Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

I'd would greatly appreciate an invite.
kalkalash? Crab juice?
I want...
i want...
给我个Key吧~远隔重洋,还在用谷歌翻译 我容易吗?最好顺便提供游戏下载地址!谢谢管理员 我等消息去了。

My e-mail address:zy.e@163.com
Would be awesome to be able to participate in the beta :) So yea... I'd like one :D
Would love to get one too)
cant wait to play and test the game
hey would be damned cool if someone would send me an invite my mail adress is Fat4age@gmail.com

i'll owe you a favor if you'll help :P
If anyone has a spare key, id be very grateful if you could give it to me. PM me if you do, please.

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