Jan 14: One-week HC Race
" This is important to notice also check thread in General chat about getting rid of 1 week races. Best regards, Fary :) GGG thank you for all the great things you are doing. You have combined every element of all other great Rpg's and joined them together as one Diamond, that will shine Forever. This is coming straight from the heart <3 Last edited by Farystar#1705 on Jan 21, 2013, 10:22:13 AM
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" Makes me wonder if they are going to bump up the base item on this and maybe some others (like Kaom's chest) or have them much more common in open beta. 66 maps are going to be run nonstop from day 2-3 on . . . if you could reliably get Glare and Kaom's instead of them being ungodly rare items then BM + pick-your-arrow seems a little unbalanced. Sick that you guys got a glare though. I think HC went the ENTIRE cycle from when it was introduced till the next wipe without one dropping. The only real problem with this race is that it's the end of closed beta so nothing stays. I played 16 hours just to mess around. Most people play the long races just to pick up some free currency and try stuff in a fresh economy and not to put in the time to win anyways. 1-4 week races started as testing grounds for new patches, hopefully it stays the same in OB (aka maybe 1 lengthy race per patch). Last edited by samuraiduel#4129 on Jan 21, 2013, 10:43:00 AM
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" The only problem with this, nugiyen, is what is defined by "your group". Your starting group? The group you form when someone dead? Your group everytime? If the last, its the same as now. If the first, then if you die what happens? Cant join other people for parties because you can't trade with them? Interesting idea, but I dont see an easy way to implement it well. PS: congratz for the win, nice streams. But booooooring totems :/ IGN: Gonorreitor Last edited by Valmar#3550 on Jan 21, 2013, 11:07:17 AM
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" I think these kind of races are for almost everyone. Even if we are not able to compete at the Top or get a DemiGod, we are learning, expierencing a very special way to play the game & finally can acomplish our own goals (stay alive, get 50 or to Endgame, ...). Besides that I really like to watch the competition, the streams, the chat ... the deaths ;) Keep calm, play PoE, drink Tea & listen to Prog!
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Met some new amazing people, this was really fun!
First range character, so easy! Also ended up using lightning arrow in the last day, because apparently chain/split arrow was making us d/c from maps, anyone else? gratz to falseking/dabz/race_bot for demi's, cant beleive if i didnt miss those 10-12 hours from late xmas party I might have done it aswell. only "really" close call was the double brutus cybrix died on, rip!
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" I find this highly condescending to all of the people who participated in the race. I understand that you're an alpha member and have a lot of experience in the game, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to win. People spent a tremendous amount of time this week playing. Suggesting that some of the "older" or "better" players, who chose not to compete, would have been able to come in and win for sure is extremely disrespectful to all of us who played. I do admit though that I understand the map mechanics a lot better now that the race is over. Also, Magnicon (aka LifesPresence) and IMDisappoint (aka Duqqa) were melee based GMP Freeze Pulse Marauder and a Lightning Strike Duelist my group. Why wouldn't you put much stock in a race ending right before open beta? I would put a put a tremendous amount in it. People were using what they found to be the strongest builds through all of closed beta in the race. I'm sure GGG is going to use the data from the race to help tweak and balance open beta, ESPECIALLY since this is happening right before open beta comes out. Last edited by Pastromy#5792 on Jan 21, 2013, 1:05:14 PM
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GG WP Everyone, Had a great time, hope to see you all in OB!
Also, want to give a big thanks to everyone I grouped with for the race: JesusPlayedHC, DebrahBushi, Kluddtemp, and Takashixtoofksuk. Special thanks to those that helped us out immensely along the way as well: DontReflectMeBro and NEEDFAWKINGCHAIN. Cheers. Last edited by Enzomatica#4286 on Jan 21, 2013, 3:38:39 PM
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Rank 14, 4% of a bar away from 82, maybe if I wouldn't have taken so many smoke breaks threw out the week I would have gotten there.
Ran as a group of 3 from the start with Gaming_Rendo and FoolyCoolant, fun times, between Rendo yelling at his kids and Fooly's cat making some very strange meows I was always entertained. Teamed up with Pastromy, Magnicon2, and IMDisappoint during the final days of the race for a full group in which all of us made the top 20 and 2 people made top 10. If it wasn't for nugiyen's group trading us a 68 map for all of our remaining chisels, which wasn't alot, it wouldn't have been possible, so thanks to those guys. Last but not least, thanks to the RNG gods. That one 68 map turned into another 68 map, that map then turned into a 69, 2x 68, 67, 2x 66. We payed our respects. I played a spork totem Templar, something I will never play again, its just way to boring. Don't think I will ever participate in another week long race, I really prefer the short 1-3 hour races. The week long races are fun, but the fact I had to give up a nights worth of sleep just makes me not want to bother with them, and some people gave up way more sleep than that. I think "seeing who can stay up longer" is a silly form of competition. My crappy gear. Was sitting at 9kish ES with Discipline. Really needed better boots.
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" http://www.twitch.tv/rhoxxx
follow the stream :) |
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" You just need to implement this is group registration for the events. People register in teams of up to 6 *accounts* and they can't trade outside of that group. If your character dies then you'll just have to make a new one. After all, the race is about *not* dying while being most efficient. You start with a quota of 8h and after every 24h you gain another 8h. If you reach you quota at any point, you can't leave the city. And if this happens while playing, you could gain a curse that reduces your XP gain, item drops, damage and all regens to 0. |