[1.2.x] Oos' Crit Dagger Capped Block Ranger (Reave / Flicker / Double Strike) Acrobatics or IR
One question though, How come no Accuracy nodes are taken? Is this min maxed skill point allocation, assuming you have accuracy on gear, and/or use accuracy support gem?
I'm loving crit, never did it before...always went RT, but my accuracy is only gonna get lower and lower ( level 39 now, cruel) FTL...Was Shadow. Gonna start over as Ranger. Slightly better it appears, as you can skip the first few meh shadow nodes, where as Ranger is life and evasion rating. Gonna take longer to get dps nodes leveling though. Guess I'll make a bee line for up there. Last edited by DamageIncorporated#7815 on Aug 25, 2014, 4:12:41 AM
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about Flasks
with the new flasks out are they different now or still the same on the front page ? cheers |
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" Flasks are the same to my knowledge. Life flasks got buffed, that's all. |
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" in all truth this build has 32% increased accuracy (20% from finesse and 12% from fencing cluster) with around 600 bese acc rating from dex nodes. This is rather sufficient if you have one item with 300 acc or so for any kind of end game. For instance I have acc on two ring only and with the tree I have 2300 acc which is more than enough, probably more than you want on reflect maps. " two new flask types divine and eternal. Well for PVE use instant divine life flasks. For mana I think sanctified is still better coz of slower recharge. items shop: 364086 ign: [ICU]missuse if you like to HLD, add me inactive in game atm, PM me if you need something. Last edited by missuse#0603 on Aug 25, 2014, 5:32:50 AM
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You link 2 ringgs with 300+ accuracy that are worth handfulls of exalts, and this is needed to have enough accuracy or miss alot. ie: not enough in the layed out build :P
Not bashing the build, i love it, but it's pretty expensive. Daggers are hard to find/expensive, and you want a few hundred accuracy on your jewlery while also being well itemized with resists and life. I don't flip in trade channel all day, ,nor do I have good luck with drops. I'll be farming docks /66-68 maps for the next couple weeks for sure. And flasks got buffed= added a tier or two, same diff :P it changes nothing. Last edited by DamageIncorporated#7815 on Aug 25, 2014, 7:01:35 AM
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" I posted I have 2300 with the two rings, I also posted one would be enough with 300 acc (or 2 with 150-200 each) to be solid in end game content (lvl 77-78 maps). 1500 is all u need basically. Re-read the post please. The fact that I have two gg ring has nothing to do with u, I did not say they are necessary to be able to play and enjoy the build, I just linked them and said my acc is over the top with them. Furthermore as of 1.2 patch u can buy a lvl 75+ dagger for 1 alc of someone in 1 min of trade chat. Spam alts to get 100%+ Phys dmg + crit/atack speed or added phys dmg + crit/attack speed on it and pay some dude a few chaos to use his lvl 7/8 master to craft the missing phys mod. Yea 2 ex for a 300 pDPS dagger with crit or speed for 2 ex. Its that easy. Is 2 ex too much for an end game wep? I really don't think so. items shop: 364086 ign: [ICU]missuse if you like to HLD, add me inactive in game atm, PM me if you need something. Last edited by missuse#0603 on Aug 25, 2014, 7:17:16 AM
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" Now you're just exaggerating. +100% phys damage isn't an end game dagger. No where did I say it should be easy. I'm just saying good daggers are hard to get, and expensive. AS opposed to swords and axes. Much more common. You're holding a straight face being smug about how easy it is to get a well rolled dagger? come on. Last edited by DamageIncorporated#7815 on Aug 25, 2014, 7:49:20 AM
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" adding 14-18 to 26-31 Physical Damage (master crafting) to a 100%+ dagger with crit or attack speed = end game dagger yes u can get a better one, and no u don't need a better one I have 140k reave with my dagger, that has 480 pdPS and 10 crit. Get a 3x worse dagger and u will still have 45k DPS which is enough for palace/ courtyard/ shrine.... items shop: 364086 ign: [ICU]missuse if you like to HLD, add me inactive in game atm, PM me if you need something. Last edited by missuse#0603 on Aug 25, 2014, 8:18:53 AM
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Love this build so far!!! Got around 50k reave at the moment with far from GG gear :)
To Ooos and missuse; What is your thoughts about the synergy between Herald of ice/ash and Hatred? Using Hatred and Herald of ash at the moment but seems like it cancels out the freeze effect of hatred, is this correct? if yes would it be better to use Herald of ice? my gear! Could be better but does the job :) actually doing so much damage that I use item quantity instead of added fire, thats insane! Last edited by Bearbarion#6723 on Aug 25, 2014, 12:08:29 PM
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" The gear of the toon in question yielded I think 88% chance with five charges and about 51% without pre-FM if memory serves. I am indeed going to be using a Bino's and Rat's Nest. I'm just used to pushing 75%+ crit chance on my crit toons, and I'm also used to RNGish CoC setups where high crit is vital to avoiding long streaks of no damage, so that's probably why 50%~ sounds on the low side to me. Bino's isn't exactly slow on its own, so it'd probably even out. Thanks for the input. I'll probably give that tree a shot. Last edited by ConsPark#2414 on Aug 25, 2014, 7:16:28 PM
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