Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

I would love to be a tester for this game, I would like to see it from rise to finish.
5 month no luck with beta inviter , if some one have key plz share it , i would be very grateful !

Thx and Good luck !

krzysztofmaslowskimaslo@gmail.com if someone have key pls send me
A lot of time without the key !
( I was using other forum name either )
If someone have big heart i will appreciate the invite !

regards guys!
Wouldn't mind a key
Hey, invite someone to beta?, I would be very happy. : D
hey invite me pls

e-mail: armin.rohde@gmx.net
would very much like an invite :D
Door to door soliciting war
Feeble man with salvation as sword...
I would enjoy a beta key.
Please let me have a beta key lol

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