Descent Champions - Gravicius is OVERPOWERED
" Wish I could say the same about shadow. You get dumpster gems, kill slower than most other classes, and there are zero fire resist nodes. Fastest killing i've done was EK and it was on par (AOE wise) with most of the other classes but bear trap was just bad single target. You just start to slow down once you get to inner halls because EK damage is based on gem level instead of your weapon. I wish I was given more regret orbs so I could just swap to melee splash Double strike but yeah, im not really sure if it's really possible given the time window for a shadow to kill Gravicius unless they got spectral throw to drop, I'm sure they've done absolutely no testing on shadow because I don't think any shadow is even broken 25 yet unless they've found spectral throw. Last edited by Rithz#0502 on Dec 29, 2013, 9:23:13 PM
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Well, i'll just say it...
I was thinking of using Ashes of the Sun for the ignite duration and burning damage and use Fireball. Not sure if the duration is enough to outlast his nova.
I think some Ranger did it with Poison Arrow. Don't Shadows get Viper Strike? |
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Shadows get viper strike, but I don't think you'll kill Gravicius without a +1 to melee gem weapon compatible with viper strike. Rangers use poison arrow, but still do quite a lot of direct damage; it's not just the DoT.
Shadows have 3 main issues in the race: 1) The current optimal route for shadow (imo) doesn't get a guaranteed ruby ring to drop, so you need to get lucky to get one to drop during the race to even have a shot at Gravicius. 2) Because you're playing as a caster, you don't want to waste currency rolling for melee mods. This makes getting a +1 melee gem weapon hard. You only get 6 regrets during the race, which is just barely enough to get the DoT nodes at level 23ish. However, getting to 23 is hard because.. 3) As mentioned by Rithz, your damage tapers off starting in Inner halls, where the mobs have a huge amount of hp. Your clear speed here starts to really suck, so you begin to start having to decide to rush towards Gravicius or to just get more exp grinding out mobs. The latter is obviously much more consistent. Very few shadows have hit 23, which is usually enough to win rank 1 shadow. I have the current record at 24.5 (I think?), where I got insane blue pack luck in the inner halls. In that run, I actually reached Gravicius with 5 minutes left at level 23, but I didn't have a ruby ring or a +1 melee weapon. So while it's probably doable as a Shadow, you will never get anywhere near the consistency that all the weapon based classes appear to be able to get. |
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Meanwhile, in my 2nd to last DC race as scion, i reached gravicius with 2% fire res and put him down in under 2 minutes, and with minimal risk or effort at that.
Mode might be a bit overdue for a chest gem rework. Shame that mid-season rebalancing mentioned at the beginning of the season never occured. IGN: KoTao
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i believe ole gravi is difficult in the descent champions race because he requires a fundamentally different strategy to tackle over everything else.
the main strategy for the first three bosses and indeed most dangerous mobs , is to grind them down with prudent skill choices while keeping ones self out of danger , hence why spectral throw is so good. the problem is that gravi es shield WILL recharge during fire nova , thus the most important thing to fighting him is to be able to damage him during the flame nova. alot of people , myself included, did not have a reliable means to keeping his shield from recharging. the best thing you can use are dot skills that affect the shield . OR face tank him. basically use a flame trap since he is static so the burn on the ground keeps him from recharging or use puncture on an offhand bow. or wear two ruby rings and get some fire resist and just plow through him, the mara has the advantage in this case since he can go through those fire resist nodes on the way to the life leech nodes ,(once you have life leech even 1 % the whole thing gets immeasurably easier) Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Dec 30, 2013, 8:57:38 AM
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I don't think its possible with the chest rewards you are given to kill Gravicius as a Shadow and reach 26 within the 1 hour time limit.
If anyone doesn't believe me I'm going to leave this up for a challenge as shadow: - Kill Gravicus - Hit atleast level 26 - Do it without using any gem drops that are not given to shadows (so if ST, ROA, w/e drops you don't use it) - Provide me proof of the 3 requirements above. Streaming is probably the best but i'll take screenshots although I might be skeptical since I won't know if you used a dropped gem. - First person who does it wins it, if there's a tie in one race then winner gets my end of the season trophy thing. First person to do this and win I'll give you one of my end of the season trophy thing from last season or the season before. For now you have until either I do it or by the end of 1 Hr Descent Champions (S06F018) whichever comes first. Ill reissue it or update it if I feel like it. I'm hoping its either possible or GGG actually takes some action to balance this class properly. Last edited by Rithz#0502 on Jan 9, 2014, 6:05:07 PM
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