy.

4 - 5 accuracy nodes or a dex based crit character can easily get 90% accuracy

this is why more and more resolute builds are switching over to abysses and crit, crit is huuuge.

crit is the face roll stat for any build in the game , its the difference between a 20k damage ceiling and a 200k damage ceiling.

And where on the passive tree might I find a whole metric crapton of chance to crit or chance to crit with spell nodes? Oh, up the caster area, you say...

What about support gems that increase both chance to crit and crit multiplier, what stat is associated with those? Oh, the same one that can offer a good deal of other useful benefit to a toon with, say, a high mana pool and potentially huge regen factor, you say...

But caster builds are trash, right? Spells blow, right?

I deny the premise of the initial post. I reiterate the statement that player choice, and the consequence thereof, is not the responsibility of GGG.

Sure, you can decide to build an Ice Spear/FP + LMP + Cold Pen + Crit chance + Crit Multi Marauder and power it with Blood Magic, and I have no doubt that it could perform.

But, starting from the Witch or Shadow base and going with ES/EV for protection with as high an Arctic Armor as you can maintain while running without noticeable mana degen, taking advantage of powerful and accessible aura nodes for other boosts (Haste + Discipline = so OP), and maximizing your ability to apply elemental effects to EVERY.MOB.IN.THE.GAME. will make your enjoyment of spell usage far greater.

That you can also use unlinked sockets to provide even nominal mob distraction is a total bonus. 2L Spell Totem + Summon Skeletons = totally OP to the point of content trivialization, TBH, without any passive investment, if all you are looking for is initial engagement meatshield and occasional "Whoa, too hot" because you got cocky, 4L in +2 minion hat with minion support gems for tankier skeles with high aggro rating and stop whining about being targeted as a caster. Even unlinked Decoy Totem placed prior to engagement and maintained as needed works wonders, and you should almost be ashamed not to use one if you have no other aggro draw.

Crit is the DPS equalizer for elemental/ranged, so the DPS question is moot. INB4 "but melee can get crit too!!!11one1!" Yes, they can, but with nowhere near the same level of + % chance and/or + % multiplier, nor with the same advantages from application of elemental status effects (frozen mobs can't attack, chilled mobs attack/move more slowly, shocked stacks to increase incoming damage, ignition for DoT while you kite - you do kite as a caster, please, for the love of all that is holy, you do kite, right?).

There is so much spell synergy in the tree, you just have to make the right choices to take advantage of it.

dude start running lvl 70+ maps as a caster or as a melee and THEN come back.

All those thigns you said can be done by attacks, better than by spells.

You can't really "kite" as a caster dude. Go play high end maps and come back when every single mob has either leap, or flicker, or jumps, or extra speed, or whirlwind blades.

As for having to run as an int user to run crit... yeah go do that, or pick up the huge +% crit chance for the weapon you are using (like +140% crit chance for 3 nodes by the templar area, or the +125% crit when dual wielding down by the ranger/duelist area, or every single cluster of a weapon specific passive that has crit)

Tell me a non-discharge non cast on crit (which insidentaly makes the best way to cast spells an attack...)that can run up to the numbers of a normal melee build (like having 20k HUGE AOE dps +14% life leech with gear worth ~1ex)

Seriously, your highest level character is 64 , so please, go roll a high end caster first and THEN come to talk here.
Last edited by shroudb#3225 on Dec 3, 2013, 1:44:24 PM

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