Descent Champions - Gravicius is OVERPOWERED

Internal Testing means 6links and good resists?

The main problem on Inner Halls and the Nexus is the need of 2 resist rings of every kind or good Fire Resist rings.

This forces you to take certain path so you certainly have got 2 ruby rings or rely on luck.

It's rather an issue of chest contents than the boss.

Gravicius was killed today in just the 5th race of its kind, by Darni, a Scion. Please do not nerf.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
I think there needs to be some method to recover flask charges like you added on all the previous bosses. This is a fantastic way to solve the no town issue for boss fights. This way players with shitty dps are not punished too heavily.
IGN: Hybris_the_StormHerald - Nemesis
Season 3 - #3 Marauder - #15 overall points
Season 4 - #2 Marauder - #2 Duelist - #9 overall points
Season 5 - #1 Marauder - #2 Duelist - #20 overall points
If Gravicius is indeed the end of the race content, then I am fine with him being as strong as he is. I was eager to try my hand at beating him today, but Rukuku the pagan god of desync pooped on me, and the following run didn't have enough time to make it to him.

I am concerned however about the lack of ruby rings, at least from path that I've gotten used to taking.
That a Witch was the class to beat him doesn't surprise me. I made it there with 59% fire res as a Duelist, closed in to double strike him, and dissolved in around a second and a half. I assume the Fire Nova has the capability to shotgun like most spells? That ability doesn't bode well for single-target melee as a means of killing him.
unsane wrote:
Gravicius was killed today in just the 5th race of its kind, by Darni, a Scion. Please do not nerf.

I also believe TDA killed him as a ranger in the 2nd or 3rd race already?
Hassefar60 wrote:
unsane wrote:
Gravicius was killed today in just the 5th race of its kind, by Darni, a Scion. Please do not nerf.

I also believe TDA killed him as a ranger in the 2nd or 3rd race already?

He sure as hell did.
His poison arrow had like 480 DPS. He knew his shit man!
Had him to 25% life, ran out of life flasks. Impossible to step into the 360 spam for a quick hit to keep his es from recovering (30 fr and 20 life regen at the time) but as poorly as this boss is designed atm (being mostly a fire res / leech check), he shouldnt be a problem to kill in the future.
IGN: KoTao
Qarl wrote:
The first Gravious kill on internal tests was by a witch.

Part of the challenge in Descent: Champions is knowing what you need to build for at the end.

I do not currently believe this boss needs to be nerfed.

You know, this is the internet so seriously pics or I dont believe it.

Not once this entire season was he killed by a Witch or Shadow.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
While I haven't personally killed Grav on a Witch i think i know how to do it.

I just didnt manage to get there in time. The last two zones either took a long time for me or i would just rip trying to rush them.

Granted, im not a top tier racer.

Tip: There's a reason you get basic white weapons off the chest in addition to the unique ones.

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