Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

I would really love a beta key. This is my second time applying to the beta because the last email I used to apply was hacked by Drug lords. I tried asking them if they would give it back but they won't. So I had to fly to france and find out where they are keeping it. When I got there I found a place where they had my email on file on the computers. But no trace of who or where they were... To make a long story short I ended up finding them trying to sell my email for prostitution in some crazy underground sex ring. I couldn't get it back, but it was a hell of a trip.
Get a gift beta key please =)
e-mail: domen123@ua.fm
ICQ: 598474745
skype: domen12312
Ьany thanks!
looking for a key! would really appreciate it, I'm dying to play!

i'm looking for a key

Please, send me :)
Would love a key! Lkytiger18@hotmail.com

Thanks a bunch in advance! :)
Last edited by Haterson#7593 on Nov 26, 2012, 3:29:46 AM
I'd love a Beta key also! But being a student my budget is really tight unfortunately...

I'd greatly appreciated if someone with extra key would be kind enough to invite me to join the beta!

Thank you!

I would love a beta key, I'll even trade for one of my DoTA 2 keys
would like a key aswell :>
If anyone have a spare key, i wouldn't mind taking it off your hands :)
a beta key would be great ^^

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