[1.0.1] Dagger Spell Mage 380k pack DPS, 42k solo DPS. (Cast on Crit fun)
I meant that my quality of Berek's Grip sells for about 5ex on Standard. I bought it for something like 10-12 chaos on Nemesis.
Yes, you can find cheaper ones on standard. I've seen them for sale as low as 2ex, but not 1ex. IGN:Tyrion_Abhorsen Last edited by rsrogers4#7387 on Dec 17, 2013, 8:03:26 PM
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How is this build at map clearing? I'm guessing its pretty decent but I just wanted to ask before I get balls deep in this build.
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How do u hit 4 time a second. I hit .69 hits per sec
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" The spells triggered by Cast on Crit can fire every 1/4 of a second. IGN:Tyrion_Abhorsen
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" I just started with maps, and the build is doing great in them so far. No troubles. Tons of DPS. IGN:Tyrion_Abhorsen
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i wonder what crit chance is ok for that,especially vs rare/bosses. all build that i try on poebuilder are very late game. btw does disemboweling(80 crit chance with melee weapons) affect crit chance on spec throw?
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If the POE wiki's description of Spectral Throw is correct, I would guess that Disemboweling would apply. Nightstalker seems to apply (and is included in the OP's build) so I'd say that's another argument for Disemboweling to apply. It is pretty far (26 skill points) away on the tree from everything else, though, so I have no idea how you'd get it.
IGN:Tyrion_Abhorsen Last edited by rsrogers4#7387 on Dec 21, 2013, 3:14:01 PM
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What about using an other spell instead of Increased Critical Damage support ?
Should boost the damage output. What about using Voll's Protector to generate Charges and free a support slot ? Sure, Voll's stats suck really hard, but if you're looking for higher DPS, that's one of the best ways to do so. Currently playing a Wander version of it, with GMP + Chain. Everything melts instantly so far (my computer aswell :D), and wondering how to polish the build with some options : * EB + MoM is one of them, allowing me to spam Frenzy + GMP + Chain + CoC combo and running AA, which allows me to bypass reflect by using Fireball if necessary. * Going Voll's + Blood Magic keystone is an other one, more annoying considering the 300 int through tree (goodbye 150 mana, loved you :'() * Acrobatics cause ... why not, passing by. * Some aura nodes + Conduit for helping your party a bit with 5/7/3 Frenzy/Power/Endurance Charges. Basics (accuracy/95% crit' chance/high crit' mulitplier/+280+% HP) are covered already. I know it's not exactly the same idea as yours, but i'm still hoping someone will give his opinion about the matter :) Tree for reference (lvl 90, a bit high, but still achievable) " Last edited by Iyacthu#6658 on Dec 21, 2013, 5:47:21 PM
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Hey there
i'm fallowing your guide/build, so far so good :D thanks for that 1 question .. what about arctic breath, has more base dmg/range which one is better ? Thanks! :D |
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" Not my guide, but I'll answer because the OP hasn't been around lately. It is true that Arctic Breath has more base damage than Freezing Pulse. However, Freezing Pulse automatically pierces targets, which means one pulse projectile will hit multiple mobs in its path. I suspect that this adds more overall damage than Arctic Breath's explosion, but that depends on the radius of the explosion and how packed the mobs are. I suggest you try Arctic Breath to see if you like it; I may do the same. IGN:Tyrion_Abhorsen
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