Incident Report for 1.0.2 deployment downtime

I love your game, but I think you could serve humanity better by teaching companies how to communicate.

Is NZ game-customer-support heaven?
You guys have no need to feel bad IMO. Problems happen, that's a part of life.

As long as GGG keeps talking to us like this thread, keep us in the loop (something most studios would shudder at) we will be here for you. Its nice to feel included, to feel like a part of the "team", even if we are thousands of miles away and not under your employ.

Keep doing good, keep talking to us like you did through the patch issues and after, and keep smiling. :D
All statements are intended to be read as my opinion unless otherwise stated as fact.
All statements asserted as facts are subject to revision. :D
Within 50 minutes you encountered a problem, deployed a temporary fix, made important on-the-spot calls, found and fixed the problem and then released the patch as normal.

And then took the time to write all that.

Good job mate.
Last edited by Hojirozame#7390 on Nov 29, 2013, 9:21:42 AM
Thanks for this.
IGN @Baezil
Q: I downloaded the original 1.0.2 file, then there was a rollback but I never updated back to 1.0.1c (went to bed)

This morning I start up the game and it launches instantly. Shouldn't there of been a file update that was added to the Original file?
Thanks for this GGG. It's funny because when things like this happen without information, I think to myself "What the hell, didn't they test this?"

But after seeing the whole story, I think to myself "Holy shit, how did they notice that and correct it in 40 minutes?"
veritasdoinwork wrote:
Q: I downloaded the original 1.0.2 file, then there was a rollback but I never updated back to 1.0.1c (went to bed)

This morning I start up the game and it launches instantly. Shouldn't there of been a file update that was added to the Original file?

Have you run PackCheck.exe in the game directory? That might tell you if anything is missing...

Also, although I certainly didn't understand everything said about the problem and the fix, it sounded to me like it just had to do with the database, not the patch itself, so I don't *think* the patch changed at all from the time of it's initial deployment...

You could always play and then if you have problems do a reinstall... :)
MeteorKnuckle wrote:
Posts like these are exactly why I respect GGG and what you do for the community; you wouldn't likely see any kind of post like this on another game's forums.

Thanks to you for letting us know what happened, and showing us a little of what's under the hood.

Mivo wrote:
Far more than most companies would voluntarily offer to their customers and users. Thank you! It really is appreciated.

Impressive! I really appreciate the transparency.

Owning up and admitting fault so strongly and personally for something that was fixed within an hour may be a little overkill though. You don't need to whip yourself over something like this :P.
I think the report should be read out, with tense action music in the background.
If GGG chickens made an action RPG, what would it be called? Path of Eggxile, a Peck 'n' Slash RPG.
Why was the helmet spluttering? It was a coif.

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