Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

Obviously would love a key code if anyone has an extra. Thanks in advance and thanks afterwards too, if you like.
judt done
I would love to get a key if anyone has a spare one. ;)
IGN: StrangerDangerImARanger
I'd love to get a key too if there are any left!
If any of you feel that I am deserving enough to bestow a key upon then please let me know as soon as possible. Your love and kindness towards a stranger will be commended.
would love the chance to test the game, give feedback and kill monsters
Alvana is a saint, thanks so much for the easter egg beta key!

Beta as of 10:12am forum time Oct 7, 2011
invite me :( i've been a member since february and no key yet:(
trying my luck for a beta key... acedude(at)gmail(dot)com
I'm a newly transferred student to my college and would love something to do. thanks.
invite me =))
In Game:MiguelBain
gli_to@yahoo.com please if you have a extra please please send :)))

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