[VIDEO]The Battle Mage/Witch - CI cold crit [NEMESIS]
Hi guys! sry if im not replying but i have been really busy latelly with the 1week race and im currently in top40 already for my demi but as soon as im done i will answer them ^^
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have you been using ny kind of IIR/IIQ gear ? anything you think i could sawp for it ?
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ive been following this build from lvl 1 am lvl 58 now , and just recently switch to a 5 link , and upgraded my freezing pulse to 20%, i would say my dps increase dramatically in terms of crowd control because of the added range on the FP. I would highly recommend upgrading qlty on FP is priority at merceles. here is my current gear am running and build atm
i recently just bought the shield for the lighning resist cause i was getting my butt kick in and i could finally sustain 2 aura's now for first time with reduced mana gem, the trick with keeping you mana is positioning your attacks with FP, you wanan hit as many mobs as possible to sustainyour leeching, and also am not running GMP atm, its just too much mana, so am running a totem/icespear just better crowd control. Please critique my build for improvement |
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" This is hard to take some IIR/IIQ in this build because you have to take 4 uniques, and you have to cap with the items left. In fact, aiming for double res items 35+res give you some possibility to get some mf. Imagine without life or block but with IIR. Not easy to get, or very exepensive. " A lvl 58 build is not easy to criticise. This build is really hard in low levels. I think it become easier around lvl 70. In your build, you are not using . That's the first wrong point. Stun and frozen are the easiest way to kill a FP x) Try getting at list the stun amulet. Then you got some life on your build, so i think you are not yet using CI right? You will have to take it soon, so try to switch your belt for an ES 35+ belt with good res. To run CI, i think you have to be around 3000 ES at least, and having a good sustain. If you can afford it, try to get CWDT + Enduring Cry + Decoy Totem + something else (Cold Snap/Molten shell (a little boost of 2% reduc) or what you prefer). This give you a good survivability. I hope my answer will be enough for you guys, i'm not the one who did the guide, but i'm playing it for 2 weeks now and i think i've understand it. Only lvl 74 but actually i can run 70+ maps. I'm not found of the power of FP in group, but alone it's really good =) |
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yea the amulet and the ring is my next item list, but i dont have the funds to buy it atm. am not running CI yet am around 2500+ ES with discipline buff! as the decoy totem you think its better than the icespear/totem combo? and also out of topic what do you think is the highest dps witch build atm? just wondering since am new to the game and still learning
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" You can run both. This build doesn't need lot of socket. Normaly, you have at least weapon and shield of free. So you can make your totem on 1, and CWDT (Cast When dammage taken)+decoy+enduring on the other one. Enduring is really good. For decoy, some play with summon skeleton. I prefer decoy because it's less laggy than summon and because it's taunting. In fact, the more people running decoy totem/cwdt, the more taunt there is. At the end, with 4 decoy and more, the mob don't even attack you, they are always attracted by one decoy. " I just know some of the best build at the moment : Blender, Discharge, Cyclone+EK. Discharge can be runned by a witch, better for a scion because more crit nods near scion. Then, you'll have to understand that this game is not base on the trinity : Tank/DPS/Heal. As you understood it, there isn't any healer. Then, some build are really tanky, with a solo dps wchich is enough for solo. But you can't play full dps. This is not good in end game. You have to take some armor or block, or whatever. |
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Hello i like your build very nice work!
Last edited by Snowmanmc87#6407 on Jan 7, 2014, 8:04:39 PM
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" I'm gonna have to say no. The highest witch builds, while being noob-friendly and affordable, are any builds that don't involve casting spells. Physical damage-based attacks like the simplest of all, ground slam, completely outscale any normal, classic witch spell caster build in terms of damage. Discharge does do a lot of damage, but it is neither affordable nor noob-friendly. In fact, it might just be the most difficult build of them all to play. Last edited by Kiedel#3585 on Jan 8, 2014, 12:47:24 AM
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i i dont really like the other witch build summoners/fire. feels too tacky kinda like spamming spells, positioning and what not, this build is amazing in party and trash mobs but a bit lacking on single target dmg, i tend to have problems on bosses sometimes, in terms of kiting.
Last edited by maradoods#1591 on Jan 8, 2014, 2:48:08 PM
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Maradoods, you're not making any sense. You are saying that you don't like summons / fire - and in the same post you say you can't kite? And I'm telling you that you should use at least summon skeletons on a spell totem so bosses attack the skellies, not you, and you don't have to kite.
Or use a bear trap / freeze mine to lock down bosses. People who run away usually do no dps. Feel free to ignore my post as well if you don't like what I have to say. (hint: yes, that is criticism, hitten behind cynicism.) |
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