TSC: Giving away the chance to make a unique and a custom Avatar! *EVENT* *Winners Announced*

Any news?
Good luck everyone. :)
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vajura wrote:
Any news?

ive gotten 3 from one of the judges. waiting on the others and i still havent selected my 3 just yet. narrowed it down allot. id expect to hear something by tuesday.
"Bullshit, you get the game for free." - Qarl 2014
"The 5x Diamond Supporter"
So tense... I hear drum rolls... can't... wait... much... longer!

Must be tough to choose, there's a lot of really good ideas here.

This has been a lot of fun, thanks to all for running the competition.
Last edited by BlastMonkey#5208 on Dec 15, 2012, 10:20:29 PM
would be nice if everyone got a forum avatar for participating :)
Not a custom one, but everyone who posted in this thread gets one the same
Last edited by H4xolotl#7857 on Dec 15, 2012, 10:39:40 PM
sodium777 wrote:
would be nice if everyone got a forum avatar for participating :)
Not a custom one, but everyone who posted in this thread gets one the same

that would be cool. but i only have 3 available :(
"Bullshit, you get the game for free." - Qarl 2014
"The 5x Diamond Supporter"
I wonder if you could get Chris Wilson as an avatar
You could just slide me that shiny kiwi for my birthday. *grin*
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—Leo Buscaglia

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My beloved pets....
"Bullshit, you get the game for free." - Qarl 2014
"The 5x Diamond Supporter"

So i picked my 3.

I hope to make a vid on tuesday with the winners

Ow you guys wanted to see who i almost picked.

i rounded it down to about 12 uniques myself.

Here's some that where in "my" to 12.

Shaman's Heart p2 anubite

ring of petrification p2 monoploly

Bezerkers’ Rage p2 Covert

Unique Abyssal Axe p3 Altrean

Vaal Elemental Filter p4 magni

labyrinth dweller p5 falcord

Now remember there are 3 other judges still picking there's and allot of you made more then 1 unique idea. I had a really hard time picking my final 3 with so many good idea. Really hard..

Stay tuned on my channel as ill be uploading a vid with the final 12 selected by all judges and ill be selecting the winner and 2 runners up on the vid as well.

Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/XxShadowCastsxX

Good Luck to you all!

"Bullshit, you get the game for free." - Qarl 2014
"The 5x Diamond Supporter"

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