Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

Looking for a beta key :D

Probably won't get one but for this game, it's definitely worth a try:


I came, I saw, I conquered.
Thanks System for the Beta Key!
if anyone would like to invite me, i would be glad to play with anyone!
I fear no God, I fear no Devils.
like everyone else, im also looking for a beta key: i would loooove to try out this game

my e-mail is:


I would love a invite so pls pm me
been waiting a lot for a beta key and nothing. its like waiting for a d3 beta invite.

If some1 has a beta key to spare, i would love one :D
Invite Please been waiting since May 18th Just PM me the key thanks i'll make sure i past it on to others
Man I sure wish I could get a key... D=
yeah. well. I am not waiting for such a long time as many others here, but I decently want to play PoE as hackin'slay is my most loved gameplay. I used to play D2 a loooong time with an active battle.net acc but it got hacked and everything is gone.. D= i am so despaired and looking for something new now.

so if anyone would have an invite for me - i would just appreciate it so much!

thanks for reading this!

Anyways: give strangers from europe a chance :D
Gamer? Defo,maybe someone gone give me a key :P
My friends showed me the gameplayvideo of this game, and I fell in love with it on that spot! The same dark atmosphere that could be found in the first Diablo. This seems like something I've been waiting for so long! If I get a beta key, I can finally stop playing D2 after all these years :) None of the games after D2 have just been up to the challenge, but I hope this game would change that fact!
I put the fun in the dysfunctional.

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