Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

Would like an invite. Hopefully someone is feeling generous :)
Wouldn't hurt to try :)
New here just recently found out about PoE, what a shame wasted time on other mmo's =\

If any kind sir/ma'am can, pm me a beta key :>
W8ing over a month, yet no key randomed :S
I'd apricciate a key, or an active acc to share...
pls me = joonastheguru@hotmail.com <3
hello everybody!
im not even sure anyone still reads this but i'd love one if someone is willing to extend a hand of kindness :)
I also will try and ask Lady Luck for a favor of getting me a key either by invite algorithm or by means of kind person with extra friend invite :)
I haven't had a MMO to fully indulge in since my Shadowbane days.

I don't have much left to live off. Running out of good games to hold me over, there isn;t much time left.

Any donations are appreciated. :)
Please invite me if you have an extra invitation , thank you !

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