[1.2.x] Oos' Crit Dagger Capped Block Ranger (Reave / Flicker / Double Strike) Acrobatics or IR
" How's the build after the patch now that you might have had some time to test it out? I'm not sure what to do with my Ranger after this patch. I just 6L'ed my legacy LC the other night and want to try to rebuild this build. This is what I have so far: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgIBm40ILu2DGY4AXtN-fXX-uniuSO494tfLTGCjiiP2TZKNfTB8fyvWivzFZ6CHduOfSn3dDSzpytMZtL6nZU29Nkd-hNkvzMGCTUZi7ITvdO167wUtYEteE0CgwL-plQz3rK8blzJOUUfnVCT9_96NvwW1wuy0xdvnRwbYdlb1226X0I6KuT6sZizhfePQ0I_68NVJUZUuBx4RlpAbcFaaE9vUDkhd8nDVidNwUioL8-q1SKZ_7UGxsxa_JpVh4lVLjDZirGyMnapW-nfX-uuS815F I grabbed the 3 resist/eva nodes for the extra evasion but especially for trying to cap my resists. Gear will be 9.79% crit chance Bino's, 6L LC, Atziri's Step, Maligaros Virtuosity and Crest of Perandus. Rings and belt will have dual/triple res, life and maybe phys damage. I don't want to drop my amulet for Stone of Lazhwar because my current amulet provides me with some real nice stats, + to all stats, crit multi, accuracy, mana leech, life and phys damage. So what do you guys think? Last edited by thewretched#1618 on Dec 19, 2014, 6:29:36 PM
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" The build functions very much like it did prepatch, wb into packs of mobs, kill them. You can read mine and Kullevi's posts from the time we had in beyond, it's very much the same still. Tank and kill stuff, use the resflasks, swap in correct purity for certain bosses if needed (dnt/atz etc). I've had zero issues in the 78s I've run postpatch. There's a slight increase in incoming hits but prepatch had stupid high avoidance values. Something that has changed is that there's different choices at different gearlvls now, prepatch the build was very much the same in that you always took acro+block. Now you decide on what the best option with the items you've got. Block with no source of spellblock might not be worth it this patch. I justified block/noacro due to the fact of me playing hc and that block is effectively worth twice as much for me with the source of spellblock. You might want to look into going acro/phaseacro with very few/no block nodes if you decide on not getting spellblock at all. Maybe slap on a nice eva/life/res shield instead in that case? You could just compare what your effective avoidance will be with the different options you got, that's what I did postpatch! Just use your own values! Reason I went spellblock is simply because physical hits almost never hurts at all, especially with cwdt and coil. CWDT+IC is really the main offender with the issue of physhit being either a true oneshot or almost a complete nonissue. IC probably needs a rework somehow, now we only have to have enough life to not be truly oneshot. I really just want enough hitavoidance against very large packs so I can be lazy and not care about them. The things that really do tend to hurt (when it actually happens, which is rarely) is the spells, or a bunch of them at the same time, which is why I try to avoid them as much as possible through gear. There isn't many bosses/mobs in poe where the major threat isn't their spells. I always try to prioritize defenses over damage in hardcore for obvious reasons but if this char was in sc I'd probably be more lax and just take more damage nodes with acro being the easy cheap way to get decent avoidance. The previous build I posted could have even more life/block instead of damage but I only login to do the dailys these days to get my masters lvl8, skipping bloodlines/torment and waiting for act4patch. For sc: Look into if skipping the whole block thing and getting acro is easier/cheaper/better instead. There might be some major different paths you can take if that's the case, hired killer+truestrike+harrier... down to scion life? Eva shield with resists -> drop tempest+pol, run hatred grace ash? haste? HoT coh link? So many options, haven't looked into it much. For hc: Decide on what you prioritize, high hitavoidance or spellavoidance, both? Just remember to get enough life! Once defenses is done, is the damage values acceptable? crit/hit etc. Btw, your current build got some weird shield defense nodes that do nothing if you decide to stick with a perandus. Last edited by Lysithea#1224 on Dec 19, 2014, 8:21:03 PM
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Hi guys!
Looks like melee got the short end of the straw, yet again :) Anybody got a revised tree for duelist start with no block nodes only ondars, acro and phase acro? Think ill give it a shot with phase acro and atziri boots seeing as i never had more than 40% spellblock anyway :) |
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Allright! Finally found some time to respec my duelist. Decided to drop block entirely seeing as it would be hard to cap it any way especially in regards to the acrobatics changes.
Here`s the passive tree, basically Lysithea`s tree without the block nodes. Not sure if this is the best way to go about it but it seems to work pretty well so far :)
And here`s my gear. Only change from before is the Atziri boots for 16% more spelldodge as well as the Invitation belt to make up for the lost resist on boots.
Dps is a little lower than before but Atziri is still a piece of cake...allthough I don`t dare to use abyssus anymore as I get hit slightly more than before. Gems are kind of a mess at the moment, trying out Vengeance and so forth. |
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" You had some 10dex node you didn't need down at ondars and swapped 2dex nodes for +1pcharge. Not sure if the shield defence nodes are worth it with that 600ish eva shield. Try to get some manaleech on gear somewhere to free up those two nodes but only if you still got enough mana left to use your stuff.
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Hey! Yeah was originally planning on using this old shield I`ve had lying around for a ages
Thank`s for the advice regarding the tree, looked it over multiple times but still managed to miss that dex and powernode haha |
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I would love it if you update this build to 1.3 :)
Strange, Ages did not change this Place
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Want to make a reave build using a scion. Was directed here cause people said yours was one of the best to examine but the tree is out of date :( please update to awakening tree I would really appreciate it.
Everyone has "to do" lists. Strange how guys lists are just a bunch of names...
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You can check: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1301888 it was partially inspired by this build
1H+Shield High Block&Spell Block Tank: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/868995
Ice Crash Crit Staff AKA "The Shaterring Karui": https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1289037 Tanky Block+AR+EV Ranger Crit Reave Dagger/Claw: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1301888 |
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" Thanks! Everyone has "to do" lists. Strange how guys lists are just a bunch of names...
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