Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

I'm looking for a key as well :)
I'm reallly interested in playing this game ASAP. I have played Diablo II LoD like crazy before D3 came out. I am huge fan of Diablo and this seems like it is similar. If you have an extra key or anything, help me out pls. PM me if you will.

Lal when i look at names everyone is beta member ;D i'd like to join too ^_^
Welcome guys :)
I particpated in some free weekends and I LOVE this game. However, i don't have money to spend on activation and would be really thankful if somebody could bestow me a beta key :).

email: sigick@gmail.com
I would love a beta key, I made a thread earlier requesting to trade for one before I noticed the stickied post informing that it's against the rules, my apologies.

Will be very grateful if anyone actually handed me a key.
i would be very thankful for key for now. i just would like if it's worth of supporting :)
Please give me a beta key, i'm waiting since months :(
I really want a BETA-key! This game looks so awesome I've been waiting and waiting for one. If anyone can spare their invite-a-friend on me, please! help me out!
I would really appreciate a beta key invite if anyone could spare one.
BETA key = will bend over.
but seriously beta key would be nice.
PM or txt me 5419819474 xD

update: i bought one! :D needed to play so bad :D
Last edited by bl1tz_devil#1534 on Nov 26, 2012, 7:07:38 PM

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