[1.2.x] Oos' Crit Dagger Capped Block Ranger (Reave / Flicker / Double Strike) Acrobatics or IR

Why not added chaos damage instead of added fire for Reave?
Hellsmith wrote:
Why not added chaos damage instead of added fire for Reave?

Added fire scales off your phys dmg, so it is far more effective than added chaos which only adds a flat amount.
Pupicitas: lv. 100 Shadow
[2.1] Guide for Life based Crit Dagger Reave Shadow: /994474
EU Officer of Umbra Exiles: /732431
tinchop wrote:
Did anyone tested ST with this build?

I played as crit dagger ST til ~lv89 and then respecced into reave for more dmg. Going ST is a good build as well, but it is more defensively orientated. For ST build I would also heavily recommend you to pick up Ondar's snince it allows you to evade your own reflect dmg.
Pupicitas: lv. 100 Shadow
[2.1] Guide for Life based Crit Dagger Reave Shadow: /994474
EU Officer of Umbra Exiles: /732431
Looking for some advice on where to improve guys.

Here's the stats:

Level 51
Act 3 Cruel
HP: 2100
Resists: Fire 27, Cold 35, Light 83
Block: 54%
Reave 6L Dps: 3600


So my damage is pretty good, however survivability is not. Should I have max block by now?

Is it better to run a 4L armor with life and resists rather than Tabulas?

Current skill tree:
Hellsmith wrote:
Looking for some advice on where to improve guys.

Here's the stats:

Level 51
Act 3 Cruel
HP: 2100
Resists: Fire 27, Cold 35, Light 83
Block: 54%
Reave 6L Dps: 3600


So my damage is pretty good, however survivability is not. Should I have max block by now?

Is it better to run a 4L armor with life and resists rather than Tabulas?

Current skill tree:

get the acrobatics cluster and then more life on tree

after that use some respec points u earned in quests and make it looks like this

after that I would head for bloodthirst and from the shadows, than life circle and nightstalker and then for adders touch and block nodes above.

upgrades: 1-5 chaos range should be ok
get rings with life and res
get a belt with life and res (diamond base is best)
get a helm with life and res
get an amulet with life and res (with some crit would be ideal)
put quality on your dagger and start saving for an upgrade

u want to have at least 3k hp and capped resistances asap

I think u can use tabula til end of merc tbh. After that 5L eva of lightning coil.

u want to cap your res and have at least 50 hp on every item that can have it

items shop: 364086
ign: [ICU]missuse
if you like to HLD, add me
inactive in game atm, PM me if you need something.
Last edited by missuse#0603 on Jul 30, 2014, 12:51:03 AM
missuse wrote:

I think u can use tabula til end of merc tbh. After that 5L eva of lightning coil.

How come Lightning Coil is good? Isn't the -60 Light resist bad especially when you take 40% physical as lightning?
If you use Lightning Coil you want to combine it with Purity of Lightning aura. By doing this you can effectively reduce 40% of incoming phys dmg to only ~8% dmg (or ~4% with topaz flask up). This is a very effictive way of physical mitigation without any investment in passive tree. However overcoming the -60% might be a bit tedious depending on your remaining gear.
Pupicitas: lv. 100 Shadow
[2.1] Guide for Life based Crit Dagger Reave Shadow: /994474
EU Officer of Umbra Exiles: /732431
Last edited by candoerfer#1562 on Jul 30, 2014, 1:23:09 PM
i kind of already know the answer but +fire damage is a better support than crit multi? my intuition sais that having added fire is better since you're increasing the base damage from wich it will get multiplied but just want to make sure :P

loving this build!


lvl 64 work in progress ^^
I want to try Atziri in the near future, but Iam not sure if my equip is good enough. Iam using BoR right now, 32k dps reave (with hatred), 4,3k HP.
Is it enough or should I get a 6link chest or a 5 link lightling coil for the boss?
Last edited by Tommycooker1337#1037 on Jul 30, 2014, 7:27:12 PM
I hope this build has the same strength if not more so, when the new expansion hits and changes the passive tree. I found bino's dagger and was really looking forward to making this build. Who knows how the new unique items will affect this build or the new skill gems. HYPE

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