Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

Would love a beta key for this game. I'm fine with buying one soon since I'm going to play this game on release and spend money in the cash shop but might as well try here first.
Could someone give me betakey? :) steckel@onet.eu
I'd like one too, even tho I'll never get it :)

I used to bust tables, now I bust rhymes.

If someone invites me I can return the favor by inviting them with a smite beta invite
If some kind soul has a spare key, I'd really appreciate the opportunity to play.

Many thanks.
I fell in love with this game the first 15 minutes. I will be an avid PoE'er. Please PM me a Beta Invite
PM me if anyone would be so kind. I'd owe them a unique item.
I really like this game and i'll be very glad if someone give me a beta key. If you can pm me =D.
I`d love to play this Game! As D3 was released I was hoping for a better D2 with improved graphics and Gameplay..

I think most you know the rest of the story :(

If you have a beta key available for me, I would really appreciate it.
Looking to trade a smite Beta key for a Path of Exile Key


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