Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

If somebody have extra key plz send it, Im waiting a bit for mine, but haven't got any yet. ;]
iso key, thank you
Im waiting for an invite, If anyone has an extra one, please send, Im trying to join my friends in game :P
Guys, i created this account lost of months in the past, and i can't get beta key, so maybe you have any extra key and you can send it to me? Thanks ;))) (Sorry for bad english, i'm Lithuanian)
Awaiting invite for this amazing game, cannot participate in HC race without account :-/
if anyone has an extra key i would like one, please
A beta key would be nice :)
IGN: DeHuulk
Been playing the open beta sept. 14-16 and im fairly enjoying it. Would love it if i can continue after the open beta is finished
got any spares left?

got y hopes up looking at the stress test and then read more and found out that it may be another several months of closed beta -_-
can i getone my emailis makuzon@gmail.com

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